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Chapter thirty-one


Iwishedthelunaceremony didn’t require the pack house to be so full of people. I couldn’t wait for Celeste to be officially recognized as my luna, my mate, my partner, but damn it, if I didn’t just want to keep her in our bedroom so I could have her all to myself.

Having so many additional bodies around my mate made me uneasy. I was still on edge over what happened to Ruby and all I could think about were the potential dangers heading our way. Atlas was on full alert, always keeping a link open to Kara so they could communicate. It was really hard to let her go to the mall without us, but I kept in constant contact with Gabriel through text.

Evergreen arrived shortly after the girls left, and we reviewed all the security measures we needed and listened to any suggestions he might have. The components for the new system were pricey, even at cost, but worth every penny. And really, what was the point of being one of the top security companies if we weren’t willing to shell out the money to safeguard our own pack? We should be upgrading every other year as the technology and software advanced enough to merit the cost.

After making a plan, we went over the security measures for tomorrow, leaving no stone unturned. Evergreen was a genius and a master of his trade. Every five minutes or so through our meeting, Danny, Gillian or myself asked the guards for updates via text, mostly nodding at each other when we received an answer, hoping Evergreen wouldn’t notice all the interruptions. I knew the guards were probably annoyed, but they took their job seriously and, with everything that happened, answered our every request.

We were even being sent discreet pictures of the girls in the stores, looking and trying on dresses. Mind you, Danny wasn’t happy they refused to share photos of Maya in the dress she bought and whined about it. They insisted it was a breach of trust and were not going to get in the middle of it. If he wanted pictures of the dress, he would have to ask his mate. I found it quite funny, considering he’d been teasing me about not being allowed to see Celeste in her dress.

Now, we were in my office before dinner, waiting for the arrival of the alphas that would remain in the pack grounds. The girls were back home and changing for tonight’s dinner. Gillian, Danny and I were already dressed in slacks and button-downs, drinking a quick whiskey as we talked about any detail we might not have considered for the ceremony tomorrow.

‘Alpha Troy is at the gates,’Brandon, one of my guards, informed me.

“Show time, boys,” I said, getting up.‘The first guest is at the gate. Could you please come down to greet them with me, love?’I reached out to Celeste.

‘On my way,’she answered.

We headed out to the front of the pack house. Alpha Troy was a good man, and we were distant allies. It would be a good start to the evening.

Maya and Kelly came down first. Maya went straight to Danny’s side and wrapped her arm around his. Danny’s features instantly lit up when he saw her in the pretty sundress. Kelly stood next to Gillian in a blue silk shirt and black skirt. I looked back at the door, waiting for my Tuli. I finally saw her coming out of the elevator, and I was mesmerized. She was wearing a white fitted shirt with loose sleeves down to her elbow, tucked into a red pencil skirt with big black buttons down the sides. She looked spectacular, and I was tempted to grab her and take her back upstairs. She smiled at me as she approached, and as she passed, I noticed Maya sniff the air before blushing when she realized I caught her sniffing. When Celeste joined my side, I wrapped my arm around her waist and turned around to welcome our guest. A faint smell of apples hit my nose, but I assumed it was coming from the kitchen.

Probably what Maya was smelling, Atlas said.

I didn’t have time to respond as Alpha Troy got out of the car, and I slipped into the role of host.

“Alpha Troy! Welcome to Crescent Moon. We’re so glad you could come,” I said.

“Thank you, Alpha Markus, for hosting us. Maya! You look a hundred times better than the last time I saw you, my dear. I see you’ve found your mate. I am glad for you both,” he said.

“Thank you! It’s good to see you again, Alpha Troy,” Maya said, blushing when Danny held her closer and a bit possessively.

“And Celeste, considering you were half dead last time I saw you, I’d say you look a thousand times better. Being a luna suits you, my dear.”

“Thank you, Alpha Troy. I’m sorry you met me under those circumstances. I hope this meeting goes better.” She chuckled, already enchanted by the older man. Alpha Troy was approaching forty, but he looked in his early thirties. Above that, he was a very kind man, and it radiated from his pores.

‘Alpha Nicholas has arrived.’

’Thank you. Let him through.’

“Alpha Nicholas is coming. Shall we wait before we head inside? We’re only expecting Council Member Matthias today. The rest won’t arrive until tomorrow morning,” I informed the group.

“Of course. Alpha Nicholas is an old friend of mine,” he said before turning around and returning to the car. Alpha Troy gently helped his mate out of the vehicle, whispering something in her ear as he did. His mate, I knew, was a very shy woman, and I was surprised to see her here as she usually didn’t travel.

“Celeste, Maya, may I present my mate, Kiara. My dear, these are the two girls I told you about, and I’m sure you remember Daniel, Gillian and his sister Kelly. We met them at Markus’ alpha ceremony.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Luna, Maya. Thank you for welcoming us into your home,” she said quietly.

“The pleasure is mine. I believe I have Alpha Troy to thank for pushing for Maya and me to be allowed to leave Blood Moon, so you will always be welcomed in our pack,” Celeste replied, hugging her. Luna Kiara seemed shocked and stiff at being embraced but then relaxed and returned the hug. Alpha Troy beamed at the girls, and I felt like this had been some sort of test for his luna and mine.

Alpha Nicholas arrived, and after the introductions and pleasantries, we headed into the dining room. Once Councilman Matthias arrived, we sat down to eat.

Nothing in the food tonight had apples,Atlas mentioned.

Yeah, weird. Must be something in her makeup or a new lotion?I wondered.
