Page 121 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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“Alpha Diego, good to see you. Beta Rafael. Gamma Tomas, but where is your sister? I’m hoping she finally changed her mind about being my luna.” he chuckled. I felt Otto wanting to growl, but then Celeste placed her hand on my arm, making me look over at her.

‘She asked me to tell you that she’ll be waiting for you in the maize field when the moon peaks,’she mind-linked, and it made Otto jump hoops in my head.

‘Thank you.’ Was all I could say.

“Alpha Markus, Luna Celeste. This is Alpha Javier. His pack is about an hour south of here,” Alpha Diego introduced.

Markus extended his hand, but couldn’t help the frown that formed on his face when Alpha Javier stared at Celeste with a disgusting, hungry look on his face. Even Gabriel was on edge at the look he was giving her, though Alpha Javier didn’t seem to notice either reaction.

“You are Bella’s daughter, are you not? I knew your mother, you know? I had a big crush on her growing up, but she wouldn’t give me the time of day. You look so much like her,” he said, licking his lips, making Markus growl in warning at the disrespect.

“Wouldn’t you have been like twelve when she was here?” Celeste asked, looking bored, making people chuckle. This didn’t seem to phase the alpha.

“I was… mature for my age, and as future alpha, I wanted the best. Shame she found your father and left. Maybe she’d still be alive,” he said, making Celeste growl and all of us tense, ready to protect our luna.

“Alpha Javier, stop making a pregnant she-wolf angry. I will not let you hurt her, but I won’t stop her from giving you a good kick in the balls to help her stress levels go back to normal,” Alpha Diego warned lazily. “Let us go sit and drink while we wait for the rest,” he finished, and I didn’t miss the apologetic look he gave Celeste and Markus.

The two other packs arrived, and I was starting to feel claustrophobic inside the dining room. I wasn’t the only one thankfully, as I started noticing Celeste becoming more flushed by the minute. Markus excused himself to the remaining alphas, then led Celeste outside the pack house, so I caught up to them, and we made our way out with Gabriel following behind.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

“Yes. Just stifling in there,” she mentioned, then looked around to make sure we weren’t heard by anyone. “And I want to knee Alpha Javier in the nuts,” she added, and even Gabriel laughed at that.

“Looks like they are about to start the run anyways,” Markus said as we watched people start filtering out of the pack house. I looked up at the sky. The moon was almost at its highest point. “Go, man. We’ll cover for you if anyone notices,” Markus told me with a smile. I looked at Celeste to find she was also smiling.

“What do you two know?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at both of them.

“Just that you have a date, and we couldn’t be happier,” Celeste said, pushing me towards the maize fields.

“This conversation isn’t over,” I said as Otto made my feet walk away. He was too excited.

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll talk after,” Markus replied while he led Celeste towards the small stage.

Three minutes later, I was frustrated. The maize fields? This fucking thing was huge, and I couldn’t see over the tops. How the fuck was I going to find her? I looked up at the sky when I heard multiple howls in the air and saw the moon at its peak. I grumbled, and I started walking around faster. Near the edge of the maize field on the west end, I smelled her most delicious smell of cookies and cream. Otto was going nuts in my head, and I hurried to find the smell, nose up in the air.

I made it to the edge of the maize by the mountain wall and saw her. She was glowing under the moon, and to me, she was the moon. The moment our eyes met, I felt the sizzle of the bond snapping in place. I watched a few tears leave her face as she looked at me, and I felt my joy diminish as a jolt of fear coursed through me.

Why was she crying? Was she going to reject me?The thought had barely formed before my heart sang as she ran towards me and jumped into my arms, burying her face in my neck. I crushed her to me, and I felt more joy than I’ve ever felt in my life. The mate bond sparks were so strong I could barely breathe. I heard the packs howlings to the moon, and Otto was itching under the skin. He wanted to run with his mate.

Before I could do anything, though, I felt her canines break the skin where my neck met my shoulder, taking Otto and me by surprise and pulling a moan from my lips. I pulled back in a happy daze. She marked us. The happiness was short-lived when I saw the terrified look on Camila’s face.

“I’m so sorry. Lily pushed forward, and I couldn’t stop her. She’s been waiting so long to find her mate and hated that I was going to accept Alpha Javier’s prop—” When I realized she was scared that we were upset, I let Otto push forward so our canines elongated, and she stopped talking.

“Turnabout is fair play,” I growled playfully and crushed her back to my chest. I kissed the spot on the crook of her neck before I broke the skin with our canines, marking her as mine. A feeling of joy filled every part of my heart as I felt all of her emotions crash into me. I turned my head toward the moon in thanks and howled.

Let me run with Lily,Otto begged. As much as I wanted to complete the mate bond, I knew both of our wolves deserved to run together under the moon goddess’ light. It would strengthen their bond.

“Run?” I asked her. Camila smiled and nodded.

We took our clothes off and shifted. Lily came up to us and purred, rubbing her body against Otto’s in a caress.

‘Follow us. We can catch up to the rest,’I heard Camila in my head, the bond allowing us to communicate via mind-link now, and we ran behind her.

Chapter forty-seven


Ilikedmostofthe alphas I met tonight. A few of them only knew broken English, and I only knew mediocre Spanish, but Celeste kept the conversation flowing as best as she could, translating most of it via mind-link. However, all throughout dinner, I kept seeing Alpha Javier eye fucking Celeste, which wasn’t sitting well with me and Atlas. It was taking all of my restraint not to growl whenever I saw his eyes wandering below her face. Even Diego was angry at his blatant disrespect towards my mate, and things were beginning to feel strained at the table. Celeste, however, seemed unphased. She was in a happy mood, having prepared Gillian’s room while we were away. Nothing was going to spoil seeing her friend find his mate.
