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“We have never been allowed to eat in a formal dining room. We’re usually left to fend for ourselves in the kitchens with whatever leftovers we can find. I’m not sure how to use all this silverware, and I’m afraid to make a fool of myself,” she whispered. I tamped down the rage Atlas was feeling, hoping it wasn’t evident on my face, and I cursed myself for causing her discomfort. We shouldn’t have done something this formal so soon, but I’d wanted her to meet the people close to me.

“Would you like to eat in the bedroom instead? I can have someone send up food?”

“I’m fine! No need to make a fuss. We aren’t used to a lot of food anyway. We’ll get sick if we eat more than what we’re used to eating.” I sighed and nodded at her words, making a mental note to ask Kelly to get someone to help her learn all the rules and etiquette I often took for granted.

Next time we see that alpha oaf, you will not deny me avenging the cruelty he’s shown mate, Atlas growled in my mind.

As long as you let me get some hits in, too,I agreed.

“Okay, we’ll talk more later,” I said and gently squeezed her hand. I turned back to the table and noticed a few smirks coming from my friends while they observed our exchange. I rolled my eyes.

After dinner, Gillian and I went into my office with Maya and Celeste.

“To break your connection to your pack permanently, you have to say, ‘I, full name, do hereby renounce my allegiance to the Blood Moon Pack,’” I said. I noticed Celeste’s eyes widen, and realized it would require her to use her full name. She looked at Gillian and Maya nervously.

“Guys, can you please go see if my father has arrived?” Gillian looked at me funny, his expression curious.

‘In person,’I mind-linked him with a pointed look.

“Sure thing, Alpha. Come on, Maya. We’ll be back in a little bit.” After they left, I went to the door myself. I looked at her and smiled, but I knew by the guilty look on her face that it didn’t reach my eyes, and the hurt I was feeling was showing.

“I’ll be outside the door, love. Just say the words and let me know when you feel the link snap.” I was about to close the door, but she stopped me.

“You can stay,” she said quietly. I closed the door in front of me and gave her space to do what she needed. I saw how she wrung her hands nervously and took a few steadying breaths. This must be going against every survival instinct she had, and I was about to let her know it was okay to wait when she squared her shoulders and expelled a breath with determination.

“I, Celeste Aurora Dellarosa, renounce my allegiance to the Blood Moon Pack,” she declared and flinched when she felt the pack bond break. Her name tickled something in the back of my head, but the happiness overpowered it at the trust she was showing me.

‘You can come back now,’I mind linked Gillian.

I walked back toward my desk, but she surprised me by flying into my arms and kissing me. Instantly, I wrapped my arms around her waist and returned the kiss. Atlas howled that she initiated the contact while I wanted to howl at her taste.

“Ahem.” I heard behind me, and I wanted to growl at the interruption. I let Celeste down reluctantly. If blushing was a contest, we had a winner because her face was beet red. I turned to Gillian, who was wagging his eyebrows at me.

'You have the worst timing,’I mind-linked him.

‘You’re the one who said we could come back.'he defended.

‘I didn’t know she would do that,’I admitted and smiled.

‘Rawr,’he taunted.

“Now that both tethers to the Blood Moon Pack have been severed. It’s time to officially join our pack. I will ask you if you accept and swear fealty to Crescent Moon, and when you accept, I will make a small cut on your hand and mix your blood with mine. You should then be able to feel the new pack connection click into place,” I informed Maya and Celeste after we gathered around my desk again.

‘Son, we’re home. I would like to meet my future daughter-in-law and luna,’My father mind-linked me after I felt Celeste and Maya join the pack link and as I explained the structure of how things worked in the pack house day to day in case they wanted to wander around.

‘We’re in the study,’I responded.

“Welcome to Crescent Moon.” I smiled at Maya. “I’m sure you’re both exhausted after today’s events. You guys have a busy day tomorrow, so I will let you get some rest. Love, my dad wishes to meet you before we retire for the night,” I said. Celeste smiled nervously and nodded. I took her hand and pulled her next to me on the couch, hoping she felt the bond as strongly as I did and my presence would soothe her as much as hers did me. When I felt her relax, I smiled smugly in my mind. Atlas was once again happy with our close proximity and began wagging his tail.

We heard a quiet knock, and the door opened without waiting for an answer.

“Bella?” Dad whispered under his breath, letting the bottle of champagne he was carrying drop and shatter on the floor. I felt Celeste stiffen, and her eyes went wide.

Chapter nine


Istaredinshockat the older gentleman in front of me and heard the shattering of a bottle.
