Page 125 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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“I do not,” he answered indignantly.

A little while later, I snuggled on Markus's lap and fell asleep, but Markus’ phone beeped with messages when we entered US airspace—waking me up and making everyone look at their phones.

I emailed Maya regarding the new pack members yesterday, letting her know of the new pack matings. I checked for a response to make sure things were ready for them. I requested a phone for Camila with international calling, and Evergreen decided he would do more remote work now that he had found his mate and needed permanent lodgings.

I found an email response from her, letting me know that another couple of people in the pack found mates this full moon and everything she was doing to make sure things were ready when we arrived. She sent a few questions along with the email so I fired off a few texts in answer, and she responded right away. She told me how excited she was that I was back and informed me I had an appointment today as Dr. West was quite anxious to check me over. I groaned at the last part, making Markus look up from his phone.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I have an appointment with Dr. West as soon as we get home,” I said.

“What time? I’ll go with you,” he said, and the excitement in his voice made me hate the appointment a little less.

“He’ll be waiting for me the moment we get home,” I answered, and his eyes brightened. “You seem more excited about this than I do,” I noted.

“I like seeing our pups on the ultrasound,” he responded, rubbing my stomach.

“I hate needles, though.” I pouted and snuggled further into his chest.

“Luna,I’mdelightedwithyour progress. Mexico seems to have suited you well. You’re finally at a safe weight to carry the twins to full term. I’ll run the blood samples for any issues, but so far everything looks great! We are just about at the halfway point. Do you have any concerns? Anything that doesn't feel right?” he asked.

“No. I feel good. Other than the throwing up, my belly is always itchy, though,” I answered.

Dr. West chuckled.

“Both of those are normal. Morning sickness should hopefully end soon. A richer lotion should help with the itching as your body grows to accommodate the pups. We’ll schedule you for a week from now, and I would consider looking at birthing classes,” he said in a tone that said this was the end of the appointment.

“That’s it?” Markus asked, visibly disappointed.

“Was there something concerning that you wished to address, Alpha?” Dr West asked.

“Uhh no… I–I just thought we would have another ultrasound. You know. Check on the pups,” he stuttered while blushing. Dr. West smiled.

“Well, if that would relieve yourconcerns,we can certainly have another ultrasound. It is twins after all, and that always comes with possible risks. Right, Luna?” He winked at me, and I smiled and nodded. “Please lay down, and I’ll be right back with the ultrasound machine.”

“Thank you,” I said as Markus helped me lie down.

“Celeste, can we talk?” Maya asked when I got back to the pack house, wringing her hands.

“Uhhh, yes. I need a shower. Want to talk upstairs in my office?” I asked. She nodded and followed me. I kissed Markus as he headed to find Gillian and Danny.

‘Everything okay?’he asked me, noticing Maya’s distress.

‘I’m not sure. Maybe ask Danny and let me know? I’m showering first,’I answered as I headed for the elevator.

‘Will do. Love you.’

‘Love you more.’

“Is everything okay, Maya?” I asked as we exited on my floor. She nodded but didn’t say anything.

I took a quick shower, and Markus let me know Danny hadn't been able to figure out what was wrong.

I went into the office shortly after, not bothering to do anything to my hair. I was worried about Maya now. Maybe leaving her here alone hadn’t been the right thing to do.

“Hey,” I said as I entered the office, and she immediately rushed to me, crying. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked, feeling myself tear up at her anguish. I led Maya to the couch, and she continued to cry and cry, trying to speak a few times but kept breaking down.

“Maya, what is wrong? Did something happen while I was gone? Did someone hurt you?” I asked. She shook her head fast but still couldn’t talk.
