Page 46 of Loved Enough

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“He said something disrespectful toward you. I wasn’t having it.”

My stomach dipped as if I’d just gone down a steep hill on a coaster. “Thank you for that. And thank you for being there for me.”

“You’re welcome, and I honestly didn’t do anything.”

“You may not think so, but you did more than you know.”

He looked my way briefly before focusing back on the road. “Well, whatever I did, I’m glad it helped you realize that you deserve a hell of a lot more than someone who can’t even see what’s right in front of him.”

I chewed on my lower lip and tried to think of a way to bring up that almost kiss, but instead, we rode in silence the rest of the way home. When Maverick pulled up to my house, heparked the truck, got out, and jogged around to the passenger side. The house was still dark, but I was pretty sure my parents and Nathan weren’t far behind us.

Maverick opened the door and held his hand out for me to take.

“Thank you,” I said as he helped me out. When we started toward the steps, I added, “You don’t have to walk me to the door, Mav.”

“I want to, Lil.”

His teasing tone caused my entire body to feel light.

We stopped on the porch. “Thank you for earlier this evening. I enjoyed it.”

Turning to face him, I leaned against the front door and smiled. “I had a lot of fun as well. I’m glad you liked Taylor, or at least the songs I played for you.”

He nodded. “I did.”

I chewed nervously on the inside of my cheek as I watched his gaze fall to my mouth. The light of the porch lit up the area enough that I could see his eyes turn a darker shade.

Then the spell was broken, and he took a few steps back while he rubbed at the nape of his neck. Holding up his other hand, he said, “’Night. I’ll, um, see you around.”

“Good night.”

Maverick started down the steps, and I quickly pushed off the door. “Hey, Maverick?”

He stopped and turned to face me. “Yeah?”

“When we were in the parking lot, right before Bradly came out…was it my imagination, or were we about to kiss?”

He simply stared at me, and I couldn’t tell if he was nervous and couldn’t figure out what to say, or if maybe Ihadactually dreamed it all up and read the situation wrong.

“If it was only one-sided, I completely understand. It felt like we had a connection, and it wasn’t the first time I’ve felt that way when I was with you. But if I’m wrong…”

He drew in long, deep breath, then exhaled in one whoosh. “It wasn’t one-sided. I felt it too. I’vebeenfeeling it.”

I nearly sighed in relief. “I feel like there’s a ‘but’ coming.”

Maverick chuckled. “You deserve someone who can offer you so much more than I can, Lily.”

Frowning, I started back down the steps. “What does that mean?”

He took a step back as if he was afraid to be too close to me. “I have nothing to offer you.”

I let out a humorless laugh. “That’s the most insane thing I think you’ve ever said. Why can’t we simply explore what we feel between us?”

When our eyes met, I nearly gasped. He looked…sad.

“Maverick,” I said as I walked closer. “I’m not sure what this is between us, but I know I can’t deny that thereissomething there. When I’m around you, I feel things I’ve never felt before withanyman. I don’t even know how to put the feelings into words. I just know I don’t want to ignore them anymore or not admit those feelings to you.”

“I work for your father.”
