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Icamebackfromthe bathroom after the migraine started to hit. I had a vision while assembling the canapes, and it confused me. In it, Sandra was looking down at me through a haze of red, yet when I came back to myself, Sandra was nowhere around. Not having a vision come true was a first, but I wondered if it was simply exhaustion making it more broken than usual.

Shifting usually helped get rid of the migraine, so I went to the bathroom to quickly shift, as I couldn’t risk shifting outside during the full moon. There were too many people about. The smell of cologne from earlier hit me in the face when I re-entered the kitchen, soothing the remains of the migraine, though I saw no one there but Maya.

“Oh hey, you missed Alpha Markus. He would like the recipes for the desserts. I told him we’d leave copies of them in his room while they run,” Maya informed me when she saw me.

Alpha Markus, so that is the name of the scent’s owner. Hmmm. I mulled over the name while I cooked more canapes. It had a nice ring to it. I barely interacted or saw any of the ranked members this weekend so far as there was so much cooking to do, so I had no idea who he might be. The only people I met were the few who came over asking for recipes, something I gladly shared with all of them.

I heard the howling of the wolves when the moon began to peak, and I tried to ignore Kara’s disappointment. I knew she would love nothing more than to run during a full moon. It was supposed to be energizing and magical, but for us, it was dangerous, too.

I know we will get to run under the Goddess’s light one day,Kara said, sensing my guilt.

You’re the best wolf a girl could ask for,I answered, genuinely grateful for her understanding and companionship.

We finished plating the canapes, and Maya and I went to drop the food off at the tables outside. We could hear howling in the distance as they ran around the pack grounds as we walked, and I wished I lived to see the day when I was free to enjoy the full moon with my wolf. I looked up at the sky and let the moon's glow soak into my skin after setting down the platters of food, but someone grabbed me by the hair and pushed me to the ground. I looked up and saw Sandra. I instantly bowed my head, not knowing what I did but wanting to avoid a beating while the remainder of the guests’ visit still depended on me cooking food in the morning. I quickly glanced to the side and saw that Maya was also on the ground, a slash on her head from Sandra’s claws. I wasn’t sure why Sandra was targeting us, but I could heal faster than Maya. She had no wolf, so I needed to direct Sandra's anger toward me.

You can’t come out to defend me, Kara,I instructed. I didn't have to tell her what I planned to do. We'd done this before.

I will try, but if it comes down to your life, screw the secret,she warned, seeing how angry Sandra looked right now.

I stood up. That was all it usually took for Sandra to divert her attention to me and today was no exception.

“I didn’t say you could stand up, you worthless piece of trash!” Sandra screamed and punched me in the face. I felt my orbital bone crack. Even if she wasn’t strong, she was stronger than my underweight body. I looked up, and everything looked red as blood filled my eyes. I stood up again.

“We didn’t do anything wrong,” I pleaded.

“I DON’T NEED YOU TO DO ANYTHING WRONG. IF I WANT TO BEAT YOU TO DEATH BECAUSE I FUCKING WISH TO, I CAN. YOU’RE PROPERTY. YOU’RE NOT WORTH THE FOOD YOU EAT,” she shrieked and rushed me. I felt a punch to my shoulder, and the clavicle snapped. Her claws slashed my stomach, and when I fell, she kicked me in the ribs.

I am not sure I can keep from healing you much longer, Celeste. You are taking too much damage. I will have to force the shift,Kara warned. This was a lot more violence than she usually displayed.

No, we just have to hang in there, I pleaded.

“This was supposed to be my night. I was supposed to find my mate. Instead, everyone is talking about how good the food is like I DON’T EXIST!” she screamed at me.

She landed a kick on my chin, and I felt my jaw crack. I wasn’t moving on the ground anymore, and I curled up as she landed kick after kick. I knew I would pass out soon, but the wind blew past me, and the smell of pistachios and figs hit my nose, soothing my pain a bit and giving me a shot of adrenaline. With just enough strength left, I sat up slightly, wincing from the pain, and looked for the owner of the smell. A crowd was gathering near the garden entrance as they arrived back from the run, shifting back to their human forms. My bloody eyes landed on a pair of grey, and I felt the jolt of electricity rushing through my aching body as something snapped inside, almost like a physical tether being put in place. Kara pushed forward.

“Mate,” she whispered, before the darkness took us.

Chapter five


Iwantedtolaughat the look of shock and dismay on the faces of the alpha, luna, and their daughter when the moon peaked. None of the leaders of the packs were her mate. While I don’t think anyone was surprised, we were all doing a pretty good job of looking sympathetic. Rhett smirked at me discreetly and blew a small, relieved puff of air, which I think was internally echoed by every unmated male here to not be bonded to this terrible family.

Sandra turned from the stage and stomped away while we removed our clothing and shifted. On the run, I couldn’t help but actually admire his lands under the full moon. The previously dead and derelict lands looked like they were full of wild magic under the moon’s light. My wolf was excited. He was an old soul, and it was clear that he enjoyed his moon runs.

I feel like something is happening. I think something is about to change. Something important,Atlas said, speeding up. I didn’t respond. I felt the same way the further we ran from the pack house. Something felt wrong, and I wanted desperately to turn back.

Finally, I heard Alpha Geoff’s howl to turn back. As we were getting closer to the area where the party was taking place, I heard a woman shrieking like a banshee, and Atlas hurried our steps even more.

“I DON’T NEED YOU TO DO ANYTHING WRONG. IF I WANT TO BEAT YOU TO DEATH BECAUSE I FUCKING WISH TO, I CAN. YOU’RE PROPERTY. YOU’RE NOT WORTH THE FOOD YOU EAT. This was supposed to be my night. I was supposed to find my mate. Instead, everyone is talking about how good the food is like I DON’T EXIST.” I recognized Sandra scream in the distance.

We reached the clearing and saw Sandra kicking someone curled up on the floor. I shifted and started running towards them. Maya was sitting on the floor beside the tables that held the food, blood running down a gash on her forehead. The wind swirled around me as I approached, and the smell of blood, strawberries and honey hit me in the face before the wind blew away from me again.

My heart raced, and my attention turned to the woman on the ground, instinctively knowing she was the owner of the wonderful scent. All I could see of her was the copious amounts of jet-black curls shining against the full moon. Blood dripped from her chin as she tried to cover herself from the violent attack Sandra unleashed on her, but I caught the moment she sniffed the air slowly as the wind blew her curls wildly around her. She sat up with difficulty and looked our way. When my eyes connected with her bloody blue ones, I felt the bond snap into place before she fainted.

My eyes turned black as Atlas pushed forward, taking over my body.

“MINE!” he roared.
