Page 117 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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“Tuli?” Celeste just giggled and walked towards the next injured she-wolf. “We’ll be cooking in a couple of hours. We might need your help with the pots. Go relax with the guys. We’ve got this covered. There’s only a couple more that need help, and most will be healing well on their own.”

I shook my head and walked towards Diego. He handed me a beer, and we sat down with a few others who were also done with their duties. I looked back at Celeste and noticed Gabriel standing a few feet away. If she moved, he moved. Never quite on her but never far away. He was a good warrior.

‘Evergreen’s got a black eye. How did you fare?’I asked him. I saw him stiffen when he heard me.

‘Broken rib and a failed assignment. I’m sorry, Alpha. I didn’t think she would take on all three of us.’ He sounded so defeated.

‘She’s the daughter of two alphas and stubborn as fuck. It’s not an easy assignment.’ I tried to make him feel better.

‘I should have tied her inside like you suggested.’ He sighed.

‘No, I was wrong to suggest it. You’re a good warrior and a good guard.’I assured him.

‘She still managed to put herself in danger,’he huffed.

‘Yes, well, have you met her?’ I laughed and saw him snort.

Chapter forty-five


It was the morning of the full moon, and I was excited for Gillian. I was pretty sure Camila would be his mate. I had not failed to notice, mostly because I was being extra nosy, how he kept gravitating towards her. They spent almost every moment together since the night she asked him to dance, always looking like they were in their own little world, unaware that everyone around them was silently cheering them on from the sidelines.

There was another pairing I suspected would happen tonight. One of the female warriors had caught Gabriel’s eye, even if he never seemed to get himself out of guard mode long enough to approach her. They circled around each other as if pulled by magnets all week. Never touching or speaking, but always headed in each other’s direction. I was already devising a plan so I didn’t lose him as a guard, but he would still be happy if my instinct turned out to be right. I liked him a lot. He was smart, loyal and kind, with a goofy side to him when he allowed himself to relax.

Last night, we put a bunch of seasoned meat in some slow-cooking holes they had in the ground. Mrs. Rodriguez said it was an easy and tasty way to handle preparations for the full moon dinner. All that would be left to do was heat the tortillas, cut up the toppings and make the salsas. I was looking forward to seeing how they handled the run here while my pups were looking forward to the food.

But before any of that could happen, I made my way back into our guest room. Markus was still sleeping, and yesterday, I convinced Lupe to bring me a can of whipped cream from her cantina before the night was over.

My alpha was going to learn to not talk shit about his mate to his buddies. I hid his clothing under the bed to give me enough time to run away after the deed was done, and shook the can. I struggled to contain my laughter as I dispensed the whipped cream in his outstretched hand. Markus almost ruined it when he stirred, but he mumbled something and continued to sleep. Kara wouldn’t stop chuckling in the back of my mind as we continued to pour almost the entire can into his hand.

I hope you’re ready to run,Kara laughed.

Just make sure you give me some of that speed. We make it out of the room, and we’re in the clear,I said.

I grabbed the feather I borrowed from Mrs. Rodriguez and tried to tickle his nose. His nose twitched like Samantha in Bewitched, and I could feel my laughter just under the surface. My eyes watered, holding it in. I tickled his nose again, and he made a weird twitch with his nose, moving a little but still not waking. I tried one more time, and this one was the winner. He brought his hand to his nose to scratch and smeared the whip cream all over his face. Unable to hold back my laughter anymore, I got up and ran to the door.

“What the fu—” he growled, and then noticed me folded over laughing by the door “TULI!” he yelled as I slammed the door shut and ran like a bat out of hell. I was close to the end of the hall when the door slammed back open, and he thundered after me.

“Where are my clothes? You will pay for this, Tuli,” he roared, running in nothing but his boxer briefs, face full of whipped cream despite having tried to wipe it.

“Talk bad about your mate again!” I yelled, running into the kitchen and hiding behind Mrs. Rodriguez.

I heard people laughing before Markus stormed into the kitchen. The anger visible on his face made a few scamper away, but I could feel he was struggling not to laugh through the bond.

“You will pay for that, woman,” he thundered.

“Now,now Alpha, you wouldn’t hit a pregnant luna would you?” Mrs. Rodriguez chided.

“Oh, I wasn’t thinking about hurting her, Mrs. Rodriguez,” Markus said, a wicked smile appearing on his sticky face, his canines elongating, and looking at me like he was the big bad wolf and I, Little Red Riding Hood.

“Well, then. You may proceed,” she replied with a chuckle and left me standing on the other side of the counter. Alone. Markus put his hands on top of the countertop as he circled around like a predator.

“My, what big hands you have,” I teased.

“The better to lift you with, my dear.”‘And spread those legs apart,’he added via mind-link.

“A-And what big eyes you have,” I said, a shiver going through my body as I moved around the counter to evade him.
