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She smiles. “Maybe it’s a recurring theme for a reason. Rest. Let us do our jobs.”

I’ll never get used to having someone help me do everything, but I’m still so thankful for Alison. Even though Aaron’s mom comes to babysit, we needed a little bit extra help with me at college.

Meeting Diane for the first time while pregnant was terrifying, to put it mildly. Luckily, she was thrilled to meet me and was so excited to be a grandmother. We bonded quickly and she has become one of my favorite people. It’s nice having a motherly figure around.

We’ve had long discussions about my mom, and Diane does everything she can to make sure we keep her legacy alive. Weread our son my mom’s favorite books and talk about her all the time.

I couldn’t ask for a better relationship with Aaron’s mom. She has truly been a blessing.

I leave the wing that is now baby Tyler’s and go to our room. I’m still not used to the fact that it’s our room.

There are a lot of things I’m still not used to.

When I got home after my unexpected day at the hospital, Danielle yelled at me for not calling her.

I sat her down and told her I was pregnant.

She didn’t talk for about a minute and then finally said, “I don’t remember us doing it.”

I felt relieved. I don’t know why I expected a different reaction from her. I think I was worried she wouldn’t approve of my choices or maybe it was the hormones running through me making me anxious.

Logically I knew she would support me no matter what, but it’s obviously extremely unexpected and not how I thought I’d end up pregnant.

She smiled and cried and gently tackled me. She excitedly squealed for a minute and nearly passed out.

It was like watching someone act out the emojis on my phone.

After about ten minutes of losing her mind, she went straight into aunty mode and wanted to buy anything and everything, even before we knew we were having a boy.

It’s been a big adjustment living in a house with Aaron instead of an apartment with Danielle, but I still see her all the time. She and her girlfriend Gigi have come over to stay plenty of times since we bought our home in Seattle, and they will be joining us in The Bahamas for the first time tomorrow. I’m so excited to show them around.

When Danielle first introduced me to Gigi, I scolded her for keeping her a secret. She told me she was scared of how intense the relationship felt and that she was worried she was rushing into it.

I pointed to my stomach, and she laughed. I told her I would never judge her and only support her. She said she knew that, but it was more her own fear of commitment.

Gigi bantered about how hopeless Danielle is with relationships and we’ve been besties ever since.

We’ve been trying to organize a trip with them since after Tyler was born, but Danielle got a promotion and was busy at work.

Natalie is also joining us tomorrow.

Danielle and Natalie instantly hit it off when Natalie visited for the first time.

I filled her in about everything when she arrived, and she couldn’t stop laughing. She kept saying she knew that Aaron and I would end up together for real.

I thought it might’ve been weird with Aaron, but they both said they always felt a friendship vibe between them.

Aaron gets along with Natalie’s boyfriend Matt, almost too well. It’s a bromance, for sure.

They’re all coming to join us for a little getaway.

The Bahamas has become our second home, and I couldn’t be happier.

I wasn’t sure how Aaron was going to react when I first told him I was pregnant. I expected him to be mad or freaked out, but instead he was thrilled.

Since then, everything has been a whirlwind.

We decided to date for a while and really get to know each other before we moved in together.
