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She bites her lip. “It looks like Aaron sent you the money directly.”

I look at my phone screen. She’s right; it wasn’t sent from the production company, but from Aaron’s company.

I look at Danielle. “I can’t accept it, can I?”

She shrugs. “I can’t tell you what to do, but I know whatever is going on with you has to do with him. If I had more information, maybe I could help you make an informed decision.”

Even drunk, she’s logical. That’s just how her lawyer brain works.

She already offered to sue the media company on my behalf, but I told her I just wanted to be done with it. I don’t want to cause any issues or make it harder for Aaron in the media.

Tiffany definitely pulled a rabbit out of a hat with the PR spin she put on the show being cut short. I don’t know how she managed it, but it made both the production company and Aaron come out looking like good guys.

I think back to Aaron telling me why he had a fight in the first place and how the problem could’ve been solved by telling the truth, but instead he let his business suffer.

How is someone who does that the same person that has ignored me since the day after we slept together? It doesn’t make sense and it’s driving me crazy.

I lead her outside, the night air cool on my skin. “We slept together, Aaron and me.”

Her forehead creases. “Honey, I could have guessed that much. I still don’t understand why you’re so upset, though.”

I sigh. “We had a day of just us two and it felt like we had a connection and then we slept together and spent the night chatting and kissing and since I got up the next morning he’s ignored me.”

Her mouth pops open. “No!”

“Yep.” I sigh.

She puts her arm around me. “Why didn’t you tell me? I thought you killed someone over there and didn’t want to tell me.”

I let out a dry laugh. “Because it’s embarrassing. I feel stupid and pathetic. How could I believe he was a good guy? With my track record, I should’ve seen the signs.”

She hugs me tighter. “Because Aaron isn’t like your exes and seemed like a decent guy. This is not on you at all.”

I want to believe her. I do.

She pulls out of our embrace. “And if you had told me sooner, I would’ve gotten you out of your pity spiral because I know for a fact that you would’ve been going on and on about how you missed the signs and how you exaggerated everything in your head.”

I bite my lip. “You don’t know me.”

She laughs. “Oh honey, but I do.”

I let out a massive sigh. It does feel good to talk about it. “I just feel stupid.”

She walks me back inside the club. “I know, but you should still take the money.”

I stop walking. “I don’t know if I can do that. It doesn’t feel right.” I look to her. “What do you think I should do?”

She studies my face while biting the inside of her cheek. “I understand why you’re hesitant, but don’t make any permanent decisions right now, okay? Let’s go get a drink and just have a good night.”

I walk into the club, and I’m suddenly hit with an idea. I know exactly what I’m going to do.

The morning light feels like it’s piercing through my skull.

The sound of the coffee machine bangs against my head like a hammer.

I’m not feeling good in the head region on all accounts.

I don’t feel good at all but I can’t avoid what I need to do today. I have to do it before I lose my nerve.
