Page 114 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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‘Markus!’Celeste’s worried voice came into my head.

‘I’ll be fine, Tuli. I need to help,’I answered her. I heard her sigh in my head, making my heart clench.

‘I know. Please be careful. I love you.’

‘I love you more. See you in a little bit,’I replied as I heard the fighting and cut off the mind-link.

We followed Diego’s wolf, Tenoch, down into a cavern. The growls of the other wolves echoed through the cavern, but what surprised me was the clacking of what sounded like staves.

We arrived in time to see two men fighting against six werewolves. They did not smell like werewolves themselves, but they also didn’t smell human. They smelled like… more. It was hard to describe. They had inhuman strength and were wearing nothing but a loincloth. Their copper skin glittered with sweat and water. Three of Diego’s men were in their human forms fighting with sticks, trying to make openings for the wolves to strike. Somehow, it felt like they weren’t winning.

I waited for Tenoch to do something so we could follow his lead, but then he surprised me when he shifted back into his human form.

“It’s them. Go back! He must have figured out Celeste is here. It’s the only reason they would attack. The borders are safe, but Huitzilopochtli has ways around the mountain. Go protect your mate. We’ll handle these guys.”

Otto and Zack’s wolf, Perseus, turned around on Atlas’s roar. We were halfway back when I felt Celeste’s panic and anger, making Atlas run faster.

I saw only one man in front of the pack house, surrounded by wolves. I circled around toward the front doors warily. I couldn’t see Kara outside, which meant Gabriel must have kept her inside, as I could not see his wolf out here either.

‘Celeste?’I mind-linked him.

‘She’s in the records room. Evergreen, one of their warriors, and I are guarding the door.’

‘Good. Keep her there,’I said.

‘She is fighting us, Alpha,’he said.

‘Tie her down in the room if you have to. They are here for her,’I told him and cut off the mind link.

‘Tuli, stay in the room,’I begged her.

‘Markus, I can fight,’ she argued.

No, the pups come first. It is just one man. We can handle this,Atlas answered for me.

You can’t expect me to hide while you’re in danger, Atlas!she growled, and I could feel her struggling against someone.

You can and you will. I will not risk the pups.He shut the mind-link after that, hoping she would heed his words, and we turned our attention to the man in front of us. Aside from his light, somewhat modern clothing, he looked exactly the same as in the picture we found in the books.

“Entreguen a la loba de la que peleo contra mi. No tengo pelea con ustedes. Ella pagara los pecados de sus ancestros.”

‘Give me the she-wolf, descendant of the one that fought against me. I have no quarrel with you. She must pay for the sins of her ancestors,’Mateo’s voice came into my head.

Atlas growled. One of the wolves shifted back, Diego’s mother, and walked to the front.

“Has echo suficiente daño. Pide perdon a tu hermana. Deja a tus hermanos en paz. Nadie aqui a peleado contra ti, Huitzilopochtli. Vete en paz, y nadie te atacara.”

‘You’ve done enough harm. Ask your sister to forgive you. Leave the rest of your siblings’ children to live in peace. No one here has fought against you. Leave in peace, and no one will stop you,’Mateo translated.

Huitzilopochtli roared, and rocks fell from the sides of the mountains

“Entonces moriran todos por solo una perra,” he snarled and a turquoise staff appeared in his hand.

‘Then you have chosen death. All of you will die for one bi…woman,’Mateo stuttered and didn’t finish the original wording, knowing it was Celeste he was speaking of. Everyone growled in response. The male wolves took a tentative step forward while most she-wolves took a step back, getting ready to attack. Huitzilopochtli's staff began glowing red at the top, while the bottom began undulating.

‘What’s the plan, Alpha?’Gillian asked as Otto moved in front of a she-wolf, and there was no doubt in my mind that this was Camila’s wolf.

Wait for the pack to make a move. We cannot attack on our own. We can’t coordinate an attack,Atlas answered. Frustration came from everyone through the mind link.
