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Is that it? He’s not even going to acknowledge me after last night?

This cannot be excused by going into a default work mode, this is completely ignoring someone you slept with and connected with.

After all the fleeting moments of tenderness and sweetness, the flirting and the chivalry, I knew I shouldn’t expect much from him, but I at least expected basic decency.

I wait for another minute and then turn away. This is not how I saw this going.

Maybe I got lost in the fantasy of it for a moment, but I was always realistic about where it would end. In none of those scenarios did I see him ignoring me after sleeping with me.

My chest feels heavy, and I can feel tears forming in my eyes.

I run to the room I was staying in and throw my clothes into my suitcase.

Tears run down my face as I collect the rest of my things.

Sienna walks by and I make sure my back is turned so she can’t see me crying.

“The storm has cleared now, so you’re free to go home,” she says. “The jet will be here in an hour. Let me know if you need anything.”

I do my best to keep my voice upbeat. “Thanks!”

I hear her footsteps go further away and I let out a sob.

I feel stupid for crying. I feel stupid for caring.

I jump in the shower to try and wash away my distress. I try to remind myself of who I am and why I’m here.

I don’t want to taint the past twenty-four hours with something I could’ve misread. Maybe he was just in the middle of an intense work phone call, and he’ll be back to himself once we’re on the jet.

I think about everything that has happened since I got to his house.

Surely I didn’t imagine the tension between us these past few days.

Maybe it has all been in my head, though. Maybe I wanted someone to like me so badly that I misread it all. Maybe Aaron just wanted to get laid.

I take a deep breath and convince myself that I’m just overreacting.

I meet him out at the airstrip, because apparently his house has one of those.

I say goodbye to Sienna, and she hands me a bag full of Chef’s special sauce, along with his phone number in case I ever need a refill.

I hug her tight because I have a feeling this is the last time I will ever see her.

She smiles at me. “Take care of yourself.”

I smile back, but I feel like there’s a dark cloud hovering over me.

I get comfortable in one of the seats. There’s an iPad, headphones, a sleep mask, and water set out on the table in front.

I look around at the luxurious private plane and wonder how people ever go back to flying commercial after this. It’s magnificent.

I try to give myself a pep talk as I wait for Aaron to board the plane.

It’s okay. He was just busy with a work call. He’s not ignoring me. It’s all going to be okay.

I look out the window at the lush green grass leading up to the basketball court and sigh. I can’t help the pit in my stomach that forms just thinking about the fact that I won’t be back here.

I can’t quite put my finger on what I’m going to miss, but I feel a deep sadness at the thought of leaving. It could be because this is the first time in a long time that I’ve felt free, but it could also be the person that was with me.
