Page 7 of Broken Minds

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Jumping back to my feet, I took out the key card she’d stolen and opened the doors to the elevator. Every muscle in my body was taut with tension.

The doors slid open, and I stepped out into her room. I glanced around for her, cautious in case this was all a ploy and she was about to shoot past me and try to escape, but there was no movement, and no sign of her in the main part of the room. I went to the bathroom, and my heart tightened as I spotted her in exactly the same position as I’d seen her on the camera, huddled up beneath the bathroom sink.

“What the fuck have you done to yourself?”

She looked up at the sound of my voice and tried to press herself backward, against the sink stand, though there was nowhere else she was able to go. She pressed her lips tightly together, a line appearing between her eyebrows. Immediately, blood filled the lines in her skin, so it looked like a red slash down her face.

“Tell me, Jolie. What happened?”

I didn’t think she was going to tell me, but then she muttered, so low I almost didn’t catch what she was saying.

“Walked into the wall.”

I lifted my eyebrows in disbelief. “You got yourself in that mess by walking into a wall.”

Her gaze shot up to mine, anger flaring in her blue eyes. “I couldn’t see anything, asshole. You put me down here in the dark.”

Guilt wound its way through me, but I pushed it away. “You know why you were in the dark. Behave yourself, and I wouldn’t be forced to punish you.”

She rolled her eyes. “We’re back to this again, are we? You making yourself feel better by insisting all this shit you’re putting me through is my fault, and not because you chose to put me through it.”

I pointed a finger at her. “You started this, Jolie. Ten years ago, remember?”

That made her shut her mouth, and she glanced away. If only she’d spoken up and not verified her mother’s lie, then my own mother would be alive today, and none of this would be happening. So, yes, this was her fault, at least in part.

I exhaled a huff of frustration. The stab mark on my inner thigh still stung, reminding me what she was capable of and that I shouldn’t let my guard down, even with her in this mess.

But still I put my hand out to her, offering to help her up. “Come on. You can’t stay down there like that. You need cleaning up.”

She stared at my hand mistrustfully. “I can clean myself up.”

“Don’t be stupid, Jolie. You’re going to need ice on that bump and you might even need stitches.”

That got her attention. “You’d take me to a hospital?”

“No, I’d do them myself.”

“If you think I’d let you anywhere near me with a needle, you’re insane.”

A chuckle escaped from between my lips. “Maybe I am. Now come on, let me help you over to the bed, and I’ll get you some ice.”

“Are you leaving the lights on?”

“If you do as I say and don’t cause me any more problems, then yes.”

I could tell she still didn’t want to take my hand, and I didn’t blame her, but finally she reached out and wrapped her fingers around mine. Her skin was sticky with her blood, but strangely, I found I didn’t mind. I pulled her to her feet. My hand tightened around hers, and I didn’t want to let go.

Loretta was right when she said I needed to be careful, but deep down I thought I might have accepted that the damage was already done.

I helped her over to sit on the edge of the bed then went back to the bathroom to wet some clean tissue.

“Here,” I told her, handing her the clean tissue and taking away the bloodied one. She removed her hand from her face, and I winced at the sight of her.

“You’ve definitely given your nose a good bash.”

She glared up at me. “I’m aware of that. It’s attached to my face.”

Okay, I deserved that one.
