Page 105 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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“I’m sorry, Luna,” Mateo said as we returned to our seats. “I didn’t think about your morning sickness.” Celeste smiled lightly.

“It’s not your fault. It’s just the enclosed space. I have some granola bars in my purse that Maya gave me before we left if you’re still hungry,” she suggested. Mateo shook his head, his face burning with embarrassment, and we returned to our seats. I couldn't really blame him for not knowing. He was one of the extra five guards we brought with us. He and two others were usually out on the field and had never guarded us. They were good at adjusting on the spot to volatile situations, and they had the advantage of speaking Spanish. I felt Atlas in my head, lowly whining while I asked for more iced tea.

What’s wrong with you?I asked.

That idiot made mate throw up, he answered, which confused me.

Celeste has been throwing up at random things for the last month, I reminded him.

Yes, but Kara is grumpy. She’s saying this is all our fault again, he grumbled, and I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of my mouth.

“What’s funny?” Celeste asked, smiling at me.

“Kara is mad at Atlas. She’s blaming him for the nausea.”

She raised her right eyebrow at my words.

“Well, she’s not wrong. Is she?” she asked me.

“Well, I-I mean...” I started stuttering, my face paling until she burst out laughing at me.

“I’m messing with you. You should see your face. Kara is just sick of losing our lunch.” Everyone behind us started laughing, and I turned around and growled at them. A few stopped, but the rest laughed louder when they noticed the redness on my face. Even Atlas was laughing on his back in my head.

“That was mean, Tuli,” I grumbled when I sat back in my seat.

“Would a kiss make it better?” she purred, pulling on my shirt to bring me over to where her soft, plush lips awaited me.

“Maybe,” I said after we came up for air. I pulled her onto my lap, and we napped that way for the duration of the flight.

“Mr. Salonen, we will be descending shortly. We require your partner to take a seat and put on her seat belt,” she said, and I frowned slightly. This was a human crew, as we'd rented the airplane, so it was normal they wouldn’t know who Celeste was to me. That didn’t sit quite right with me, though, and I made a mental note to remedy that as I helped a sleepy Celeste back onto her seat.

We landed a few minutes later, and I was glad to see Celeste was a little less nervous on the way down. A few of our warriors descended first before I helped Celeste down the stairs of the plane. Three long black SUVs were waiting for us when we arrived to transport the eleven of us. I approached the man in the front waiting for us.

“Alpha Markus, Luna Celeste,” the man said in a heavy accent. “Welcome to Mexico. I am Gamma Tomas.” He finished, extending his hand.

Chapter forty-one


Ilookedaroundaswe exited the airplane. The first thing I noticed was the mountains in the distance. They were more breathtaking than when I did my research on the area. Sadly, I didn’t have much time to admire the view as Zack and Gabriel were still behind us. Zack looked around when he exited the plane and shook his head. He retrieved some yellow-tinted glasses, put them on, smiled at me and said, “Much better.”

“What’s much better?” Gabriel asked behind him.

“Now it looks like in the movies,” he smirked. “Yellow-tinged.” Gabriel punched him in the arm while laughing, and I chuckled. Markus and I headed down the steps of the plane. Three SUVs with several men were waiting for us.

We approached the clear leader among them. He wasn't a tall werewolf. In fact, the closer we got, I realized I was taller than him. He was dark-skinned and had a well-defined jaw. He wore a simple light T-shirt and jeans but wore them well, accentuating the muscles hidden beneath the fabric. I would bet his dark eyes and curious smile made many girls swoon. He didn’t seem at all intimidated by the ten six-foot-tall men approaching him. He gave me a curious look before extending his hand to Markus.

“Alpha Markus, Luna Celeste, welcome to Mexico. I am Gamma Tomas,” he said in a very thick accent.

“Tomas, thank you for coming to meet us all the way out here. I appreciate your alpha allowing us to visit,” Markus replied.

“No worries at all. We will always welcome one of Selene’s descendants,” he said as he bowed deeply to me. “My alpha sends his apologies. His duties don’t currently allow him to leave the pack grounds. He is very interested in meeting with you both.”

“As are we,” Markus said, and in the lul of the conversation, my stomach decided to make itself known. I blushed.

“Sorry, I kind of missed breakfast,” I said. Markus and I had decided that until we could determine if we could trust them, it was better not to tell them about the pups. Tomas laughed.

“All good, señora. We have picked an amazing taco place for you to have lunch. It’s a place we all enjoy eating when we come out this way,” he said, leading us to the first SUV.
