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“Giovanni is no fool,” Finn snapped. “He is a ruthless and intelligent leader that shouldn’t be underestimated.”

“And he deserves some respect,” I demanded, narrowing my gaze on Lorenzo as he frowned. “Any Boss who has achieved what he has in the North over the last few years does. His zio, Salvatore, may have been a stronzo but he was brilliant at what he did and set Giovanni up perfectly.” Unlike what your papi did for you, I wanted to add but I bit my tongue.

Lorenzo huffed like a petulant child as he moved his gaze to the door of the boardroom in irritation. My back bristled with my own annoyance towards this man. He was fucking clueless about how to be a Boss. Didn’t he realise that we were trying to unite Italy? Showing these families respect was just the beginning.

Now that Lorenzo’s representative had become the head of the commission, as a result of taking over so many territories in the North, it was time to set my plan in motion. Everything had been leading up to this moment. I was about to ask all the Northern families to sign allegiance to me which would result in a united Italy and the demolition of the commission.

On request, all the bosses in the North had been invited to attend today’s meeting with their representatives. Giovanni was the only one who refused attendance. I wasn’t surprised and to be honest, I preferred it that way. Buccini and I had too much personal shit to settle which would be better done in private than in a room full of Bosses. But it was a tactical move on his part too. His absence would speak volumes to the others. A clear indication of where he stands. However, I was interested to see if Enzo Aiani would attend.

I glanced at Finn and closed the space between us as I whispered into his shoulder, “You ready for this? Enzo could be in there.”

“The truth will come out one way or another,” he shrugged and I nodded. The boardroom doors were whipped open, revealing a classic but dramatic oak table with twenty or so faces staring up at us. The four of us entered with our heads held high, commanding the room’s attention without a single word.

I was pleased to see that every chair was full. All but one. I tilted my head slightly as my eyes connected with a single older man sitting next to the empty chair. Interesting. The Buccini representative. Giovanni still sent his board member, even though he refused to attend. Clever move.

As my eyes darted around the table, they settled on the youngest Boss in the North. Enzo Aiani. But his eyes weren’t locked on me. The shock and confusion on his face said it all as Finn lifted his chin higher and folded his hands in front of him, not giving anything away.

“Gentlemen, thank you all for meeting with us today. We hope this will be a productive and very rewarding meeting for you all. I am honoured to introduce each of you to Don Alessio Barbieri, King of the South. Not only do I hold the utmost respect for his sharp, astute mind and faultless leadership, but for how he has supported the prosperity of my family and businesses.”

I turned my head to steal a glance over my shoulder at Fabi and smirked at the expression on his face. He was one second away from losing himself to a fit of uncontrollable giggles. I turned back to the room with a wide smile and nodded at Lorenzo.

“Grazie, Leone. Thank you for such a… helpful introduction.”

He returned my nod proudly and took his seat at the head of the table next to his family’s representative. Every man’s eyes were focused on me with curiosity, apprehension and a hint of nervousness. Except for Aiani. His were just pools of icy hatred.

“Before we start, I feel it is important for you all to get to know not only myself, but my most loyal and trusted men who you shall all be working closely with if you choose to join us. This is Fabricio Zuiliani, Underboss of the Barbieri clan. And Finch Rosetti; my consigliere.”

My eyes focused on Enzo. His cheeks had turned crimson and blue eyes dilated with shock and betrayal.

“I don’t understand,” the Buccini representative, who I knew from my research was called Gabriel and was the underboss’ papi, looked from Finn to me with confusion. “How is Finch your consigliere? Just three days ago, I saw him working as a Buccini soldier.”

I nodded, holding his gaze. “That is true. Finn has been working as Buccini soldier for the last nine years. But he has always been a Barbieri at heart.”

Shocked expressions and low murmurs erupted around the room as everyone connected the dots. I stood taller, demanding their attention to move the focus away from Finn.

“As you can see, I make things happen. Standing before you today, I am here to make things happen for you too. To paint a different picture of a future we could all thrive from. You will have all heard many things about me, I am sure. But the only thing you need to know is that my vision for the future of the Brotherhood involves every single one of you succeeding. You may believe that all I want is power and control. Wealth and territories. I am not going to lie to you and tell you that those things are not important… we all know they are,” I grinned, folding my arms across my chest which earned a few small smiles. Slowly, I could see the interest growing in some of their eyes.

“But that is not why I am here. That is not why I am doing this. Some of you will have heard I want war. That I am willing to tear you all apart for my own greed. I’ve heard the rumours myself and I don’t blame you all for believing that. Because that is what is instilled in all of us from the moment we are born into this life. That everyone’s out to destroy you. Every other family is your enemy. I want to change that. I want your respect and I want your loyalty, and in return I will give you mine. It is what I value above all else. Not only for me, but for the Brotherhood. For the future that we can create together.”

There was a long silence as everyone contemplated my words. Gabriel stared at me hard with scepticism. He was obviously told not to say too much. Just to listen and report back, but I could see the sharp words at the edge of his tongue. Yet, it was Enzo Aiani who beat him to it.

“You expect us to believe that? When we have all watched you tear the Buccinis down from great heights! How was that going to earn their respect and loyalty? What makes us think that we won’t be next?” he growled, his blue eyes staring at me with so much venom.

I gave him a small smile, even though it pained me to do so. “You are all clever men. You wouldn’t be in the positions you are today if you weren’t. You understand how this works. My papi, Diego Barbieri, sought to form an alliance with the Buccinis many times over. He had always been transparent and vocal about his vision for a united North and South. It was them who refused us first. They didn’t believe it could be done. But we’ve proved them wrong by uniting the South under the Famiglia Meridionale. Twenty-two families are working under the Barbieris ruling peacefully and successfully. Disputes are dealt with by me as I remain impartial and make sure fairness is always at the forefront of every decision and consequence. Business thrives because we work in alliances. When one family succeeds, we all feel the benefits. Our vision is for the North to do the same. But we knew Buccini would not be the family to lead that vision into reality. So, our alliance was made with Leone. All I have done is support Leone’s business and you have seen how he has flourished. The loss of business and territories on Buccini’s part was a natural consequence of that. It was nothing personal.”

“Nothing personal?” Gabriel snapped, his eyes blazing with that Buccini fire that reminded me of Elle. “You kidnapped a Buccini Princess!”

“Another rumour,” I allowed my smile to slip and showed my seriousness on this topic. “I never had any intention of kidnapping Elenora Buccini, nor did I cause her any harm. She was never in any danger by my hands. Lorenzo kidnapped her. I decided to keep her at my estate where she would be protected and well cared for. Not all my family members respected that decision and went against me for their own greed. They are no longer alive. Like I said, loyalty and respect is everything, no matter who you are.”

Gabriel blinked at me a few times in surprise before he moved his gaze to a sheepish looking Lorenzo. “Is this true?”

“Si,” Lorenzo muttered. “Alessio had nothing to do with the idea to kidnap her. And it is the Buccinis who killed my wife! They are the ones who should be punished!”

“And that is your plan? Once you have everyone’s allegiance, you will be able to create your own laws!” Gabriel spoke with concern, “So you can demand retaliation for Isabelle Leone’s death?”

I glanced at Lorenzo and inhaled deeply. He wasn’t going to like this, but I needed every man in this room to hear it. “No. There will be no retaliation necessary for Isabelle Leone’s death.”

“What?” Lorenzo snapped, jumping up from his chair.

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