Page 123 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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We waited patiently, Celeste vibrating from happiness to see so many of her friends finding their mates. She grabbed a shirt and shorts and waited while the girl shifted back,but remained on top of Evergreen. They were in their own little world until I cleared my throat awkwardly. The pretty she-wolf blushed and stood up, gratefully thanking Celeste as she put on clothes.

“I won’t keep you guys long. I am very happy for you, Evergreen, and ehhh...” I said, looking at the girl.

“Valeria, Alpha,” she answered shyly.

“Valeria, welcome to our pack,” I said, then turned to Evergreen. “You said you were finished with scanning but needed to do something?

“Right. Uhh. Yeah,” he answered blankly, making me laugh. Evergreen shook his head, trying to clear the fog. “We scanned everything. I just need to create a workable database front for easy access. It should take me an hour or two tomorrow.”

“Okay! Great work, Evergreen. Get going! You have a lot of... um... talking to do and not a lot of time,” I said trying to hide a smirk, but they were gone before I even finished the sentence.

“Well, that was a surprise. We came for information, and found mates for four of our pack members,” Celeste said brightly.

“Yep!” I said. “So… what do you want to do?” I asked as we headed back inside the pack house. Most people were still outside, taking part in the party where there was more food and music. Alpha Javier was in the living room, looking at the couples making out in the dark. He had a woman on each arm, but he still didn’t look happy.

“He’s still trying to find Camila,” Tomas said from behind, throwing the man a disgusted look. “I’m about to go break it to him that she’s officially unavailable. I talked to her briefly before she headed inside with your beta. She’s already marked.” He smirked and shook his head. “I’m glad to know she’ll be in good hands. I hope it’s okay if we visit on occasion?

“Of course, you are always welcome,” I said, sticking out my hand to him. He shook it, then frowned a little.

“Now, I gotta get a passport visa.” He sighed, heading towards Alpha Javier to break the news.

I guided Tuli toward our room when a sudden thought occurred to me.

“How are we getting our new pack members home without immigration papers?”

“Oh, I already prepared for that,” Celeste replied calmly, and I looked at her in surprise. “We already knew that Gillian might have a mate here, so I had Evergreen get in touch with a werewolf representative for US immigration. As long as they have a birth certificate, we only need to take them to the US embassy in Mexico City on the morning of our flight. They will issue them permanent residency identifications before we leave. Our appointment is at nine. Once we get home, they will get a letter for the US citizenship ceremony.”

“Okay, that’s impressive. I didn’t even think to prepare,” I said, and she smiled as she walked in, her hand running down my chest.

“That’s why I’m the luna and you’re only the alpha,” she teased me, and I raised an eyebrow. “How about we go for number seven,” she added seductively, removing her clothes and tossing them aside as she walked into the bathroom with an extra sway to her hips. It took me five seconds to figure out what she was talking about before I stripped and followed her into the bathroom.

“Goodmorning,”Isaidto the table as we walked in. I’d called a meeting of all the warriors and their new mates before breakfast. “We will try to keep this brief as we’ve got one day to make some decisions.”

I sat at the table with Celeste sitting by my side, chewing on some dried beef she said was called machacado. It appeared to be one of her cravings, so I already had Diego fetching a big bag of it for me to take home with us.

“We need to know if you have discussed who is going where. Usually, this is something you deal with privately, but as we’re in a different country, and scheduled to leave tomorrow afternoon, it’s a bit of an urgent issue that requires immigration paperwork. Have you all decided?” I asked them.

“Yes, Alpha,” most of my men responded.

“Alright, shall we go around the table?” I suggested.

“Alpha Markus, before we continue, if I may?” Camila asked. I nodded at her encouragingly. “None of us have been outside of the country before. How are we going to get into the United States? We can no longer just walk through like our parents used to.”

“Ah, well, I asked that too, but Celeste already figured that out with Evergreen over the last week. We have an appointment in the US consulate tomorrow morning where we will meet a werewolf contact. Anyone coming back with us will need their birth certificate. You will be issued permanent resident status right away, and once we’re home, you will receive an appointment for a citizenship ceremony.”

I looked around the room as the couples discussed things together. Camila spoke up first, “I will come with Gillian.” Gillian’s happiness was hard to ignore as it shone from his face next to her.

“I will also travel with Evergreen. We discussed this last night,” Valeria said, smiling shyly at us.

I turned to Eddie and Gabriel.

“With your permission, Alpha, I would like to stay,” Eddie said. “Maritza’s father is due to step down, and her brother is about to become alpha. They have no beta, and her brother has offered me the position as the mate of his oldest sister,” he explained.

“I accept your decision, Eddie, though I’ll be sad to see you leave the pack. You‘ve been a great warrior. Your new pack is lucky to have you. We can talk after and figure out what we need to ship to you,” I told him, with him nodding in agreement, and I could feel his relief.

“Thank you, Alpha.”

“Alpha, Brenda has a few questions before she decides,” Gabriel said. I noticed they were the only mated pair yet to mark each other.
