Page 127 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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‘Yes. I trust you with my life, Celeste.’

“You will answer me truthfully. Do you understand?” I asked, pushing my luna command.

“Yes, Luna,” he answered.

“Tuli?” Markus asked, knowing how much I avoided using the command and confused about what was happening.

“Do you want children?” I asked, praying that he answered correctly. Danny sucked in a sharp breath at my question, and my heart sank.

“Is this why? I told her I didn’t care about that. I want her.” He looked back down at her desperately, fighting the command. “Baby, if you want kids, we can adopt. Don’t leave me. I thought we were past this,” he begged, tears falling from his eyes.

“Daniel,” I said again more forcefully, and he growled at me lowly, making Markus growl in response.

“I need you to answer this truthfully,” I ordered again. Gillian and Camila joined us at the foot of the stairs. “How do you feel about having kids?” I asked.

Danny turned back to me, tears in his eyes. He begged me to drop the command with his eyes while I begged him to answer with mine. He closed his eyes and lowered his hand from Maya’s mouth. Danny took a step back to look at her. The hurt and fear in his eyes at the thought of losing his mate broke my heart. Finally, he turned back to me and stopped fighting the command.

“I’ve always wanted kids. I grew up dreaming about finding my mate and having a couple of pups that would look just like her running around,” he answered me.

“Why did you lie to Maya?” I asked as Maya backed up until she hit my shoulder. I put my hands on her shoulders to steady her while she placed a hand to her mouth, trying to choke back a sob. Danny dropped his shoulders in defeat as he watched his mate move further away from him.

“She wanted to reject me the night we were mated. She said it wasn’t right that I be stuck with a broken woman, but all I wanted was her. I waited for her all of my life. I don’t care if we never have children of our own. We can adopt like Gillian’s parents adopted him. I wanted children, but I wanted her more, Celeste,” he said, looking at the ground. Maya sobbed, and I gave her a little push. That was all she needed because she ran and crashed against Danny, who only had time to catch her as he stumbled backward. She was blubbering again—much to the confusion of everyone but me.

“What’s going on?” Danny asked between kisses to her face as he held her tightly. He looked at me for answers when she buried herself in his chest and continued to sob.

“Maya, do you want me to do the honors?” I asked her, and she could only nod.

Finally, I managed to smile.

“Danny, Maya is three weeks pregnant. She thought you didn’t want children and was trying to spare you forced fatherhood,” I explained, and everyone froze at my words.

Chapter forty-nine


Dannyalmostgotrejected,and somehow Celeste made everything better. She helped him and Maya figure out their misunderstanding, and now, my childhood friend was expecting a pup. I walked over to Celeste, cheering for Danny as he stood with his mate wrapped tightly around his arms. I dipped my head and gave my mate a giant kiss. She smiled, giving me a slightly dazed look, and I wondered if she knew how proud I was of her.

Meanwhile, Danny was still in shock. Nothing but love and surprise was shining in his eyes. He pulled back slightly from Maya, lifting her face with his hands tenderly until she met his eyes.

“Is this true? Is my pup in there?” he asked her. Maya nodded, and the biggest smile formed on his face. He grabbed her face and kissed her over and over, and my heart was overfilled with joy. He threw his head back and howled and Gillian and I threw our heads back and joined him.

“I’m going to be a dad. I’m having a pup,” he said, lifting Maya up, bridal style, and carrying her over to the front of the pack house. “I’M HAVING A PUP!” he yelled out the door while she giggled.

“I’m going to spoil you rotten. I am never letting you walk again,” he said confidently, carrying her back inside.

“Danny, I have to walk,” Maya pretended to protest, but I could see the happiness on her face.

“Yeah, Danny. Weren’t you the one who said I was being overprotective of Celeste when I found out she was pregnant? You said, ‘She-wolves have been having pups for thousands of years. Give her some space or she’ll tear out your nuts and feed them to the Pack’,” I teased my friend.

Danny growled back in response, but it was a very pathetic-sounding growl with zero heat behind it.

“Danny, why don’t you go schedule an appointment with Dr. West so he can determine if Maya will require any special vitamins so she can carry the pup safely,” Celeste suggested, and he seemed to think on it before he nodded and turned back towards the door.

“She can walk, Danny,” I yelled after him.

“Not until Dr. West says she can,” he yelled back on his way out the door.

I snickered at his response.
