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Kelly, Rhett, Mrs Quinn, Dad and Marie all filtered into the room with Gillian half an hour later.

“Some of the alphas wanted to push the meeting to tonight, but I explained that was impossible. Your place is with Celeste. Councilman Matthias helped. They will meet us at ten tomorrow morning,” he reported.

Dr. West came into the room, pushing a monitor. He paused, seeing how many people were in his patients’ room, but sighed and continued his work. I think he realized this wasn’t a fight he would win. He moved the monitor towards Celeste, looking at her in her dress with a furrowed brow before he moved toward the hanging room partition.

“Everyone fuss over Danny for a moment. We need to remove Luna Celeste‘s dress,” he ordered, handing me a hospital gown and a pair of tear-away shorts before closing the partition to give Celeste some privacy. As gently as possible, I undid her zipper and removed her dress. I pulled the shorts on, and as I was fitting on her gown, I stopped, looking down at her flat belly. Our pup was growing in there. I leaned down to kiss her stomach, my emotions threatening to overtake my composure. Altas was purring in my head, and a fierce protectiveness emanated from both of us. I opened the partition when I was done, and Dr. West came over and spread some gel on her stomach before turning on the ultrasound machine. Everyone’s attention was momentarily shifted to Gabriel and Zack, who filtered into the room.

“Alpha, everyone from Blood Moon is in the dungeons. We put silver chains on all of them, but Luna Luisa is requesting that Sandra’s silver shackles be removed so she can heal,” Zack informed me.

“Take the silver chains off… in two hours or so,” I said, and he nodded.

“One of the alphas is also asking for permission to search the pack grounds. His little step-brother is missing.” Gabriel stated, his eyes glued to Celeste and full of worry.

“Granted. Task a warrior with helping him,” I ordered.

Zack and Gabriel looked torn between leaving to complete their duty and their concern for Celeste, so I made it easy for them.

“You can both stay. I know Celeste considers you friends,” I told them, and visible relief and gratitude flittered across their faces before they nodded and stood to the side with the rest.

I turned back to Dr. West as he fiddled with the wand probe for a minute or two before turning on the sound. A strong, fast heartbeat reached my ears, then Dr. West moved the probe slightly, and another heartbeat joined the first. Everyone was in raptured silence as they listened to the heartbeats of the Crescent Moon heirs. My eyes were glued to the monitor, my heart beating faster than the ones on the speakers, when I noticed the two tiny beans on the screen.

Twin pups.Atlas wagged his tail and somersaulted in my head.

Celeste stirred, and I looked down at her. Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled up at me as she woke. I bent down to kiss her with every ounce of love I felt for her. She responded to my kiss with as much fervor, before she felt the probe on her stomach. She scrunched her nose at the monitor, and I could see her trying to figure out what she was looking at. Her eyes were slightly unfocused as she started having a conversation with Kara, and I could tell the exact moment she realized what was happening. She gasped and looked at me, her eyes tearing up and filling with joy. I grinned down at her, a tear leaving my face as I watched almost every emotion in the rainbow cross her face—panic, worry, love, protectiveness and, above all, joy.

Chapter thirty-six


Twins.Iwaspregnantwith twins. That’s what Kara just told me as I stared at the two little beans on the monitors. My eyes flitted to Markus, who was grinning at me, his eyes full of joy and love. We hadn’t discussed pups, and I was relieved to see he was happy. I looked back at the monitors, emotions rolling through my heart. Was I ready? Would I be a good mother? Would I be able to handle everything? What would they look like? How could I love something as fiercely as I already loved those two little beans on the monitors? How could my life possibly get any better?

As if on cue, reality crashed down on me when that last question popped into my head, and I remembered everything that happened before I fainted. Panic rose for Danny, and I looked back at Markus, desperate for information.

“Danny, where’s Danny? Sandra shot him,” I needed to know desperately. I couldn't be responsible for taking Maya's mate away from her.

“Over here, Celeste!” I heard, and my head snapped to the side. Maya standing next to Danny, who was sitting on a bed. He looked a little pale and had several IVs attached to his hands, but he was fine. He was alive. The Moon Goddess heard my pleas. I slumped back with relief against Markus, and the bond sparks burst along my side comfortingly. We were all okay.

“What happened to Sandra?” I asked, remembering seeing her on fire as everyone arrived.

“Sandra was on fire when we arrived, and she dove into the river to put the fire out. We have her detained in the cells along with Alpha Geoff and the rest of his group,” Gillian answered from the side, where I finally noticed the rest of my family stood with him, most still fascinated with my babies on the monitor. My heart warmed seeing everyone there, including Gabriel and Zack.

“Would you like some pictures, Luna?” Dr. West asked, and I nodded again. I was too filled with happiness to talk anymore. I was still exhausted, and my body relayed that message through a giant yawn.

“You should rest. We still have that meeting in the morning,” Markus chuckled, though I could sense exhaustion coming from him too, and remembered that we pulled on a lot of his energy to heal Danny.

Agreeing, I turned to say good night to everyone, but no one wanted to move. I laughed and motioned for them to come forward with my hands. The girls rushed around me, and the men hugged Markus, who couldn’t stop grinning from ear to ear as we received congratulations. Maya was last, and she cried as she hugged me.

“You saved him. Thank you,” she sobbed into my neck, making me pat her back soothingly.

“He saved me first,” I reminded her, and when she finally calmed down, she returned to Danny’s side. I turned to Kelly and Rhett and smiled at them when I saw him holding her around the waist.

“I’m happy to see you both found each other. Kelly will make a great Luna, Rhett, and now you can come by more often so she can see us and you can get some baked goods. It’s perfect.”

Rhett grinned at my words. “I look forward to having our packs become more than allies. I believe a bunch of my people mated with your people today. It is as if Selene is giving her approval to our alliance.” I smiled at that, knowing it to be true.

Dr. West handed me the first picture of our pups, and, as if knowing what he was dealing with, he handed a copy to everyone else before shooing them out. I moved to the right of the bed and patted the empty side for Markus to crawl in, knowing he wouldn’t leave my side tonight. He crawled under the covers and rested his head on my shoulder, both of us looking down at the little picture of our pups as we settled in for the night.

“Good night,” Maya called out before she crawled in with Danny as the hospital partitions were pulled closed by the nurses to allow us to sleep.
