Page 38 of Broken Minds

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Chapter Sixteen

The boat powered throughthe water, the rise and fall of the ocean waves barely noticeable under the forward motion of the big boat.

I sat on the couch in the living area of the vessel, watching the back of Hayden’s head as he drove. My feet were up on the cushions of the built-in couch, and I rested my chin on top of my knees, my arms wrapped around my legs. What I’d done continued to haunt me, and I thought it would for the rest of my life, but being away from that damned house and the island helped. There was something calming about being out to sea like this, with no one else around. Though my biggest enemy was the one driving the boat, it was also a relief that no one else could interfere with us. It being just the two of us meant we were on a more level playing field. He needed me to lure out my father, and I needed him to get me to safety.

After a while, I dozed, and woke to find the boat had slowed.

I pushed myself to sitting and rubbed my eyes. I’d been exhausted—emotionally and physically—and felt better for the nap. The memory of what I’d done to Loretta immediately rose in my mind, threatening to drag me under again, and I swiftly pushed it away. I’d have time to grieve and weep and mourn for the person I’d been before I’d become a murderer once I was out of this situation, but for now I needed to keep my head on my shoulders.

Where was he?

I got to my feet. “Hayden?”

A spurt of panic rose inside me. What if this had all been a trick to get rid of me? Maybe he’d waited until I’d fallen asleep, and then abandoned the boat with me in it? No, that was crazy. What would he achieve by doing something like that?

Movement came from the small staircase that led down to the cabins below deck. “Jolie? You okay?”

I exhaled a sigh of relief. “Yeah, I just wondered where you were.”

He emerged from beneath deck with only a small towel around his waist and his hair damp. “Sorry. I needed a shower. All the digging and sweating...”

I realized he was talking about digging Loretta’s grave, and I was suddenly bathed in cold, a shiver running through me. The boat cabin swam around me, and I staggered, though I didn’t think a wave moving beneath the boat had thrown me.

Suddenly, he was right there, holding me up.

“It’s all right. I’ve got you.”

His bare chest was right up against my face, and he smelled so good—clean and fresh—his skin still damp. His hands were around me, and dizziness washed over me again, but for a whole different reason this time. A strange noise emitted from my throat, my body fighting the sudden clenching of desire that took over me. I didn’t want to give in to it, but I found myself leaning into him and pressing my lips to his chest.

Hayden sucked in a breath. “Jolie...”

His voice was part groan, part warning, but I ignored him. He was filling up my senses, blocking out all the horror of the past twenty-four hours. His skin was hot and smooth against my lips, and I poked out my tongue and trailed it across his pectoral muscles until I reached his nipple. I circled it with my tongue, feeling the bud crinkle and tighten, and then I nipped with my teeth.

He sucked in a breath, his hands reaching for my hair. He wore only a towel, and now it protruded almost comically between us. I wanted him, was using him, if only to try to eradicate all other thoughts and feelings going through me. Life had gotten too complicated, but sex was simple. Just a man and a woman together.

I lowered myself down, keeping my tongue out to leave a trail of saliva across his abs. My knees hit the deck. I yanked the towel away from his body and threw it to the floor. His cock was right there, long and thick, and I leaned into him and rubbed my lips and nose down his length, inhaling the scent of him. God, he smelled so good, all clean and fresh from the shower, but still with that hint of male muskiness about him. He was literally good enough to eat, and that was exactly what I intended to do. Instead of sucking his cock, I moved lower, lapping at his balls with my tongue. I circled the sack with my mouth then sucked one ball into my mouth, palpitating it with my tongue, and then moved on to the next one, repeating the process. Above my head, his cock jerked with every suck I gave him, and I reached up to grab him by the root and slowly masturbate him while I sucked his balls.

“Ah, fuck, Jolie. That feels so good.”

He made no attempt to tell me to stop or push me away. It wasn’t as though this was the first time we’d done this. I didn’t know why the two of us worked so well together physically when deep down we harbored such hatred for each other, but we did.

I let his balls pop from my mouth and then moved back to concentrate on his cock. My hand was still fisted around his root, and I held him steady as I circled the tip of his cock with my mouth, and then sank deep. Above me, Hayden groaned, his hands tightening in my hair. I suctioned my lips around him to create friction and slid down as far as I could go, until the head of his dick rubbed against the smooth palate at the back of my throat, and then moved back up again. I increased my motions, bobbing back and forth, faster and faster. His hips jerked to meet me, and he didn’t hold back, fucking my face as though it was my pussy or ass. I looked up at him to find him staring back down, his face tightening with an expression I couldn’t quite read.

“Ah, shit.” He used his hold on my hair to yank me off him, and then hauled me up by the arm. He pushed me toward the couch I’d been sitting on. “On your knees again,” he instructed. “Bend over the couch.”

The seating area was a little lower than a regular couch, as it was built-in. I didn’t even think to question him and got into position right away. He moved up behind me. I was still fully dressed, while he was completely naked, but I had a feeling it wasn’t going to stay that way for long. He flipped the skirt of my dress up and over my back. I still wore my boots, but he made no attempt to take them off, and instead just took hold of my panties and yanked them down, tugging them over the heels of the boots and throwing them to one side.

“You have such a beautiful ass, Jolie,” he growled, his hand on my skin, following the curve of my buttocks. “I think I’d like to take that ass.”

I sucked in a breath, but didn’t say no. Instead, I remained in position, waiting for his next move. But to my surprise, he moved away from me. I glanced over my shoulder to see what he was doing and was rewarded with the incredibly sexy view of his naked back and ass walking away from me. He went down to the small kitchen and returned with a bottle. It took me a moment to realize what he was holding, and then saw it was an expensive bottle of olive oil, no doubt the highest-grade money could buy.

Oh, shit. He was going to use that on me.

Nerves and excitement fired up inside me in equal measures. I was no virgin, but that was an area I hadn’t let a man go before. Hayden had used his fingers on me, but I knew full well that his cock was hell of a lot wider.

It would hurt, but I deserved the pain. I’d taken a woman’s life, and if this was to be just a fraction of my punishment, then I would take it.

I pushed out my ass toward him, peering over my shoulder. His cock jerked, responding to me, and a half-smile turned up the corner of his lips. “Good girl.”
