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“I can concede that we will need to re-open the investigation, but I don’t see enough information here to take immediate action. If you’re basing that demand on yesterday’s incident—”

“I’m not. As you saw in the video, over a month ago, we rescued one of the she-wolves that was sold. She was convalescing from long-term severe starvation and side effects of shifting while in that condition. A couple of days ago, a van pretending to be with the caterers for yesterday’s celebration came into my lands, kidnapped her, and killed her. We managed to catch up to them but were too late to save Ruby. We did, however, catch the two murderers, who also happened to be the traffickers. These events also happened at the order of the Blood Moon Pack.”

“Are they Blood Moon members?”

“No, they belonged to the Dessert Moon Pack,” I said, trying to keep my patience at all of the interruptions. If they would just let us finish.

“Then why are we not questioning the alpha of Dessert Moon Pack?”

“I had nothing to do with this!” Alpha Charles stood up.

“Because they were not working on the orders of the alpha of Dessert Moon. They were working for the Blood Moon Pack,” I said, gritting my teeth to keep from telling them to shut up and let me explain.

“Please, councilmen, allow us to continue with our presentation. It will all make sense at the end,” Gillian said.

“Please, continue,” one of the eldest of the council agreed.

I pushed play and let them listen to Levi speak. Alpha Geoff tried to get up to hurt him but was quickly pushed back down into the seat by my guards. Finally, we finished with everything but the photos. Celeste had agreed that unless they were needed, she would not show them. Councilman Matthias called us in after deliberations.

“The council agrees that we have enough evidence to take action. We’ve voted to remove the ranked members of the Blood Moon Pack immediately. We will have a full sentencing trial at a later time when we are able to conduct a thorough investigation to determine what else they may have been involved with. Dissolving the pack completely seems like the best course of action here. We'll give pack members the option to join other packs or become peaceful rogues before we step in and place the rest,” Councilman Matthias gave their verdict. There were a lot of murmurs in favor of this, and Alpha Geoff paled when he realized he was done for. The sentencing trial would just be for show. The council would not give them anything less than death.

“I will leave the council to decide the proper punishment and actions towards the pack. However, Celeste and I” —I motioned between us when I felt Celeste come up to stand beside me— “would like to request the girls from the Sky Moon join Crescent Moon. As survivors themselves, Maya and Celeste know the type of needs these girls will require to overcome all that they’ve suffered for the last eleven years.”

“What proof do we have of the treatment of the she-wolves? Why would we trust you with so many females? I have seen nothing—” Councilman John started.

“I can attest to what I saw when we attended the alpha's daughter's coming-of-age party.” Rhett stood up.

“As can I.” A couple of others stood as well.

“They are his allies!” Alpha Geoff roared. “You can’t sentence me to death on hearsay. You can go see these women in my pack. They are healthy!”

“Perhaps now,” Celeste spat, finally looking at him. “Beta Gillian has been sending money to Dr. Castle to provide food and medicine to the girls until we could set them free. We have the receipts to prove that and testimony from the doctor, but if you want proof, we can show you that,” she said to Councilman John, and I gave her the remote. She clicked through the pictures in silence and I could tell even the coldest of the alphas was appalled at the photos.

“If any of these photos are insufficient, I can assure you, the scars are still quite visible,” she said.

“There’s no need, Luna. We’ll be taking Alpha Geoff, Luna Luisa and Beta Trevor with us for sentencing and you have our blessing to retrieve your fellow Sky Moon survivors. Meanwhile, I believe Sandra was caught trying to kill you, resulting in the near death of the Crescent Moon gamma. I am assuming, as she’s still in her bindings, that you would like to keep the charges against her?”

Celeste nodded and turned to Sandra, narrowing her eyes at the woman still glaring at her.

“In the clearing where you found me, a few hundred yards deeper into the woods, you will also find the body of her mate. The man was a visiting guest from the Dessert Moon Pack. She refused to accept him and instead killed him with a silver bullet. She should pay for his death as well.”

I raised my eyebrows at her words. We had been so concerned with Celeste and Danny that no one smelled or noticed the man’s body. I nodded to one of the guards by the doors.

“Please send someone to retrieve the body. Alpha Charles, you will want to take the body with you for proper burial?” I asked. Alpha Charles looked stricken, and it made me wonder if Sandra’s mate was the missing step-brother Gabriel had informed me about last night. Alpha Charles glared at Sandra briefly then nodded at me, standing to follow the guard, when Levi stood.

“Wait! Alpha Charles, please! My mate and child knew nothing of what I did. Please, they’re your pack members. Innocent pack members. I beg you! Don’t let them kill my pup!” he begged, the desperation and anguish clear in his pleas. Alpha Charles looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

“Are you saying you want to ask for the lives of his mate and child?” Alpha Charles asked. Levi looked at me with confusion, looking from me to his alpha, disbelief in his eyes when I shook my head.

“I would never punish innocent women or children for the sins of the father. I had his mate thoroughly checked and am positive they had nothing to do with it. Neither I nor Celeste wish for any repercussions for them. Losing a mate and parent will be hard enough.”

“But, you told me…” Levi sat down, dumbfounded.

“I said what needed to be said to prevent more bloodshed,” I informed him calmly. Levi nodded, a silent thank you forming on his lips, and I thought I even caught a bit of respect in his eyes.

“Guards, please take the prisoners back to their cells. Make sure Levi and the rest are in separate cells to avoid retribution. Alphas, Councilmen, I am grateful you took the time to hear us out. Celeste also wished to acknowledge the gamma of Blood Moon never participated in their treatment, nor did we find any connection to the crimes we discussed,” I said as I wrapped my arm around my mate. “Celeste and I have a bus ready to begin the journey to Blood Moon to retrieve the girls. I’ll leave the rest of the pack’s fate in your hands. I do, however, wish to extend an invitation to Dr. Castle to join our pack. Our pack is growing in numbers, and he is a familiar face to these girls.”

“That’s acceptable, Alpha Markus. If the doctor wishes to join your pack, he’s most certainly welcome to do so.” I nodded to Councilman Eric in thanks.
