Page 98 of Loved Enough

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Lily grinned. “Oh, wow. Morgan and Georgiana knocked those back fast.”

Blayze attempted to keep Ryder and Rhett from tearing open all the presents, while Josh and Nathan argued with Merit and Timberlynn about going up to Bradly’s room and playing video games.

“Where’s everyone else?” I asked, as I searched for the older Shaws.

“My guess is Uncle Brock, Uncle Ty, and my father are all in Uncle Dirk’s office, knocking back a few beers. Gramps is probably in there with them.”

A loud scream caused everyone to look at Rose, who was jumping into Bryson’s arms.

“Wonder what that’s all about.”

Lily rolled her eyes. “Who knows? I honestly don’t know why we don’t do Christmas at each of our own families’ houses.I mean, we do in the morning, but this let’s-get-everyone-together thing is already getting a bit out of hand. Can you imagine when Kipton has her baby, and we have ours? Then Rose will most likely be popping out a baby soon. It’s going to be chaos.”

I smiled. “I kind of like the chaos.”

“Oh,” Lily said with a dark laugh, “you say that now. Wait until the games start later, after we eat. If you think family game night is intense, you haven’t seen the Christmas version.”

My body actually shuddered. “Do you think we can come up with an excuse to leave early?”

Lily’s eyes lit up. “We can say I’m not feeling well. They can’t make us stay if I’m feeling sick.”

“Okay, that’s the plan then.”

“What’s the plan?”

We both jumped, and Lily let out a little scream before she turned and saw Bradly.

“How did you get over here so fast? You just had Blakley on your shoulders five seconds ago while you argued with Avery.”

He smirked. “Please. All I had to say was Avery had dolls in her room and Blakley went nuts. Now, what’s the plan? Tell me you’re cooking up something to get us out of here before hell night starts.”

I grinned. “Hell night?”

He nodded. “Listen, I can endure family game night, but only because I’m on the road so much that I don’t have to do it every week.”

“They dropped it to once a month,” Lily added.

“What? Why?”

“For someone who doesn’t like it, you sound upset by that.”

He laughed. “I’m just wondering why it had to happen when I’m never home and don’t get to enjoy that perk.”

“With all the little ones, it’s getting too hard for everyone to slice out a night a week, so they voted and it’s once a month now. But I did hear Merit saying she’d try to get your schedule so we could do it when you’re home.”

A small smile played at the corner of Bradly’s mouth, and he sighed. “I love my mom.”

When a loud bell rang, I jumped again. “What in the hell?”

Bradly slapped me on the back. “Welcome to Christmas dinner, where they use a cowbell to announce when the food is ready.”

I looked at Lily, who winked.

Two large tables were set up in a massive dining room. Avery and Rose, along with Bryson, volunteered to man the kids’ table, which I thought was brave of them. Dinner was full of different conversations, laughter, a bit of arguing, more laughter, delicious food, and one of the best evenings I’d ever experienced.

The Shaw clan, along with Dirk and Merit, had always made me feel welcome, even when I was just another hand working on the ranch. But being a part of this family was unlike anything I could ever imagine. I could feel the love coming off of every single person in the room. I may not have had a family growing up, but I had one now, and my son or daughter—and, God willing, more kids in the future—would have it. That thought nearly brought me to tears.

Lily squeezed my hand. “Hey, are you okay? Are you overwhelmed?”
