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“Let us shift, Tuli,” Atlas growled, trying to push me away without hurting me with his claws. I looked up at my mate. He looked like he was in pain from stopping mid-shift, but there was so much anger in his eyes. I pushed my head into his chest instead and pleaded with him, “Please, Atlas. It’s not worth it. You already saved me. You saved Maya. Help me save the rest.”

I could hear Kelly crying quietly behind me while Gillian helped Maya restrain Danny, a similar conversation occurring between them, considering he was also stuck in a mid-shift, unwilling to hurt his mate but needing to exact their revenge on the people that hurt her.

Markus and Atlas were breathing so heavily, and I moved my hand to their half-covered-in-fur back, which had grown and torn his shirt, and rubbed small circles, hoping the bond sparks would calm him. Eventually, he did calm down because I felt his resignation through the bond before his arms wrapped around me and his face dipped into my neck, kissing my cheek.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said, and I felt the dampness of his tears on my neck.

‘It’s not your fault. You’re the reason why those are but a memory now. I’m sorry you had to see them. This nightmare is almost over for all of us, thanks to you.’

Councilman Matthias cleared his throat. I pulled away from Markus, but he wouldn’t let me go. Instead, he allowed me to twist in his arms so we were both facing the councilman.

“I’m sorry this happened to you and your people under our watch. Please add these to your presentation tomorrow. I can safely say they will not leave this place as free wolves.”

“Thank you, Councilman. May I ask what will happen to the girls once Alpha Geoff is under arrest?” I asked.

“We‘ll look to see if any of them have any family in other packs that will want to take them in. Any we aren’t able to place, we will need to find homes for them.”

“I would like them to come here with me. To our pack. As the last remaining ranked member of Sky Moon, they are my responsibility. We can house them, provide the health measures they need, as well as therapy and education. They would be full members of our pack,” I said, and I could feel Markus’ approval through the bond.

“I believe that request will be granted. As someone who’s gone through it yourself, I believe you and Maya will be the most qualified people to know what their needs are. Now I must take my leave. It was a long flight here, and I would like to rest. Tomorrow will be a happy day, but it will be followed by a long one,” he said as he made his way to the doors.

“Council Matthias?” Markus said.

“Yes, Alpha Markus?”

“I would likeus”—he motioned to the group—“to be the ones to retrieve the girls. They will find it easier to trust us with Celeste and Maya.”

“That is an excellent idea. They can also remain here while we conduct the investigation to see if any of them have relatives in other packs. Good night,” he said and exited the room.

The moment he left, I heard something wood splintering. I turned to find Danny had punched a hole in the conference table. He was visibly shaking with anger and rage.

“I need some air,” he growled and left. Maya tried to follow him, but Markus stopped her.

“I’ll follow him and talk to him. Go rest, you have a big day tomorrow,” he said to Maya. Markus turned and gave me a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be up in a while. Atlas also needs a run,” he told me, and I nodded.

I walked over to Maya to lead her out, and we were suddenly engulfed in a giant hug. Kelly was bawling as she tried to murder us with her affection.

“I’m sorry. I knew you were mistreated, but I didn’t know how badly,” she managed to mumble between sobs. I turned to look at Gillian, and he had a mixed face of amusement and restrained pain, like he was stopping himself from doing something and it was physically hurting him. I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to join us. He grinned and embraced all three of us.

“Alright, let’s get to bed,” I told them when I pulled back, feeling drained. “The stylist is coming tomorrow, and we all need our beauty sleep.”

‘Will you be long?’I asked Markus.

‘I would count on it. Danny’s in pretty bad shape.’

‘I’ll take Maya with me to our bedroom. He can carry her down when you’re back,’I told him.Maya didn't need to be alone right now, especially with Beta Trevor under the same roof.

‘Okay, Tuli. I love you,’ he answered before he cut the mind-link. I stepped outside the conference room to find two guards waiting for us.

“Maya, you’re coming up with me. Danny will get you when they are back.” Maya nodded and sniffled a little.

“Uh uh, none of that. He‘s not angry at you. He probably needs to punch something for a while, and then he’ll be fine. We can’t have puffy eyes in the morning, or Kelly will kill us,” I said, which got a small laugh out of her.

We slept in the bed together until I felt Markus’ hands unwrap my arms from where I had fallen asleep comforting Maya. I felt her body lift while I struggled to open my eyes. Danny gave me an apologetic look, and I nodded to him as he left. Markus closed the door behind them and crawled into bed with me.

“What time is it?” I asked, yawning and curling into him.

“Around two in the morning,” he answered.
