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“We trust this Evergreen?” I asked, making everyone chuckle.

“Even if we didn’t, he would know. Evergreen is a genius-level security specialist and hacks networks for a hobby.” Danny laughed. “But he is also my cousin. My mother’s sister mated outside the pack, and we visited him and he, us, often. He officially joined the pack a couple of years ago after he became an employee of Salonen Industries. He designs and implements Markus’ security software and has personally set up and installed all the pack’s security measures. He’s never here as he likes to take an active part in implementing all the security measures we sell to clients.”

“You mean he doesn’t trust anyone else to do them right,” Markus corrected.

“Potato, Potahto.” Danny shrugged. “Markus wants to upgrade our security after yesterday, and we’ve asked him to look into your questions about your family, Luna.”

“Ah,” I said, catching up to speed.‘I should find out more about what you do for business,’I mind-linked Markus.

‘All in good time, love. We can’t push everything at you at once,’he responded as he continued to hug me.

“What did the file say?” I brought us back to the topic at hand.

“He traced your bloodline back to Mexico City, then traced it forward through both the male and female sides of your mother’s family. Most of your bloodline has almost died off, but a few people in a small pack near Mexico City are still around, albeit through the male side. Evergreen believes we may find more information there. The knowledge of your ancestors could still be passed on orally in the event that a female was born with an ability. He is waiting for our go-ahead to try to make contact and arrange a visit,” Gillian answered.

“That’s amazing. I like him already. Can you forward me the file? I’d like to compare it to the tree we found in the safety deposit box.”

“Tree? What tree?” Danny asked.

“Shit, I’d forgotten about that,” Markus said, lifting me and placing me on his chair before he strode into our bedroom to grab the documents.

As we were waiting for Markus to come back. We heard rapping on the bedroom door and a very loud, “LUNA WAKE UP, WE HAVE TO FIND YOU A DRESS.”

I quickly put my finger to my lips, ushering Danny and Gillian to be quiet, as they looked like they wanted to start laughing. As silently as I could, I got up and hid in the little closet in the office.

Markus’ muffled voice reached me as he opened the door of our bedroom to address Kelly. Kelly responded with something I couldn’t catch, but Markus laugh. Moments later, I heard her voice in the office.

“Where did she go?” she asked.

“I think she went that way,” I heard Gillian say.

“No, no, she went out the window when she heard your voice,” Danny corrected. I was trying hard not to giggle in the closet when Kelly growled at the boys.

“Tuli...” Markus’ voice called before the door opened to reveal a frustrated Kelly. She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the closet.

“I have never in my life met two women that didn’t like to go shopping. You are truly monsters,” she grumbled, dragging me to the door, and as we passed Markus, he dipped quickly to give me a goodbye kiss.

“Betrayed by my own mate. Don’t think this breach of trust will go unpunished,” I warned and held two fingers in front of my eyes before I flipped them to point to his. Markus chuckled and shook his head.

“Wait, Kelly,” I whined before she could drag me down the hallway. When she didn’t stop, I planted my feet on the carpeted floor and stood my ground.

“Luna, we’re going to be late,” she huffed after trying to pull me forward. I was much more solid than the poor girl. “I already spent ten minutes herding Maya up here,” she said, gesturing towards the elevator where Maya was waiting with her arms crossed over her arms and a big pout on her face.

“But I have my dress,” I told her.

“What? How? Did you actually go shopping by yourself?” she demanded, slightly hurt and impressed at the same time.

“No, of course not. I found my dress in the safety deposit box my mother left me,” I said, and we made our way to the bedroom door.

I motioned for her and Maya to follow me, and we entered the bedroom, where I walked straight to the closet. I brought out the dress and unfolded it. The letter fell out of it, and I quickly grabbed it and put it on my dresser. I held up the dress for their approval.

“It’s beautiful, Celeste!” Maya gushed.

“It is, and it’s perfect for the theme you picked. Put it on. We need to ensure we don’t have to adjust it today,” Kelly ordered.

I went back into the closet to change. I pulled the dress on and saw myself in the mirror attached to the back of the door. The dress was perfect. It hugged my body like it was made for it, and the sight of me in it gave me such a longing for my parents.

‘Everything okay, Tuli?’Markus asked through the mind-link, concern in his voice. ‘I can feel your sadness.’
