Page 26 of Loved Enough

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“Jesus, Lily! What’s wrong with you?”

Sighing, I closed my eyes. “Did you need something, Ben?”

“I was going to swing by your place if you’re around.”

“I’m not home, sorry.”

I noticed Nathan and Maverick exchanging a smile, and I wondered what that was all about.

The line was quiet for a few moments before Ben asked, “Still with your friend?”

“Yes. As a matter of fact, I am. I have to go.”

“Lily, wait! I’m sorry about earlier and the texts. Abby just doesn’t understand our friendship, and she means the world to me. You do, as well, it’s just…I love her, and I don’t want to hurt her.”

I felt tears well up in my eyes. “That’s great, Ben. Thanks for the reminder. I’m happy for you and glad to know you’re willing to hurt me instead.”

“That’s not fair.”

I sighed. “Maybe not. Doesn’t make your words any easier to hear.”

“What do you want from me? Why are you so mad at me?”

“I can’ttalk right now.”

He let out a low laugh, but it didn’t sound friendly at all. “Right. I’ll let you go. Give me a call when you’re finished taking care of the cowboy.”

My eyes narrowed. “What did you say?”

“Your mom told me you were at Maverick’s house. That he’s sick. Watch out for that guy, Lily. I don’t trust him. If he had the opportunity, he’d crawl right into your pants.”

“And you assumed I’m so weak-minded I’d just let him?”

Ben laughed. “Please! I’m not blind. I see the way women look at him. Hell, he hooked up with Brandee Norman the night of the wedding.”

I glanced at Maverick. He was standing up and taking his plate to the kitchen sink. “And how do you know that?”

“Overheard him asking her out for drinks later that night. The guy’s a player.”

My mind quickly sifted through what Maverick had said about that evening. He’d brought Grams home, and he’d mentioned something about going back out but started to feel bad.

“It doesn’t matter. I need to go.”

“Be careful with him, Lily.”

Was that a hint of jealousy in Ben’s voice? Looking away from Maverick, I lowered my voice. “Maybe I don’twantto be careful, Ben. Maybe what he has to offer is exactly what I need.”

Ben went silent again, then he sighed. “Lily, I just don’t want to see you hurt. A guy like Maverick? He’s out for more…experienced women.”

My mouth fell open. I was shocked by his words—then angry.

“Hmm,” I said as Maverick headed down the hallway. I heard the bathroom door shut. “He wasn’t complaining earlier when I helped him get into the shower.”


Smiling, I said, “Don’t worry about me, Ben. After all, I’m not your girlfriend, remember?”

I pulled the phone away from my ear and hit End. Walking to the kitchen, I dropped my cell on the island as Nathan jumped up to find out what was going on.
