Page 39 of Loved Enough

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Duke shoved Will’s shoulder. “He’s heartbroken right now. His ex crushed him when she decided she’d rather marry a lawyer than a ranch hand.”

I looked at Will. “I’m sorry to hear it.”

He shrugged. “What are you going to do? We met in high school and dated for eight years. I wasn’t what she wanted.”

“Took her long enough to figure it out. Rather, it took her getting caught cheating on you with the deadbeat lawyer,” Bradly scoffed.

“Ouch,” I said as I winced. “Sorry again.”

Will shrugged. “It’s honestly okay. I’m just not ready to jump back in yet.”

All I could do was nod.

The DJ took over since the band was on a break, and more people rushed to the dance floor when a pop song started. I glanced out to the floor and saw Lily dancing with Renee and another girl I’d seen at the ranch a few times, a girl whose name I couldn’t remember.

Bradly fell into a conversation with Duke and Will as I watched Lily dance.

As if she could feel my eyes on her, Lily turned to face me. She said something to Renee and made her way over to the table. I sat up straighter and wondered if she was going to ask her cousin to dance—or worse yet, Duke or Will.

Ever since the whole fiasco with Ben at her house, Lily had been going out with her friends more often. Of course, it could’ve just been because she was home for good now. Or maybe she’d always gone out a lot, and I’d just never paid attention.

It seemed like lately, I paid attention to every single little thing when it came to Lily.

Making her way over to me, she reached for my hand and gave it a tug. “Come dance with me, Mav.”

I shook my head. “Not tonight.”

Lily jutted out her lower lip into a pout…and I wanted to pull her onto my lap and suck on it.

“But Ineversee you out. You’re such a great dancer, and I’m tired of dancing with my friends.”

Bradly turned as if only just noticing Lily. “Hey, thanks for the drinks.”

She smiled. “No problem. Come on, Maverick. You owe me at least two or three dances.”

I laughed. “How do you figure?”

Instead of answering, she gave me one more hard tug, and I stood.

Setting my beer down, I said, “Looks like I’m dancing.”

“Have fun!” Bradly called out.

I didn’t recognize the song, but thank God it was a fast one. I wasn’t sure how my body would react to being up against Lily’s tonight.

We danced through two songs, and I was about to call it quits when I saw a guy by the bar watching Lily. He straightened as the song ended. I could tell he was about to come over and ask her to dance.

Not tonight, asshole.

I smiled to myself when a song I knew started. I spun her around and pulled her to me as Jason Derulo’s “Slow Low” began. I moved my body to the Latin beat, with Lily matching me step for step.

“Remember at Rose’s wedding, you said you wanted to see what moves I had?”

She nodded, and I couldn’t help but notice how her eyes turned darker as she moved her hips against mine.


Biting down on her lip, she said almost breathlessly, “Yes.”
