Page 120 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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“No. This happens every full moon we host. She always has enough, but the thought of coming up a little short terrifies her. So then we end up eating the same thing for days after.” Diego laughed as we climbed into the Jeep and set off.

‘So… are you excited to go home?’Markus asked a little too casually. I narrowed my eyes at him through the car mirror.

‘I guess… It is home, after all,’I answered suspiciously. Markus was never one to beat around the bush.

‘Right.’He was quiet for a while. ‘Do you like it here? Mexico… with all the señoritas?’

‘Are you trying to tell me something? Are you trying to leave me here, Alpha?’I asked.

‘What? No. Why would you think that?’he asked quickly, and thankfully, with some alarm.

‘You and Celeste have been really secretive lately. Now you’re being weird,’I answered, and his face turned red.

‘I am not being weird. I was trying to make conversation.’

‘Well, you’re either dumping me in this pack or killing and burying me in the middle of nowhere. You wouldn’t be this awkward otherwise.’He crossed his arms and looked away from the mirror.

‘You’re being ridiculous.’

‘And you’re still hiding something,’I countered, not buying it

Our chat was interrupted as we pulled to an old house in front of a lake.

“Wow, this is beautiful,” I whispered in awe, taking in the beauty of the house and its surroundings.

“Yes. Aunt Bella’s parents liked to come here many times with her when they were little. It was a place where they could just be a family, without pack responsibilities,” he explained. “But come Markus, there was one thing I wanted to show you.” We walked into the house. Despite it being old, it was very well taken care of inside. “We have been taking care of it since my great uncle passed. We found this in one of the rooms, and it didn't feel right to throw it out.” He pointed to a trunk. “I thought maybe you and Celeste would like to go through it tomorrow and see if you want anything from it.”

Markus opened the trunk, and a big grin spread on his face. It was full of toys, baby clothes and blankets.

“Do you not want to keep anything for when you find your mate?” he asked Diego.

Diego shook his head.

“These toys belonged to Bella, and I believe a few even belonged to Celeste on the few occasions Bella brought her to visit. It’s all yours if you want it.”

“I’d like to take it all, then. I want to surprise Celeste when we get home,” he grinned, and I could see the gears already turning in his head.

“How are you going to get that home without her noticing?” I asked.

“Should be easy enough to distract her while two of the guards load it.” He smirked at me, and I rolled my eyes. “Help me load it into the car.”

We were not back until close to six that evening, and I still hadn’t seen Camila. I missed her, and I was getting nervous.

What if she wasn’t even here tonight?I thought as I unloaded some of the barbacoa.

“She won’t be out again until the full moon is about to peak,” Tomas said to me from behind. I turned to look at him, confused. “You’re looking for my sister, right?” I fought a blush and nodded. “There’s an alpha that’s been asking her to be his chosen mate. He’s thirty-four and needs a luna. Camila told me she was going to accept his offer for the sake of the pack after last month’s full moon, and we fought about it a lot over the last month. That man is an asshole, and I don’t want him harassing her.”

“She wants to be luna?” I asked, my heart contracting with hurt. A title like that wasn’t something I could compete with. Tomas shook his head.

“No. I think she had just given up on finding her mate. She’s twenty-five. It’s unheard of for her to be this old and not find a mate around these parts. Not for she-wolves. She told me this morning she changed her mind, though.” He gave me a knowing look. “Even if she doesn’t find her mate tonight, she would rather choose a man she loves, than go with him.”

His eyes darkened when we saw a car coming up the drive. “That’s him. I told her to stay in her room until the run. I’ve gotten close to starting a war for the things he says to her. We don’t need an altercation between the packs on a full moon. It’s bad juju.” I sighed. Great. I wouldn’t see her until the full moon peaked, and to top it off, I would have to be nice to the man who made his intentions known to her.

Gabriel came out to help me move Celeste’s trunk into one of the vehicles we were taking to the airport while Markus was supposedly “distracting” Celeste inside.

He and Atlas can’t keep away from her for more than an hour before he’s jonesing for her.Otto laughed, but I could feel the longing in his words, too. We wanted that type of love.

We joined Celeste and Markus as they were coming out to greet the alpha, Gabriel taking his stand right behind Celeste. I stood to the other side of Celeste while Tomas and Alpha Diego’s beta stood beside their alpha.
