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Now I’m wondering what would’ve happened if I had been brave.

I could’ve cut down on my work hours. I could’ve come home to her every day. We could’ve vacationed in The Bahamas whenever we wanted. We could’ve had kids and a life. We could’ve been happy.

I know what all that is, though. It’s a fantasy.

I sigh as I look around the boardroom.

The morning after the big deal went through, I had to put out fires elsewhere because of the TV show falling through and a different deal falling flat.

Yesterday I found out that the production company responsible for the reality show voided all the contracts and won’t be paying anyone.

I was furious. Everything looks good for them thanks to Tiffany and then they go and do this knowing we wouldn’t risk bad PR by exposing them.

I had to take things into my own hands, so I sent all the girls the money they were owed.

I sent Millie a little bit extra. I couldn’t help myself. I needed to make sure she’d be okay.

The thought of her moving on with her life is painful, but at least I know that with the money I’m giving her, she’ll be taken care of.

I’ve become a little bit resentful of my work keeping me from Millie. I just hope she’s happy.

It’s arrogant of me to think she even gave me a second thought after the way I treated her.

She’s too good for me, anyway. I wouldn’t have a proper shot with her now that we’re back to our normal lives.

Finally, the meeting ends and I bolt out the door so I can’t get cornered again. I can’t be late for my next meeting.

I race downstairs to get out of the building as quickly as possible and as I walk out of one of the glass doors I freeze.

Am I hallucinating? Did thinking about her make her appear? That’s ridiculous. I’m officially losing my mind.

I look over at Millie, hunched over and looking extremely pale. I rush over to her and try to steady her, but she looks like she’s going to throw up.

This isn’t the right time to be thinking about this but I can’t help it, I’m so glad to be close to her again. I’m glad to be near her.

She murmurs something but I can’t understand her.

I steady her as she hunches further over. “Hey, it’s okay. Just…”

She fumbles over herself, still trying to get words out.

I try to get myself into a better position to help her, but she keeps trying to talk as she squirms out of my grip. She mumbles something about money, but I’m focused on trying to help her.

I grab her waist. “Whatever it is, it can wait.”

I must admit, I am curious as to why she’s here. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but she seems very determined to tell me something.

Given our last interaction, it’s not likely to be something good.

She looks up at me, fear in her eyes.

My stomach drops. I hate seeing her like this.

Her entire face loses color and I feel her go limp in my arms.

No, no, no. This can’t be happening.

