Page 111 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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‘So his mate will be a Mexican?’he asked me. I could feel his curiosity through the bond.

‘Yes. I think so.’

“How was your breakfast? I made it with the help of Mrs. Rodriguez.” I changed the subject.

“It’s delicious. I’ve never had something quite like it,” he said, showing me his clean plate.

“Mom’s always been a gifted cook,” Alpha Diego said proudly.

“Yes, I can’t wait to try some of these recipes when we return home. Hopefully, I can learn a few more before I go,” I said enthusiastically as I took another bite.

We chatted amicably for a little while as I ate. Once I was finished, Alpha Diego gave us a tour of the grounds. It was amazing how self-sufficient they were. They farmed, processed, and canned a lot of their food. There were drying racks filled with peppers like the ones we had used this morning. They even had some refrigeration carved into the mountain that used the coolness of the rock with minimal electricity to store their meat.

Although the pack house was built into the side of the mountain, we hadn’t noticed that even the parts that didn’t face the outside were so bright without requiring electricity during the day. Alpha Diego pointed to a bunch of thin skylights that seemed to lead to the top of the mountain. He assured us it was always cool despite the summer heat as he led us to the back and opened a door.

“This is what you came here to see. This is our, how do you say, hall of records? This is where the entire history of our family is stored.” He motioned us inside.

We walked in, and I was speechless. Three of the walls were covered in family trees. Some were blank and short; some branched off to show many generations. There were tons of books on pedestals and shelves throughout the room.

“Our family has been here for many generations. As we’ve discovered information or had other siblings of the Moon Goddess reach out, we’ve attempted to document as much as we could in the hopes that one day, we would have enough to stop Huitzilopochtli before he ends all of our bloodlines. Many of the women in our family have kept journals. Some men, too. Your mother’s is here,” he said, pointing to a set of journals and a binder.

“Even after she left with her mate, she sent us her entries via email.” He chuckled warmly at the memory. “It was the reason my uncle bought his first computer and connected us to the outside world with internet. They were all printed and placed in the binder.”

I reached for my mother’s journals, my hands shaking as I let my fingers trail down the spine. I felt the all-too-familiar jerk as my spirit was sent backward in time. I saw her on a small ledge above the pack house. She was smiling as she wrote in her journal, her dark skin and wild brown hair blowing in the wind. Then, I was pulled forward and back into the room.

“What just happened?” Alpha Diego asked, and I turned to see he wasn’t looking at me but at Markus.

“You saw?” I asked him, and he nodded. “She was beautiful,” he said with a soft smile that made me return it.

“Ahem.” Alpha Diego cleared his throat, waiting for an answer.

“I have the power of sight,” I explained.

“Yes, I know. Your mother wrote it in one of the journals, but I saw his eyes turn white,” he said, pointing at Markus.

“Markus and I have a deep bond. He is able to share my gift.” Alpha Diego's jaw dropped at my words.

“I’ve never heard of that happening before. Does he get his own visions, too?” he asked, making me shake my head.

“He only shares it. I had the vision, and he can see it with me.”

“This is new,” he scratched his head. “I wonder if everyone after you will have this ability to share a gift. Now, we need an offensive power to share. Almost all of them have been defensive or passive.”

‘Do we tell him?’I asked Markus.

‘Let’s wait a little. Maybe we show him before we leave,’Markus suggested. I nodded.

“Are we okay to look around, Alpha Diego?” I asked.

“It’s just Diego. You are my cousin, after all. You can look around all you need. I will bring you some snacks,” he said and exited.

“Where do you want to start?” Markus asked. I looked at my mother’s journals. As much as I wanted to read them, we needed other information first.

“Let’s try to find information on Huitzilopochtli,” I said. “He’s the threat Selene warned me about.”

“Okay. At least everything seems to have labels. You start on that side, and I will start over here,” he said, pointing to a shelf near him.

We began looking through the books, seeing if they would give us any new information on Huitzilopochtli. We read for hours, then Gillian joined us at noon, bringing us lunch. He grabbed a few books to read, but I sent him off to spend time with Camila after a few hours.
