Page 17 of Illegal Touching

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“Now that we’ve got that settled, I should get up so I can get out of here before any of your teammates arrive.” What I really wanted was to cuddle in bed with Rhodes all day, but that sadly wasn’t an option. Not until the off-season.

“I also have no doubt that we can trust my friends to keep their mouths shut until the time is right to fill your uncle in on the fact that you’re mine,” he insisted.

“You’re sure?” I asked as hope that my day with him didn’t have to end so soon started to build.

“Yup.” He nodded, beaming a confident smile at me. “Brady is my best friend. He’d never do anything to hurt me. Gage has proven time and time again that he has my back on the field. He wouldn’t do something to cross it off the field, either. And Talia is head over heels for Brady. With the lure of double dates in her future, she’ll be rooting for us.”

“You really want me to meet them?”

“I don’t just want it, I need it,” he clarified. “It’ll help tame the possessive beast inside me that’s raging over the fact that we can’t be out in the open yet.”

There was only one answer I could give him. “Then I’ll stay.”

“Thanks for putting your trust in me, baby. It means a lot to me.”

Thinking about the state of his fridge when I’d gotten a peek inside last night—after we devoured most of the cheesecake and learning how hungry sex could make you—I scrambled off the mattress. “We better get moving so we have enough time to figure out what we’re feeding your friends. There isn’t much football party food around here.”

“I have it all under control.” Getting off the bed to head into his walk-in closet, Rhodes explained, “The caterer should drop off my order in about fifteen minutes. When you’re out of the shower, everything will be here.”

He handed me a Nighthawks sweatshirt several sizes too big for me but had his name and number on the back. “That’s one way to announce to your friends that we’re together.”

“So will the fact that I can’t keep my hands off you,” he pointed out as he tugged on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt.

I discovered that he hadn’t been exaggerating when his friends arrived, and Rhodes barely left my side. He stuck closewhile we greeted Brady, Talia, and Gage—none of whom seemed surprised to find me here.

Watching a game with three professional players was an interesting experience. Their knowledge of the sport blew me away, and I’d been around football forever. But hanging out with Talia was even better. We hit it off right away. She was only a couple of years younger than me, had only been with Brady for a few months, and was one of the kindest people I’d ever met. And she was just as in love with Brady as Rhodes had said. Which was good since she was already carrying his baby.

Something that could be true for me as well since Rhodes hadn’t used a condom last night. I probably should’ve been terrified by the possibility, but watching how Talia cupped her barely noticeable belly had only filled me with envy. And seeing Brady place his hand over hers before he walked with her to the door was one of the sweetest things ever.

“It was wonderful to meet you.” Talia beamed a smile at me. “I hope we get the chance to hang out again soon.”

“See, I told you she’d be excited about the chance to double date,” Rhodes teased as he flung his arm around my shoulders.

“Definitely,” Talia confirmed with a nod, her gaze darting toward Gage. “Now we just need to find this guy a girlfriend, and we could make it a triple date.”

“Yeah…nope,” Gage muttered, giving us a quick wave goodbye before stomping toward the elevator.

“Quit tormenting my teammates, baby,” Brady chided as they followed Gage.

Rhodes didn’t wait for the elevator doors to slide closed before he slammed the door shut and pressed my back against the hard surface. “Fuck, I swear that was the longest game ever. All I could think about during the fourth quarter was getting you naked and beneath me again, even if it’s only to eat your pussy because you’re too sore for anything else.”

“Good news.” I twined my arms around his neck. “I’m not feeling any pain, so there’s no need to hold back.”



We were so close to a ring I could practically feel it. When we won this division round today, we’d be headed for the conference championship game in a week. It was halftime, and we were slaughtering the opposing team, so the mood in the locker room was energetic and excited.

“What crawled up your ass and died?” Brady asked as he dropped down onto the bench beside me.


“I think half the reason we’re winning is because your expression has scared the shit out of the team. Not that I’m complaining.”

I wanted to deny it, but Brady would know it was bullshit. “Finley,” I grunted.

He raised an eyebrow. “You two have a fight?”
