Page 112 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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“How did you say the name was spelled? Huz- Huzipotle?” Markus said, giving up and bringing the book over. He’d been struggling to read as his Spanish was beginner-level at best, but he was looking for the name in the books.

“Huitzilopochtli,” I corrected and took the book from him.

The page had a big picture of the warrior that looked similar to the one in the vision Selene had shown me.

“This is him,” I confirmed and translated the note underneath.

“Huitzilopochtli, God of Sun and War, brother of Moon Goddess Coyolxauhqui

Also known as:

Ra - The Egyptian Sun God.

Helios - The Sun God of the Greeks.

Surya - The Hindu Sun God.

Inti - The Incan Sun God.

Kinich Ahau - Mayan Sun God.”

I looked at Markus, my heart beginning to rise. “Markus,” I whispered, grabbing his hand to comfort myself.

“What?” he asked, concerned over the sudden change in my mood.

“Helios. In one of the visions I had when I visited Selene. Luna Luisa mentioned getting a prize from Helios in exchange for Mom and me. They must be the same person. He found us and must have made a deal with Blood Moon to get to us, but they fucked it up.”

“So Alpha Geoff was never after your mom for her powers?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m sure he pushed them to attack my parents,” I answered, tears of rage rolling down my face while I held my stomach protectively.

“We won’t let him get to our pups, Tuli,” he assured me, gathering me in his arms. “We know he’s coming. We know what he looks like. We will be more prepared than your parents. You’re not alone.” I leaned against him, letting his words soothe some of the worry and fears threatening to overwhelm me.

“Everything okay?” Diego came in as I hung to Markus’ chest.

“Yes. It’s just hard for her. She’s dealt with all this alone for so long, without answers or knowing why things were happening to her.”

“I understand. Mom wanted me to ask Celeste if she wanted to join the preparations for dinner, but I can tell her she can help another day,” he said, but I looked up.

“No, I want to learn all I can,” I answered. This was the first time I felt a connection to that side of myself since I lost Mom, and I wanted to soak in everything I could.

“You know, would you be opposed to digitizing all of this?” Markus asked Diego.

“How?” he asked. “It’s generations of hand-written records. At one point, I tried to have people start typing it, but it was just too much.”

“Evergreen, the man who reached out to you on our behalf. He is a tech genius. If you’re not opposed, I can have him come out and take a look. I’m sure he either has or can make some software program to get it all digitized.”

“It won’t hurt. I often worry something will happen, and all these records will be lost forever,” Diego answered, looking around the room with a frown.

“I will contact him. Maybe he can even join us here,” Markus said, excited at the thought.

“So, what is your mom making?” I asked, a little more calm.

“Mole. Come on, I’ll show you to the kitchen,” Diego said as he led us out.

“Tuli, are you sure you’re up for more cooking?” Markus asked me, worry in his voice.

Diego looked confused.
