Page 138 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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“Dinner will be in twenty minutes.” That was all he said before he left.

I sighed and tilted my head at the sky while caressing my heavy bump. For the hundredth time, I asked Selene for guidance. I tried pulling at the link, but as usual, it was empty. I whispered a message to Markus, telling him I loved him and how much I missed him. I told him that our pups were okay and hoped the wind carried the message to him. We had only two more days before the full moon. We were running out of time.

Chapter fifty-three


Ithoughttwodayswithout Celeste was excruciating a couple of months ago. If I could go back in time, I’d laugh at how naïve I was.

Every day, I felt like another part of my soul left my body. Outside of looking for her and organizing people for her rescue, I was barely functioning. I went through the motions of anything that didn’t have to do with finding and getting Celeste back.

It was almost two weeks since she’d been taken and about five days since Evergreen’s software last got a hit of her or Huitzilopochtli. Tomorrow was the full moon. We were running out of time.

After I woke up, we saw Celeste looking at cameras over and over, and my heart soared even as broken as it still felt. She was fine. My mate did not look hurt. We followed the software hits from the airport in Phoenix to somewhere outside Mexico City.

I flew all of my warriors to Mexico and set up camp just outside Diego’s pack grounds. Lupe, Tomas’ mother, allowed us to set up a base in her bar. Diego’s location in the mountains provided a lot of protection; however, it did not provide stable internet. We needed all resources to find Celeste, plus we couldn’t drain all of their resources. My warriors were big and they ate a lot. We were making constant trips to the nearest city to buy food in bulk.

Back home, Rhett and Kelly agreed to take over the pack's protection while we were away. Dad was currently standing in as alpha. Maya and Camila also came along, much to the boys’ dismay. Danny had begged Maya to stay, but she refused. Pregnant or not, she would not abandon Celeste, and she threatened to remove all of our family jewels from our bodies if we tried to leave her behind when I tried to explain to her why it wasn’t a good idea.

Atlas tried to connect with Kara again when we arrived but had to give up as we couldn’t afford to lose another two days of energy trying to reach her. We knew she was alive, we would know if she wasn’t, and we had zero indications that Kara lied about not being hurt.

I looked up at the moon after I let Atlas run loose again. It was the only way we were managing to retain the last of our sanity and the pain in our chest from overwhelming us.

‘Alpha, we found movement,’Evergreen’s mind-link came through.

‘On my way.’Atlas took off, running back toward the bar.

I shifted the moment I got to the door, taking a pair of shorts Danny was holding out to me.

“What’s happening?” I asked, rushing over to where the computers were set up.

“The drones we have circling the pyramids picked up activity this evening. It's a bunch of men setting up atop the moon pyramid. Diego confirmed they look like the men that work for Huitzilopochtli,” Evergreen said, looking tense. I looked at the monitors and the men setting up a long table with a white cloth on top. I growled, knowing what it was supposed to be.

“Have we found a way to get up there quickly?” I asked.

“No, Alpha. We’ll need to catch them before they take her up,” Gillian answered.

“How are we supposed to stop him from jumping up there with her?” I growled, frustrated. It was the part we were stuck on. No matter how many numbers we had, if we couldn't get Celeste away from him, he could jump away like he did at the pack house.

“Once we’re near. You need to mind-link Celeste. It’s our only hope. She needs to get away from his hold so we can attack,” Danny said.

“If we get Celeste away, we need to get her as far away as we can from there. Once he doesn’t have her, he’ll leave. He can’t do what he wants without her. Once we have her, we retreat. We don’t know how to kill a god yet. We run and live to see another day, and we prepare to hunt him down once we have more information on how to kill him,” I repeated for everyone. I've been drilling the same thing into them every day. This fight wasn't about winning against the enemy. It was about getting Celeste out safely and making sure we lived to see another day. There were nods from everyone in the room.

“How are we going to surprise him?” Gillian asked.

“Can you pull up the surveillance feed of the drones when we mapped out the place?” I asked Evergreen. With a few clicks of his keyboard, we started reviewing the feed we’d watched many times over.

“There,” I said, and he froze the feed. “Those little cubbies on the side of the mini pyramids. They should provide enough coverage for a few of us to hide there while we wait for them to show up. They are all around the front. We can hit them from all sides.”

“Those are barely partitions. They have no roof and no door. They might see us there easily,” Gillian protested.

“It’s the best we’ve got. Two or three to each one. If someone is seen, they are close enough to be attacked,” I countered.

“We’ll trickle in throughout the day in case they are watching. Use hats, scent maskers, whatever you need to do. Don’t make it obvious you’re a werewolf,” Danny instructed, handing out the cans of spray that cover our smell. I almost wanted to laugh. All of our men were not only werewolves but warriors. They were all near or over six feet tall, huge, and, if we’re being honest, most were white as fuck. Myself included. We had very little chance of not being seen if they were watching, but it was worth a shot.

“Everyone get a good night’s rest. Tomorrow, we get our luna back,” I said, and everyone howled in agreement.

I walked out of the bar and looked up at the sky.
