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Chapter four


IgroanedwhenIfinally settled down on my futon and massaged my feet. The first dinner was a success. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food, and some even asked for seconds. The outside validation was welcomed and made the ache in my feet worth it for once. The best part was all of the girls managed to get at least some taste of the food from whatever little leftovers there were from the appetizers we made. We split the last couple of entrees between all of us and even managed to get a taste of the lava cake. I was thankful for the help cleaning up the kitchen, though confused by the sudden whiff of an exquisite smell combination of pistachios and figs. They were my favorite scents and ones I usually didn’t find in the pack house.

I lay down on the futon and let sleep take me. Tomorrow, I needed to cook breakfast for all the warriors and the guests, lunch, a five-course dinner, and the canapes for the party. It would be a grueling day, and I needed all the rest I could get.

I woke up at three thirty in the morning, and after getting myself ready, I went and softly knocked on Maya’s small room, hoping I wasn’t waking anyone with the noise. She shared the space with three other omegas and while it was nicer, for sure, than where I slept, I was happy for the privacy it afforded me. Maya was forced to share the bed with one of her roommates, and there was no switching if her bedmate was a kicker or a snorer.

Once Maya opened the door, we made our way to the kitchen. We started with the warrior’s breakfast since that would just be the normal buffet style that everyone was used to. We pumped out the croissants, sausages, bacon, eggs and biscuits. We’d pre-cut fruit the day before and stored it for use this morning. After the warrior’s breakfast, we began making the guests’ breakfast. We left cards on top of the pillows in the prepared suites requesting they choose a breakfast dish from a set of options when we stocked their rooms with drinks and snacks with instructions to hang them on their door knob before turning in. Maya went and rounded them up for us while I started several pans with sauces. Breakfast choices were between eggs benedict, French toast, crepes, and a higher-end warrior’s type of breakfast: toast, eggs of choice, sausage, bacon, and hash browns. The tables were loaded with additional servings of toast, spreads, and fruit.

After breakfast, we started baking fresh bread while the other girls delivered the plates to the guests as they did the night before. I noticed one of the visiting betas entered the kitchen while we were working, and was quietly speaking to a few of the girls while they were running back and forth. I could see him from the corner of my eye while cooking, and how the girls would pale and shake their heads profusely at whatever he said to them. The kitchen cleared as the girls made themselves scarce, and he moved to approach me, but Luna Luisa came in, making the man stiffen at her presence slightly before donning a charming smile and turning toward her as she greeted him.

“Beta Gillian, how did you find your accommodations last night?” she asked.

“Luna Luisa, everything has been impeccable. You sure know how to host a gathering,” he said smoothly.

“Thank you! It’s a lot of work organizing it all, but so rewarding. Is there something you need? Was breakfast not to your liking? I could have them whip up something different if you weren’t satisfied with your plate?” she said, sending a glare my way as if I’d done something wrong.

“No, no, no. In fact, I actually came to see if I could talk your cook into making me another eggs benedict. That sauce is the best I’ve ever tasted,” he said, looking my way.

“Of course, Beta. Right away, sir,” I said, not believing a word he said. I would have to ask one of the girls what he asked them when I had some free time. For now, I had too much work to worry about it.

“Thank you.” He provided me with a genuine smile. He held his arm for Luna Luisa and walked with her toward the dining room.

Lunch today was simple. They could choose from chicken Alfredo on angel hair pasta, Philly Cheesesteak on fresh homemade bread and, to add something different, fish tacos. This was the only meal that would be buffet-style for the guests. We made about thirteen plates of each dish and set them up along the dining room table. Around noon, all the guests appeared at once as if coming out of a meeting, though I’d like to think that they were just looking forward to what I was offering for lunch. Maya and I quickly cleaned the kitchen and began preparing for dinner.

On the menu for the five-course meal was a combination of simple and complex recipes. We made a few appetizers for the first course that I made sure differed from the night before. The second course was a simple caprese salad. The main course consisted of beef Wellington with Madeira wine sauce, roasted Cajun potatoes, sautéed carrots and parsnips. We provided a selection of cheeses, sliced figs and a light vinaigrette-tossed arugula salad for the cheese course. To end the night, we decided to serve a sampling of mini desserts. A plate containing slices of cheesecake, apple rose puffs, Mexican custard, a chocolate mouse with raspberries and a last-minute addition of mini pistachio and fig tarts. I couldn’t get the smell out of my head.

I snuck a quick look as they were eating dessert and smiled at the appreciative looks on everyone’s faces. I caught a whiff of the same smell from yesterday and realized it must be one of the guests’ cologne. I closed the cracked door and started preparing the canapes for after the full moon run. The moon would start coming up in about three hours. It was the moment of truth for Sandra.


Iwantedtogoask the cook to run away with me. I could imagine eating like this all my life. These last two days were worth the trip just for the damn food. Putting up with Alpha Geoff’s pompous ass was irritating, but the moment I put the food in my mouth, Atlas would start wagging his and rolling over in my head like an idiot. For a grumpy wolf, he sure seemed to enjoy the cook’s food.

I eyed Gillian with a little bit of jealousy. He’d gone to find someone willing to talk to us and came out with a second helping of eggs benedict instead. Now, it was lunchtime, and he was still eating like he’d missed breakfast. Lucky bastard.

‘Stop being mad I got more food than you did. What else could I have used as a cover?’he asked via mind-link when he saw me stink-eyeing him as he ate his Philly cheesesteak.

‘You could have shared. It’s not like you got anything out of the girls.’I replied, unsure why I was pouting over extra food.

‘Yeah, those girls are terrified. I don’t think they believe we can protect them. The only one I didn’t get a chance to talk to was the pretty cook.’

‘Pretty? Seems like a crime to be able to cook like this and be pretty at the same time.’

‘Yeah, she’s a cutey. Young. Probably not even of age. Curls that don’t seem to end and some pretty remarkable eye color.’

‘Sounds like you’re smitten,’I teased.

‘She is pretty, but not for me. I will wait for my mate. I could tell it wouldn’t be her,’he answered, surprising me. I knew he was waiting for his mate, but how could he know it wouldn't be her?

‘You can tell without the full moon?’I asked, genuinely curious.

‘Mom’s always said you should be able to feel some sort of pull towards your mate, some sort of attraction. Full moon or not. They are chosen for you at birth, so it’s always there. You can feel it to some extent. The Full Moon just helps the bond snap into place.’

‘Hmm. Interesting.'I could feel Atlas listening closely. His behavior lately was a little weird, but I figured he was just on edge from being in enemy territory.

‘I don’t think we’ll get anyone here to help. He’s got everyone scared for their life,’Gillian finished.
