Page 41 of Broken Minds

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“We won’t be going to the prison, though. We have somewhere else we’ll be working from.”

“We will?”

“Yes. It’s not too far from the prison, so hopefully it won’t take your father too long to reach us, and so will evade being captured again.”

She looked back to me. “Where will we be working from?”

“Your home.”

She flinched. “That place hasn’t been my home in ten years.”

“I know that, but it’s where he’ll come to try to rescue you from me.”

“How will he know to do that?”

“Because you’re going to tell him.”

She swallowed hard. “No, I won’t.”

“That was the agreement, Jolie. You make sure your father breaks out of prison with the help of my people on the inside, and that he knows where to find you, and then I’ll kill him, and you can go free.”

“If I tell him where to come, then the police will know, too. Even if he does manage to escape—if he even bothers to try—then the cops will just pick him straight up again.”

“He will try. I’ll make it look like his baby girl is being tortured the same way he tortured my mother and all those other women before he killed them. You’ll make sure he knows that he’s the only person who can stop me.”

She pressed her lips together and shook her head. “This is crazy. The police will just come straight to the house.”

“No, we’re going to be smart about it. You need to think up a way you can tell him where you are that the police won’t even know about.”

It felt wrong to be talking about such dark things when we were in such a beautiful setting. From the way her expression changed, memories haunting her eyes and fear rounding her shoulders and bringing her knees up to her chest in a way I was starting to recognize, I wished I’d never said anything. But this was the plan, and I couldn’t go back on it now. I wouldn’t let ten years of work and planning go down the drain because of a tight body and a pretty face.

“That was our agreement, Jolie,” I warned her. “You can’t go back on it now.”

She didn’t say anything else but got up from where she was sitting. Leaving the dolphins and the sunshine and the ocean, she went back inside into the dim light of the cabin.

And I sat and hated myself more than ever before.
