Page 66 of Loved Enough

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I peppered kisses down her neck as I said, “All I could think about all evening was our sleepover.”

She moaned and smoothed her hand down my chest. “Me too. Do you have any idea how sexy you are with a marker in your hand, drawing a princess?”

I tossed my head back and laughed.

“By the way, you can draw really good.”

“You think?”

“Did you see the way Hunter tried to draw a frog? Everyone kept saying it was an angel.”

That caused me to crack up again.

“You survived the first of what I hope is many game nights.”

“I had no idea your family was so…”

“Competitive? Oh yes. The guys all played Monopoly one time for two weeks straight, during Christmas break. They wouldn’t leave Uncle Brock and Lincoln’s house. They played for hours at a time and slept in the family room so they could make sure no one touchedthe board.”

“Holy shit. No wonder your mom didn’t want to play.”

Lily picked up the leftovers and walked into the kitchen to put them away. She turned back to face me, and when she bit into her lower lip, I had to fight the urge to walk over and strip her free of her clothes.

“Bradly and Blayze are the worst when it comes to cleaning everyone out, though. They get fierce.”

“Bradly? Quiet Bradly?”

“Oh, don’t let the shyness fool you with that one. He’s ruthless. Have you ever seen him bull ride?”

I thought about it for a moment. “You know, I haven’t.”

She smiled. “I’ve heard my father say more than once that Bradly is a better bull rider than Brock, Ty, and Dirk combined. He’s tough as nails.”

“I’ve heard that about him.”

“One time he broke his arm, and he was so close to being in first place and winning half-a-million dollars that he had them wrap it up and he switched hands and rode with this left.”

“No shit?”

“No shit. When he wants something, he fights like hell for it.”

“And being the champion of Monopoly is no exception, huh?”

Lily giggled. “No exception.”

I framed her face in my hands, and when she looked up at me with those eyes of hers, I felt my heart trip over itself.

“What are you thinking about right this second?” I asked.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she opened them again and our gaze caught once. “I’m thinking about how wonderful it’s going to be to wake up tomorrow in your arms.”

I raised my brows in surprise. “Really?”

“Really-really. What areyouthinking about?”

“Mmm, that’s easy. I’m thinking you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

Reaching up onto her toes, she kissed me softly on the lips. “Do you know what I want?”
