Page 12 of Terror

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Tyler pulls into the diner’s parking lot and parks as close to the door as he can get. After making sure I don’t get out until he’s checked the surrounding area, Tyler opens my door for me once he’s sure there’s no threat here and follows me inside. I take a seat in a booth in the front of the diner and wave to Haley as she moves from one table to the next. The diner is really busy today and her waitresses are running around like crazy as they move from one table to the next making sure the customers are all happy and have what they need to enjoy their meal.

“Hello!” I’m greeted by one of the waitresses as I look up from the menu in front of me. “Do you know what you’d like to drink yet or should I come back?”

“I actually know what I want to eat. I’ll have a chocolate milkshake, cheeseburger with nothing on it but mayonnaise and ketchup, fries, and a side of gravy please. The young man in the cut at the counter, can you put his order on my ticket as well please?” I ask the waitress as she writes everything down.

“Of course. I’ll have your shake right up for you.”

Looking out the window, I let my mind wander to what I have to do this week. It’s not easy to do much throughout the day because of the morning sickness. It hits me no matter what time of day or night it is to the point I’ve had plenty of sleepless nights. Wicked usually stays up with me when I can’t sleep. Or my mom comes in. Yes, they’re still here until this situation is completely taken care of. I’m not gonna complain about it though. I love spending time with my parents and having them around right now.

The waitress brings my milkshake over and drops it off with a smile before leaving me alone again. Before I can look back out the window, a man drops onto the bench across from me. I’ve never seen this man before in my life and we’ve been in Cedar Bay for a while now.

“Can I help you?” I question him, my voice letting him know I don’t appreciate him just sitting down with me.

“No, but I can help you,” he states, an evil smirk on his face as he remains sitting across from me. “See, I know the club you’re involved in broke into my house and a warehouse that held precious cargo belonging to me. I also know you’re the one who had their car blown up. Claw was really expecting you to die in that explosion and was upset you didn’t. The very least he wanted was for you to end up in the hospital for a while. None of that happened. It seems you little piss ants are smarter than we gave you credit for. But, that was Claw. I’m smarter than he is. I know how to make the people working for me get the job done correctly the first time.

“Now, here’s what’s gonna happen. I want my cargo returned to me. The ones who haven’t been returned to their families that is. Then, your little club is gonna leave me alone and forget all about what you saw and were told by Claw. He’s always been a weak link and I knew it was a bad business move bringing him into the fold. However, I owed a debt to someone and I always keep my word. So, now, you’re gonna tell your club to back the fuck off and leave me alone. If you don’t, you’ll be the first one I come for. Then, I’ll systematically take out every woman involved with the club before starting on the kids. Am I making myself perfectly clear?”

“I take it your mayor Horton. I’d say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but we both know it would be a lie. So, I’ll tell the guys, including my husband, what you did and said here today. However, your so-called cargo will not be getting returned to you. Those are fucking people and don’t deserve what you’ve been doing to them. They deserve their freedom and we’re giving it to them. The guys will also be watching your every move to ensure no one else gets taken and held captive by you,” I tell him, my voice hard and cold despite the fear and anxiety filling me.

My entire body is trembling as my heart races and my breaths come out in short pants. I’m trying to mask the oncoming panic attack, but it’s so hard. Especially when the black spots start to cloud my vision. This is the last thing I need right now, but there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I don’t typically get panic attacks, but there’s a first for everything.

“I see. Well, maybe I should just take you and Haley right now and add you to my collection. I know you’re pregnant, but that’s okay. I can still have my fun with you. Haley really isn’t up to my standard, but again, she’ll do. I’m a man you don’t want to cross, Quinn. You’d do well to remember that,” he says, moving closer and lowering his voice almost to a whisper.

“I don’t know, or care, who you fucking are, but you’re not welcome in my diner,” Haley says, walking up to the table and stopping closer to the mayor. “I have the right to refuse anyone service here and you’re no longer welcome for any reason.”

“I’m the mayor of this town. I can go anywhere I want and do anything I want in this town. Do you want your damn diner to close down before it even really gets a chance to take off. I mean, sure you’re busy now, but I can make this place a ghost town with a few words to certain people in town,” he promises, his voice still not rising above a near whisper.

We wouldn’t want to let anyone else overhear what he’s doing and what a horrible man he really is.

