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“Twenty-five,” I knew he was older than me, but I wouldn’t have figured he was that much older than me.

“Oh,” there wasn’t much that I could say to that. I decided to change the subject then. “Sorry I texted you so late, I didn’t disturb you did I?” I didn’t want him to think that I was boring so I tried to keep the conversation going. Plus, I wanted to hear his voice some more.

“Not at all, I wouldn’t have called you if you did.” Well I felt stupid for asking him that. “What are you doing?” he asked me then.

“Oh nothing, at home but I’m not ready to go to sleep yet.” I heard him laughing.

“What? An eighteen year old not partying on the weekend? I’d have to see it to believe it.” Was it so hard to believe that I was at home instead of out?

“I had no plans for the night so I decided to stay home.” That was a lie. My mother didn’t allow me to go out at night anymore, not since the motorcyclists came to our town. He paused again, almost like he was searching for something to say.

“This is going to sound odd considering that we just met.” Justin said slowly but his confidence never faltered. “But you want to hang out for a little while?” His question caught me off guard. Did he want to hang out now?

“You mean right now?” I asked trying to make sure.

“Yeah if you’re up for it,” He was basically asking me to sneak out of my house. If my mom found out I’d be dead, but I didn’t want to miss this opportunity to see him again. I knew that it was wrong, but there was something interesting about Justin and I needed to know more about him.

“Yeah, I’m up for it.” I said getting out of my bed.

“Cool, can you meet me at the spot I dropped you off at in about twenty minutes?” That left me about ten minutes to get dressed and decent.

“Yeah,” we ended the call and my breathing quickened. I’ve never done anything like this in my entire life, but I couldn’t lie, it gave me a rush. I tiptoed out of my room and went into the bathroom.

Chapter Four

I waited outside around the corner from my house with black jeans and a black hoodie on. I had to sneak out of my window and I didn’t want to risk anyone seeing me. I was thankful that there weren’t a lot of streetlights on my block. I waited with my hands in my pockets to protect them from the cool air. Even though it was hot in the day hours, the temperature dropped to around fifty at night. A few moments later I heard the sweet roar of Justin’s engine. He stopped right in front of me.

“Did I keep you waiting?” he asked and pulled the helmet off of the side of his motorcycle. His hair was wild and I could barely see his eyes in the darkness. My breath caught because I was so nervous.

“No, I haven’t been here that long.” Even if he had kept me waiting a long time, I wouldn’t have minded it. He placed the helmet on my head and clasps the leather around my neck. A mixture of his cool finger tips on the side of my face and the cool air made my nipples hardened. I was glad that he couldn’t see it.

“I won’t keep you out too long.” He sat back on the bike and helped me on behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and moved closer to him. His abs jerked when I touched him, but he relaxed after his initial shock.

“Where are we going?” I asked once he started his engine and floored it.

“Back to my place if that’s okay? There’s not many things opened at this time” I gasped. We were going back to his place this late? “I got pizza and Netflix.” He said laughing. I shivered, but I tried to keep my cool, like this wasn’t the first time that I’ve done something like this.

“Oh I don’t mind at all. It sounds fun.” I held on to him thinking about what I should say or how I should act. All of this was so new to me. Would he really just want to hang out and watch a movie or was he expecting sex? I wasn’t so experienced, I’ve done it a few times just to get it out of the way but I didn’t do it often. Would he like my body if we did do it? Would he think that I was a slut for putting out so early? All these questions ran through my mind and I was brought out of my thoughts once we stopped in front of an apartment building.

“Here we are,” Justin said and killed the engine. I got off of the bike and looked at the oversized building. It wasn’t the best building that I’ve ever seen, but it wasn’t run down either. “I live on the tenth floor,” he said helping me with my helmet. “It has a few elevators inside so you don’t have to walk.” He said again laughing. I smiled and followed him into the building. The lights were bright inside the building and that made me feel a tad bit better. Being in the dark with Justin made me feel weird, “You okay?” Justin asked me once we exited the elevator.

“Yeah I’m fine,” I said and shot him another smile.

“Cool, my place is the last door on the right. It’s open so you can go in.”

“Aren’t you afraid someone might break in?” I asked him alarmed that he left his door open.

“I wish someone would try to steal something out of my house.” He said with a fierce look on his face that made me shiver. “Nobody in this building is that stupid.” I reached his door and hesitated to open it. Was this really about to go down or were we just going to chill? I wanted to do this so it would be pointless to chicken out now.” I opened the door and was greeted by dim lights. “Make yourself a home,” he said and closed and locked the door.

The front door opened to the living room and I was shocked by how much nice furniture he had. He had a long black sofa that wrapped around with a black love seat on the side of it. He had a giant flat screen TV build into his wall over a large fire place.

“Wow,” I said. You wouldn’t be able to tell that his home was as nice as it was by judging the way that he dressed and where he lived. “Your house is pretty nice for a man.” He chuckled.

“How many grown men’s houses have you been in? You don’t look like the type of girl to date older men.” He was right about that. All of the guys I’ve dated still lived at home and was the same age as me.

“You’re the first actually since you’ve put it that way.” I blushed again embarrassed by my own stupidity.

“You like pizza right? Guess I should’ve ask you before I dragged you in here.”
