Page 40 of Loved Enough

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I shuffled my feet faster as the song sped up. I was impressed that Lily was keeping up with the salsa moves. I pushed her out, spun her, and pulled her back, then I did a fast dip and drew her up achingly slow, tightly against me, as the song slowed again.

Lily smiled as she fell right into rhythm with my hips. As the song sped up again, she moved faster. I placed my hands on her hips as Lily wrapped her arms around my neck, her body rolling against mine in a way that would have her father tossing me from the top of the barn if he saw us right now.

“You really are a great dancer, Maverick. But there’s no way you learned to dance like this at seven.”

Smiling, I replied, “So are you, Lily—and no, I didn’t.”

“Where did this come from?”

“I could ask you the same thing! But my excuse is that I took lessons a few years back when I had some free time.”

Her brows raised. “Well, you make it easy formeto be good when you’re the partner. Plus, I took lessons when I was younger.”

Smiling, I drew a bit closer.

The music sped up and slowed, and so did we. I dipped her slowly next time, letting her feel every inch of me as I eased her back and brought her forward until we moved fluidly together again.

“Jesus, Maverick,” she whispered as she dug her teeth into her lip.

I showed her a few more moves, then pushed her out for one last spin before pulling her back to me.

The song ended, and we stood still, with Lily’s arms around my neck and my hands on her hips. A slower song started, and Lily grinned.

“Dance one more with me?”

Ignoring the way my heart pounded in my chest, I nodded.

“I like this song,” Lily said.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard it before.”

She laughed. “Maverick, tell me you’re kidding.”

Returning her laugh with one of my own, I replied, “By the shocked look on your face, I’m guessing I should know it.”

“Yes! It’s Taylor Swift.”

I shook my head. “Never listen to her.”

Lily took a step back. “Oh my God, are you serious? I have to fix this. I need to fix this right now!”

I chuckled. “What are you going to do, ask the DJ to play all her songs?”

Her face lit up as she asked, “Did you drive here in your truck, or did I somehow miss you coming with Bradly?”

I gave her a confused look. “I drove here.”

The next thing I knew, Lily had my hand in hers and we were making our way toward the door.

“Um, where are we going?” I asked.

“Out to your truck.”

Pulling her to a stop, I asked, “Why?”

With a sexy-as-fuck grin on her face, she winked and said, “You’ll see.”

“I need to let Bradly know.”
