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Willow noticed my troubled expression. “What’s wrong?”

“Well, it’s just that now I know we’re definitely having a child I’m suddenly filled with all these…”

“Doubts? Worries?”


Willow placed her hand on my chest and smiled. “I think we’re both going through that. But it’s okay. As long as we’re there for each other we’ll do right by the child, I think. We just have to try and avoid the mistakes of the past.”

“And create some new ones in the process.”

“Probably,” she laughed, before turning serious once again. “But I want to make sure we listen to our child and we don’t try and make them feel like they need to be something they’re not.”

“We will, and we won’t hide anything from them either. They’re going to have the best and the worst parts of us, you know, so we’re going to have to be prepared.”

“Oh I know, but when she’s naughty she’s your child, and when she’s well behaved she’s mine.”

“Is that how it works?”

“Definitely,” Willow laughed and we fell into kisses, losing ourselves in love. And that first time we forgot that we were in the middle of a wolf pack, so we didn’t even try to keep quiet. We just let our feelings flow as we had done all the time before, and there was nobody who could get in the way of our happiness.



It had been a year since we had left the castle behind, and thankfully there had been no sightings of vampires, aside from Cassius, of course. The world was at peace, and we were at peace with it. The stars were aglow in this early evening, and the moon was full and sensual. I cast my gaze up towards Mom, knowing that she was looking down on us, hoping that she was proud of me. Then I looked out towards the crowd. Brandon was there with his new mate, her abdomen swollen with new life. Dad was there as well, waiting to hear the new storyteller of the pack. I stood before them all, the nerves being gradually swept away by excitement. There were two other people who were special to me in this pack; the man I loved and my daughter.

Cassius was sitting with her on his lap. He bounced her on his knees, holding her arms as he waved them about in the air. She did not understand what any of this was about yet, but she would be taught soon, and I hoped that something of these stories would be lodged in her memory so that when she looked back on this time it brought her comfort. He looked perfect with a child, becoming even more handsome than he had before. They were my family. I swelled with pride at the thought, never having been as excited before. Amid all the anguish I had experienced I had ended up in a good place, and I was pleased.

He mouthed ‘I love you,’ to me. I smiled and waved. Then, I opened my mouth and began a song that had first been sung many years ago. It was a song of love, of joy, and these were things I wanted to echo through the world to my daughter.

