Page 24 of Loved Enough

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“Hey, Mav. Need any help?”

Maverick’s reply was muffled. The door to the bathroom opened, and I heard them both talking. Curious, I walked over and peeked down the hall, only to see Maverick with a towel wrapped around his trim waist. As Nathan walked into the bedroom, I quickly made my way back to the kitchen to make up two plates of chicken and potatoes.

Less than thirty seconds later, Nathan was back in the kitchen. “Man, you weren’t kidding when you said he was still a bit weak. I think he’s lightheaded as well. He’s getting dressed. I helped him get some clothes, but he said he could sit on the bed and get dressed.”

I nodded. “Thank you for checking on him. Have you eaten already?”

My brother laughed. “Of course, I did. It’s all yours. It should still be pretty warm.”

“It is. I’m wondering if Maverick will even feel like eating.”

“He does.”

Nathan and I both turned at the sound of Maverick’s voice. He stood in the kitchen looking pale, but far better than earlier this morning. He was dressed in sweatpants, a black T-shirt, and his hair was wet, with a stray strand hanging over his forehead. I had the strongest urge to push it back.

“Um, my mom had Nathan bring over some chicken and potatoes.”

The corner of his mouth rose. “That sounds a hell of a lot better than bone broth.”

“Hey,” I stated. “That bone broth cured what ailed you, didn’t it?”

“Did it?” Nathan asked, watching Maverick carefully make his way over to the island. He ran over and pulled a stool out for him as Maverick practically fell into it.

“Man, I don’t ever remember feeling this bad.”

“You look like shit, dude,” Nathan deadpanned.

Maverick let out a chuckle. “Leave it to you to tell it like it is.”

My brother shrugged. “Call it as I see it.”

After serving the food, I walked over to Maverick and set a plate down. “I’m, um, I’m really sorry about earlier.”

He gave me a soft smile. “It’s not a big deal, Lily. You weren’t the first woman to see me naked.”

Nathan laughed, and I tried with all my might to return his smile, but a strange pang hit me in the middle of my chest—and I almost asked him if I’d be the last.

Okay, note to self: have sex soon. Really soon. And not with your vibrator. Real sex.

Maverick reached for my hand and frowned. “Hey, it’s alright, Lil. It doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. Okay?”

My gaze fell to his hand on mine, then I looked back up to say, “I’m not uncomfortable.”

He winked. “Good. Neither am I.”

“Want something to drink other than water?” Nathan asked as he looked in Maverick’s refrigerator. “Looks like you have beer.”


“No!” I turned to Maverick. “You cannot have beer.”

“Why not?” he asked. “The last time I checked, I was of age.”

“You’re sick!”

“Of water and ice cubes, Lil. I want something else.”

“Stop being such a mom, Lily,” Nathan said as he walked over and handed Maverick a beer. When Maverick reached for the bottle, Nathan held it back. “Remember this when I ask you to buy my friends and me beer.”
