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“Si. He has always been there for me. Taught me many things.”

I relaxed a little as that sounded more like what I was expecting. “Well, that's really shitty. I am sorry your family is going through that; it must be really hard.”

“It’s… complicated,” he responded again. “See? I bet you wish you never asked now.”

“No. I am glad you told me. This is how you get to know someone.”

“Is it?” he chuckled, “Well, it was good to tell someone actually.”

“What do you mean? No one knows your papi is ill?”

“No. Only a few people.”

“Oh,” I felt my heart melt a little knowing that he had chosen to share that with me. I was practically a stranger, but he was comfortable enough to open up and tell me something not many people in his life knew.

“Have I scared you off?” he asked.

“No, of course not,” I shook my head. “I am just surprised you told me.”

“Si, I am surprised too.”

There was a little pause between us as we both let those words sink in. Did he feel it too? This weird connection we had? I felt like I could tell him anything. I wanted to tell him everything, but I couldn’t. It was too soon. And where the fuck would I start?

“Where are you working now?” he suddenly asked, his tone clipped and short as if he was holding his breath. My heart flipped as the reality that I had lied to this man came crashing down. I was Flora to him. He had no idea Elenora even existed.

“I’m not. I haven’t found anything yet.”

“Good,” he said, sounding relieved. Why was he relieved? “Do you need money? I can send you some until you find a job.” I knew he had to be wealthy as he was a member at La Casetta, but it was still sweet that he would offer.

“No,” I laughed. “That’s very kind but I am fine. I have money.”

“I wasn’t being kind. I was being responsible. I was the one who made you quit at La Casetta.”

“No, it wasn’t just you. Like I said in the text. That wasn’t really me. I was pretending to be able to do something that I couldn’t. You were right, it wasn’t the right career path for me.”

“So, that little performance? That wasn’t you as Flora?” I could hear the smile in his tone and my heart fluttered in my chest.

“No. That was just me being pissed at you and wanting to prove a point.”

“Point very well proven,” he replied and I couldn’t help but giggle. “I am glad you are not going to be working there anymore. Or anywhere like that.”

“Oh really? Why?” I flirted, picking at the fabric of my quilt.

“Because the thought of any other man getting as close to you as I did that night makes me want to kill someone.”

I froze, his words and possessiveness catching me off guard. The scariest part of it was that it turned me on more than I cared to admit.

“I’m joking,” he responded after I didn't reply and I pretended to exhale in relief. “But I am serious about wanting you for myself. I don’t share.”

My skin prickled with heat and I suddenly felt flushed again. Urgh, this man’s words could ignite fires in me. “Well, maybe you can’t have me for yourself.”

“Is that a challenge, Princess?”

I bit into my lip as my arousal started to grow again. “Maybe.”

“Then challenge accepted.”

“What does that mean?” I asked, my heart now pounding like crazy.
