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“I have never had anyone care for me the way you do. I don’t deserve you,” I said, my voice cracking at the end from the emotion.

Wrapping his arms around me, he lifted me while I was still plastered to his chest, and walked us toward the bed, my legs swaying from side to side as he moved. I giggled when he dropped me on the bed. He crawled next to me and held me to him, cradling me as if I were the most precious thing in the world to him.

“Come on, let’s nap before Rhett arrives. I have a feeling we’re going to have a long night,” he said, and I happily snuggled closer to him and allowed myself to drift off to sleep, surrounded by his scent.

I woke feeling someone poking my ribs. My eyes fluttered open, and Markus was slowly lowering his hand to poke me again. I frowned as I watched his finger slowly dig into my skin. “Why are you poking me?”

“I am checking to make sure you’re still gaining weight. I want to make sure you’re plump so I can cook you for Thanksgiving,” he replied mischievously, and then instead of poking me again, he began tickling me all over. I fought to get away, wiggling and laughing so hard I thought I would pass out. He finally stopped after I begged him to have mercy. “Alpha Rhett has entered the pack grounds. He should be in here shortly,” he said, nibbling on my lips with a smile still on his face. I whimpered when he got off the bed but followed him down to the foyer after taming back my unruly curls again.

“Luna! Looking healthier every time I see you,” Alpha Rhett said, beaming at me as we entered the foyer.

“It’s wonderful to see you again, Alpha Rhett. But please, call me Celeste,” I replied, smiling warmly.

“Only if you call me Rhett.” He winked, and Markus pulled me to his side possessively, making me blush, but I didn’t move away. Alpha Rhett laughed at Markus, and I knew he liked teasing my jealous mate.

“Sooo, I’m told we’re not getting the privilege of eating your food tonight?” Rhett said with a little disappointment in his voice.

“I am afraid I used my cooking nights already this week, but let me know what you want next time, and I’ll be sure to save one of my cooking nights for you and your beta.”

“I will hold you to that. My cook is excellent at his job, yet it still doesn’t taste the same,” he lamented, making Markus chuckle.

“At this rate, you’re going to have to set up a waiting list for your food, love,” Markus teased me.

“Gentlemen,” I heard Danny coming from the left. “One, the conference room is set up with the video equipment, and two, I call dibs on the first ten slots in that waiting list. Maya has been telling me about the food they made during the previous full moon, and I gained two pounds just dreaming about it.” We all laughed while heading for the conference room, where Alexander and Gillian were already waiting for us.

No one was laughing fifteen minutes later after we watched the video of Ruby’s rescue. Markus held me in his lap after I started shaking from anger, whispering at me soothingly.

“This is insane. Do we know who these guys are? Celeste, are they part of Blood Moon?” Alpha Rhett asked. Everyone looked at me expectantly.

“I've seen them around the pack grounds a few times, but they never stayed in the pack house. That was the only place I was allowed. The one with short hair is named Levi. I think the one with the long hair is named Lucas.” I shifted uncomfortably, hoping no one would ask me how I knew.

“How often did you see them?” Danny asked. I scrunched my face as I tried to remember, then I realized something.

“They were there after each girl got their wolf! Always a day or two after a full moon. They–“ I shifted again and didn’t finish my sentence. I looked at the floor to avoid everyone's stare, but Markus squeezed my waist, trying to encourage me to continue.

“What’s the matter?” he asked quietly, concerned when I couldn’t look him in the eyes, and instead, I looked back at the paused video where an unconscious Ruby was frozen on the screen.

“Two years ago, they showed up early. Everyone was outside running. I’m always in charge of the meal, and since I didn’t have my wolf, I wasn’t allowed to run anyway. They came in and tried… well, they tried...” I couldn’t finish the sentence. “Beta Trevor came in and said something like ‘Hands off our property.’ I thought this was their way of protecting us, but now it makes more sense. We really were property,” I spoke to the room as I shook with anger, feeling dirty again when I remembered their hands on me. Markus buried his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent. I could feel his chest vibrating as he tried not to growl.

‘It was a long time ago, my love. I am fine. I am safe, thanks to you,'I mind-linked him while I wrapped my arms around his waist to calm him down, thankful the others were giving us a moment as they averted their eyes to give us privacy. Finally, Markus lifted his head and kissed my cheek.

“We need to find out if these guys have a connection we can trace back to Black Moon. Otherwise, Alpha Geoff can just deny he had any knowledge of what was happening. Have we found any information from Ruby?”

“Nothing yet. She was told she was being sold because she was useless. She doesn’t remember anyone taking her, just that she was knocked out with wolfsbane while she was completing her duties. She can’t identify anyone,” Danny growled darkly.

“What do we know about the buyer and how they are arranging the meet-ups?” Alphe Rhett asked.

“They actually have a really interesting setup. It took us a while to find it, but again, we can’t trace it back. We still have IT trying to crack it. They use Amazon to sell ‘furniture.’ The description is used to describe the female. The shipping date is the meet-up. We aren’t sure how they communicate the location yet.”

“We need to take this to the council. They have more resources than we do. They can launch an investigation and connect the missing dots. Son, we can at least approach one or two that I know we can trust,” Alexander spoke up.

“We will keep researching during the next month. If we have nothing by the harvest moon, we will give the council everything we have so they can also conduct an investigation,” Markus replied. “At a minimum, it will put the spotlight on the Blood Moon, and they will have no choice but to stop selling the she-wolves until the investigation is over. We will inform each of the girls is a survivor of Sky Moon and have that investigation reopened as well. We at least know for sure that they lied about that.”

“Do you think they can get away with this?” I asked, wondering if it was time to come up with a plan B.

“We won’t let them,” Gillian assured, making the rest nod in agreement. We closed the meeting on that dark note. I was furious. I would not let him get away with it, and if I had to take matters into my own hands, I would.

“Alexander, Gillian, could you please wait a moment?” I asked both men before they left the room. “Alp…Rhett, I will be making breakfast in the morning. Send me a text if you want anything special.” I decided as everyone else shuffled out. Alpha Rhett smiled and nodded while Danny bounced down the hallway, whooping as he went.
