Page 147 of His Hunted Aztec Luna

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‘The sun god left it for you at our doorstep,’I replied and felt her surprise through the bond.

‘Why?’she asked.

‘I don’t know. It looks like gifts for the twins and a letter addressed to you,’I said.

‘What does the letter say?’she asked, concerned.

‘I haven’t opened it,’I said, and I swear I could see when she rolled her eyes.

‘Well, open it. What if he wants to kill me again?’she demanded.

I opened the letter and read it to her.


I can’t ask for forgiveness because there’s none that could be given for what I tried to do, but I wanted to thank you for helping me see the light and to warn you.

I’ve heard through the channels that there were beings present in the shadows of our battle. They have seen the powers you and your mate displayed and covet them. I will be hunting them down, but you must be prepared to protect your family.

I have left you my email and phone number below. If you have any need, I hope I eventually earn your trust enough that you will use them. I don’t deserve forgiveness, but I will do what I can to make the rest of my eternal life mean something. You asked me if I had ever lived even though I have been alive for over a millennium. The truth is I haven't, so I am taking your advice and trying to find something to live for.

I changed the deed of the house in Mexico to your name. I think I need a fresh start, away from that place. You may do as you wish with it.


There was silence on the other end of the mind-link for a minute.

‘Have the gifts checked for any poisons before giving them to the kids. I want to believe he’s changed, Markus, but it’s only been two months. I won’t take chances,’ she said, and I sighed, relieved at her response.

‘Yes, Tuli. I love you.’

‘I love you more. Come this way. Maya is going to start pushing. You don’t want to miss the birth of your nephew, do you?’

‘On my way,’I said as I ordered the gifts inspected by a guard I called over. I looked up at the sky and headed to the pack hospital.

Thank you, Selene.I sent up a prayer of thanks as I walked through the double doors, Marie was right behind me with the pups’ stroller. Celeste came over as I took over the stroller from Marie with a thanks, and I put my hand around her waist. I looked around our family in the waiting room while we listened to Maya scream for fifteen minutes before we heard a child’s cry, followed by Danny’s howl of joy.

There was nothing I would change about my life. It was everything I never knew I needed and the opposite of what I thought I wanted. The woman in my arms had changed my entire life and made me want to be a better person every morning as I watched her sleep.



Iwokeupona beach after my sister took me away from the battle at the pyramids. I wasn’t sure where I was or why, so I sat on the sand for hours thinking about what I’d just learned. I allowed myself to mourn my mother and let her go, and then, for the first time in a thousand years, I mourned the lives I took in my misguided journey of revenge. A few days passed before I left that beach.

“Find your redemption, brother.”

That was the task she gave me. I walked a couple of miles away from the beach before I found a store. I grabbed the first newspaper I could find and discovered I'd been dropped off in San Diego, California.

Why would she send me to California?I was tempted to leave, but she had sent me here for a reason, and I needed to find out what that was. If whatever I was supposed to do here had to do with my redemption, it meant people might be in trouble. Saving her people would be the only way I could even begin to balance the ledger against me.

I found an internet café and contacted one of my warriors via email. I would need to relocate my base of operations to here. I sent him a list of instructions with immediate needs and things to get ready.

Ten months passed since the day I was dropped off in San Diego and I began moving all of my operations from Mexico City. I was still unsure what Selene wanted me to do here, but I found a new hobby to keep me busy until I figured it out.

Selene wasn’t the only person to whom I needed to redeem myself. After warning Celeste and Alpha Markus about the threats we’d found in the underground, the few warriors who remained with me and I were spending time gathering information and hunting down anyone attempting to hurt her and her family. It was the least I could do after everything I put her through. I had already killed three creatures going after her and sent her information about a few more that may make their way to Arizona over email. I didn’t dare try to see her yet. Some actions were hard to forgive and I didn’t want to see the hate in her eyes.

I also bought out a shipping and exporting business that was about to go under. While going over the books, schedules and auditing the logs, I found some discrepancies that the owner had not been aware of.
