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I stood in front of Elle’s painting in my office, staring at its brilliance with a glass of whiskey in one hand and my other resting on my hip. I missed her so fucking much. Just knowing she was in the North and I was back here, in the South without her, felt completely wrong. But Finn was right. I couldn’t bring her into any more of my mess. I had to sort my own shit out, before I could even think about trying to contact her. No matter how much it killed me.

I exhaled a deep, drawn-out breath to stabilise the all-consuming rage that now lived inside me. Dante. This was all because of him and Isabelle. The reason I wasn’t King of all of fucking Italy right now and engaged to Elle. They ruined everything. And I knew exactly why. Isabelle just couldn’t handle my rejection. The fact that I wanted Elle over her. And Dante. He wanted to destroy me. He knew Elle was my weakness and losing her would send me spiralling, giving him the opportunity to step up and show our clan that he should have been the true heir to lead this family. I also knew that Elio had to be in on this. He must have told Dante about my heritage and they were biding their time, waiting until Diego died to make their moves. Then they’d have me killed. Probably make it look like a tragic accident. All I wanted to do was go in all guns blazing on their asses. But I knew I couldn’t. I had the upper hand now. They had no idea that I knew about their schemes or that Dante was behind what happened to Elle. And that gave me the power of knowledge and the element of surprise.

My phone buzzed and I pressed the button for the handsfree.

“Boss, Elio, Dante and the lawyers have arrived.”

“Grazie. Set them up in the meeting room,” I replied to my security. I looked back at the painting before downing the remainder of my glass with a sharp hiss. The sooner I dealt with these assholes, the sooner I could get Elle back. But I knew I had to prepare myself. Elio was a smart man. He was a fucking shit excuse for a human, but he knew business. He knew this family’s business in and out and he would have found a way to fuck me over if that was his intention.

I picked up Diego’s gold signet ring with the Barbieri crest engraved on the flat surface from my desk. It was huge and heavy, not only in weight, but in meaning. This ring had been passed down to every Boss of the Barbieri clan for centuries. You were seen wearing this and everyone who was anyone in the mafia world would know who you were and know not to mess with you.

Forcing it over my knuckle with a slight struggle it fell into place perfectly as if it was always supposed to be there. My chest filled with pride as I pushed my shoulders back and looked down at it with a smirk.

All my life I had grafted and slaved away to prove myself to everyone that one day I would be worthy of this ring. Of this position. And in this moment, I knew I fucking was. Barbieri blood or not, I had earned my place. I had accomplished everything that was ever asked of me and more. I had my own legal businesses and ensured I gave back what I took from this world in some small way. I’d built and strengthened the South and successfully maintained respectful and fair relationships with all the Southern Bosses. I’d given my blood in beatings, my mind in negotiations and my loyalty in place of my happiness. I fucking deserved this.

Diego’s dream was for the Barbieri name to rule all of Italy. To have the ultimate power. But for me it was never about power. It was about unity. About respect. Italy was once the home of the mafia. But now, it has expanded overseas. And the threats from America, Russia, and Ireland were real. If I could unite all Italian families to work together, to protect each other… the world could be ours. No threat would be too big. Safety in numbers. But first, I had to get rid of the snakes that didn’t share my vision and who were only here for their own greed.

I threw open the board room door with a shit-eating grin, the face of confidence and control. Three of the family lawyers were sitting on one side of the large mahogany table and Elio and Dante were positioned opposite them in their expensive, black suits. I am sure they expected me to be a mess. To be impulsive, out-of-control and raging.

“Buon pomeriggio, Signori,” I greeted, striding down the table to the far end where I would take my place at the head of it. I pulled out my chair and sat down as the lawyers greeted me respectfully and Elio nodded. Dante leaned back in his chair; his dark blue eyes set on me as he lifted one of his tattooed arms over the back of it casually. It was a power move. To show me he wasn’t intimidated by me. I smiled wider, hiding my utter hatred for his ugly fucking mug.

“We’d like to start by giving our sincere condolences for your losses, Don Barbieri. We had worked for Diego for many years. And to lose your sister so close after must have been very difficult,” the head lawyer, Pietro, addressed me solemnly.

I nodded my head, dropping my smile. “Grazie. I know my papi valued your expertise tremendously and so shall I.”

Dante scoffed rudely and even Elio snapped his disapproving gaze his way. I sat up straight, wanting to see how far I could push this before his hatred took over.

“My papi and sorella meant the world to me and I only hope that I can honour their memory by carrying on the legacy they have left behind. As your new Don and King of the South, I would like to give you all my word that your loyalty and service to me will be rewarded generously as it was by my papi.”

Dante’s jaw tensed and his tongue rolled over his front teeth as he tried to hold it together. I was close to breaking him. This is why he would never have been Boss. He had no self-control. The lawyers nodded in agreement and I gave them each a genuine smile.

“So shall we get on with the signing of the contracts and my papi’s will?”

Pietro’s gaze flickered over to Elio and I saw hesitation in his eyes before he opened his briefcase and started to place different piles of paperwork on the table. My gaze shifted to Elio, who gave nothing away, but I knew at that moment, he had a plan. That something on these contracts was meant to be my demise.

“First, we will read Diego Barbieri’s will as it was at the time of his death. We have all the lawyers who handled the paperwork present and as family witnesses, we also have Elio Barbieri and Dante Barbieri accountable.”

I held up my hand to pause him as he lifted the will off the table. “I would like another witness.”

Pietro’s eyes darted to Elio as he narrowed his own on me in curiosity. If they thought I was foolish enough to allow only them two and a few lawyers to hear what happens in this room, they underestimated me. Right on cue, Fabi opened the door and walked in, nodding at all the men and taking a seat at the far end of the table.

“This is Fabricio Zuiliani. He is my cousin and soon to be underboss of the Barbieri clan.”

Dante sat forward in his chair on my words as Fabi’s eyes dilated. I knew he might have guessed he would be my first choice for underboss, but I wanted to surprise him. I winked at him from down the table as his lips curved up into a smile.

“He is not even blood!” Dante burst, pointing his finger towards Fabi. “I am next in line!”

“That isn’t how this works,” I replied, leaning back in my chair with a smug smile. “Normally, yes, the next blood relative would be of higher rank. However, as Boss, I have the power to override that and have an underboss of my choosing as long as they are already a part of this clan.”

Dante glared at me with so much loathing in his eyes, I had to fight the urge to pull my gun out and shoot him in the head right that second.

“Just read the will,” Elio snapped at Pietro as he sighed deeply with agitation. We all turned our attention to the lawyer, who started to read through all the boring clauses until he got to the sharing of assets. My heart started pounding because, for a split second, I wondered if this had all been one sick joke from Diego. That he would actually leave it all to Dante or announce that I wasn’t really his son.

“And all finances, properties, business agreements and the position of Boss of the Barbieri clan and King of the South shall be left to my son, Alessio Barbieri.”

I inhaled subtly, not realising I had been holding my breath the entire time until I heard my name.

“As my sole heir and only son, he shall inherit all that I own under these conditions…”

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