Page 67 of Vampire Protection

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“And you know it now as well.”

His words hung in the air, and my heart skipped a beat. In that moment, the world around us seemed to fade, leaving only him and me in a bubble of vulnerability and truth.

A torrent of emotions surged within me. It was as if all the unspoken feelings and hidden desires had finally found their voice. Adrian had been there with me through the darkness and the light, standing by my side when I needed him the most. And in return, I had found solace, understanding, and a connection unlike any other.

“I love you, too,” I whispered, my voice trembling with thrill and excitement, but also fear.

His eyes sparkled with an intensity that mirrored my own emotions. There was a newfound closeness between us, a deepening of our bond that transcended the trials we had faced.In that moment, I knew that the connection between us was not just a fleeting infatuation; it was a love that had grown through shared experiences, understanding, and the desire to protect one another. We had found our way to each other, and now, we would never let go. Never.

“Do you think you feel well enough to travel back home?” he asked.

I frowned. “Honestly? I don’t want to stay here a moment longer than I need to.”

“I was thinking exactly the same thing,” he smiled, helping me up from the bed.

I still felt a little dizzy, but I stood my ground.

“I think one of the horses got lost,” he told me. “We’ll have to send someone to come and find him. But one is still here. We can both ride it back to the castle. Seeing the condition you are in, I think that is the safest option.”

I smiled at him. “I agree.”

Minutes later, we were riding back to the castle. The world around us seemed to take on a new glow. The moonlight danced on the gentle waves of the nearby river, and the soft rustling of leaves in the forest created a soothing melody. My heart was still reeling from the confession of love shared between us, and the air was charged with an undeniable sense of closeness.

I leaned into Adrian’s body, wrapping my arms around him, keeping him close. There was comfort in the silence that enveloped us. No words were necessary to convey the depth of our emotions. We relished each other’s presence, unable to be grounded by anything around us. I felt like we were floating.

He would occasionally turn to me. There was something unearthly about him at that moment, an air of strength and vulnerability that captivated me more than ever. His eyes were once looking at me with such guarded reserve, but now, therewas a softness that spoke of the love we had both discovered within ourselves.

As the castle came into view, I felt a mix of anticipation and trepidation. Our return meant facing the reality of the world we had left behind, of responsibilities and challenges that awaited us. But for now, I wanted to hold on to the blissful cocoon we had created, where love and understanding thrived.

I wondered if Father would understand what had happened, if he would approve of our love. We dismounted our horse and walked side by side towards the castle's grand entrance. The familiar sights and sounds surrounded us, but everything felt different. The castle, once a place of duty and obligation, now held the promise of love and shared dreams.

Father would understand. I was certain he would.

Chapter Thirty-Six


As we approached the castle’s grand entrance, my heart raced with anticipation. I knew that the biggest reveal was done. We professed our love for each other, and we were lucky enough to have the other one feel the same way. But now, there was something left, something very important. We needed to face the king and reveal our feelings to him as well. It was a necessary step, but at the same time, it brought forth a mixture of nervousness and excitement. I hoped that the king would understand everything, that he would accept our love as it was, without any conditions.

When we stepped into the castle, the atmosphere seemed charged with a sense of joy and relief. The king’s guards looked at us with knowing smiles, and I sensed that our secret was not as concealed as we had thought. Nevertheless, I held Lilith’s hand firmly in mine, drawing strength from the connection between us.

As we approached the king’s study, I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. I had faced countless battles and challenges but standing before the king in this moment felt like the most important test of my life.

We exchanged a meaningful glance. “Are you ready?” I asked.

“You bet,” she smiled back at me.

Together, we knocked on the door to the king’s study.

“Come in!” he shouted from within.

We opened the door. His face lit up as we entered. “Lilith! Adrian! You’re back,” he said joyfully upon seeing us. His voice was filled with warmth and genuine happiness.

He immediately got up from his seat and rushed over to us. He embraced Lilith as if he hadn’t seen her in years, pulling her close to himself. I gave them a few moments. Then, he released her from his grip, and he shook my hand.

“I don’t even know where to start asking my questions,” he said, as his gaze shifted between us. For a moment, I thought he might have already sensed the truth. But I wanted to tell him everything first, and then, reveal the real reason why we were standing before him now.

Together, Lilith and I told him the whole story, making sure not to omit a single detail. We wanted him to understand that although Luke was the instigator of everything, he was also the reason why we both survived. He sacrificed himself, and for that, he deserved less of a punishment wherever it was he ended up.
