Page 60 of Loved Enough

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Before the conversation could go back to me and Maverick, I looked at Kipton. It was then I noticed she had a glow about her, and her eyes sparkled with a happiness I hadn’t seen before. And since she was madly in love with my cousin Hunter, that was saying something.

I gasped, and Rose jumped. “What?”

“Kipton, are you pregnant?” I asked.

Her cheeks turned a bright pink.

Rose turned in her seat to face her. “Holy shit! You are!”

Kipton giggled. “Yes, I am. But you can’t tell anyone! Hunter and I haven’t told a soul yet. I just got to my second trimester, so we wanted to wait. After lunch with you guys, I’m meeting Hunter to go tell his parents.”

“What about your foster parents?” Rose asked.

“We’re going to FaceTime them tonight.”

Rose and I both clapped in our seats before I got out of mine and rushed around the table. I pulled Kipton up and hugged her. “Oh my gosh, Kipton! Congratulations!”

Rose engulfed us both in a hug, and we all laughed. When we broke apart, each of us wiped away tears.

“When are you due?” Rose asked as we took our seats once again.

“January tenth. Hunter is over the moon, and so am I.”

“Brock and Lincoln are going to freak!” I said with a laugh.

Rose sighed. “Great, as soon as my mother hears, she’s going to start asking me whenI’mgoing to pop one out.”

“When are you?” I asked.

Smiling, Rose shrugged. “I don’t know. I think Bryson is ready, and I think I am too.”

Kipton reached for Rose’s hand. “Oh, please start trying, Rose. I would love for our little ones to grow up together.”

A strange ache twinged in my chest, and I didn’t want to admit it was jealousy. I wasn’t even twenty-three yet, so it wasn’t like I didn’t have lots of time. But seeing all my cousins getting married, and now having kids, made me feel like I was missing out on something. I knew that was silly but…maybe I wanted that life more than I’d realized.

Kipton reached across the table and took my hand in hers. “Enough about babies, I want to hear about you and Maverick.”

“Yes!” Rose added. “Is he good in bed? He looks like he’d be good in bed.”

I couldn’t have stopped the smile on my face if I tried.

“By the flushed cheeks, I’d say he’s more than good,” Kipton teased.

“Fine, if this is what you guys want to talk about, then I’ll tell you. Yes, Maverick and I are dating, and yes, he isverygood in bed.” I looked around and lowered my voice as I added, “A little dirty too.”

They both grinned.

“I want details. Like how dirty? Does he just talk dirty, or does he like to do dirty things?” Rose asked.

Blowing out a breath, I said, “So…this is embarrassing,” I whispered. “The things he did with his mouth should be a sin. And the things he hadmedo…”

My voice trailed off as the three of us fell into a fit of laughter. When the waitress brought our drinks, we broke apart and attempted not to giggle like middle-school girls.

When she walked away, Rose leaned in closer. “What kinds of things does he have you do?”

I shook my head. “I’m not kissing and telling.”

“Oh, come on! You can’t do that to us.”