“You can’t fucking hurt me or this diner. My reputation and the good service here have more than made an impression on the people in Cedar Bay. So, you can take your leave after paying your bill and leaving the waitress a generous tip. We really wouldn’t fucking want everyone in town to know what a cheapskate you are, would we? See, you can say a few words and try to ruin me, but that also applies to you. A few words from enough of us and people will start looking into you and what you do when you’re not sitting in your gilded office. Think we should provide the good people of Cedar Bay with the evidence we have against you?” Haley bites out, lowering her voice as she keeps her eyes on the mayor in front of us.

Without another word, he stands from the booth and makes his way to the register. After paying his bill and leaving a tip, the mayor practically rushes from the diner. He doesn’t leave without looking back though. Haley and I are given a deadly glare as he gets in his fancy car and slams the door behind him. I don’t move my eyes until he’s out of the parking lot and heading to wherever he’s going. Probably to make plans against the club.

Looking toward Tyler, I see him on his phone. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that he’s talking to Wicked. My husband is going to lose his fucking mind when he finds out what happened here at the diner today. I ask Haley to get my food to go as I take my first sip of the milkshake that’s been sitting here. My nerves are still shot from the encounter with the mayor and I know I’ll be looking over my shoulder until I know without a doubt he’s locked up or buried where no one will ever find him. He deserves to rot in hell with no reprieve from the torture he deserves.

Tyler gets his meal to go with me and I pay our bill while leaving a tip for the waitress. He leads me back out to the SUV and takes me back to the clubhouse instead of going to the Pit Stop. Wicked doesn’t want me working after what just happened. The stress of the situation could hurt the baby. So, he wants me to get in bed and rest for the remainder of the day. This isn’t something I’m going to argue about for any reason. I don’t want to be around anyone right now and I need to rest more than anything else. All I want is to curl up in bed and be cuddled by my mom. I might be an adult now, but there are always gonna be times where the only person I want is my mom. I’m not ashamed to admit that either. Though, I have a feeling my dad won’t let me out of his sight for very long either. He’s a little bit overprotective of me.

Chapter Nine


I’M AT THE gym finishing up paperwork that’s been sitting on the desk for weeks now when my cell phone goes off. I know Quinn has to work today and that’s why it’s not in my pocket. If something happens, I want to make sure I don’t miss a call or message so I can get to her side if that’s what’s needed. We’ve already been to the hospital once since all this shit started happening. She was having a lot of pain in her stomach and we were both scared as hell about her having a miscarriage. That didn’t happen. I guess it’s another normal part of the pregnancy as her body starts stretching and growing to keep our child safe. The entire club was there for us as we waited to find out what was going on. Steel paced outside of the exam room and glared at anyone who tried to make him leave. Even Harley didn’t try to make him go back to the waiting room. Steel is not someone I want to piss off when it comes to his kids. He’ll rip a person to shreds without even thinking about it. Hell, he’ll probably smile while doing it.

“Tyler, tell me my wife is okay,” I answer the phone, not sure why he’d be calling me.

“She’s okay. I know she’s shaken up, I can see it from the counter. The mayor decided to pay her a visit. I don’t know what was said by either one of them, but Haley didn’t take long to step in and make her presence known. He just left. What do you want me to do?” he questions me, his voice letting me know how scared he is of my reaction to this news.

“Get her back to the clubhouse. Tyler, you did good. Keep an eye on her and make sure no one gets close until she’s back with her parents. I think Brick might be at the clubhouse too. I’ll be there as soon as I can,” I tell him before hanging up.

Calling Steel, I want to give him a heads up before Quinn gets back to the clubhouse.

“Wicked, what’s goin’ on?” he answers, laughter filling his voice as I hear multiple voices in the background.

“Just got a call from Tyler. Quinn was at the diner when the good mayor decided to join her for lunch. He doesn’t know what was said, but can see Quinn’s visibly shaken. He’s bringin’ her back to the clubhouse and I’ll let Goose know she’s not comin’ in for her shift. He can cover it as he said he would with everythin’ goin’ on,” I inform him as Ricochet comes in the office.

“I’ll fuckin’ kill him!” Steel barks out, his voice so loud I pull the phone from my ear and Ricochet hears him. “Don’t worry about your wife. I’ll take care of her until you can get to her. Brick is here today and I’m sure my little princess will want her mom. We’ll get her all the comfort food she wants. Do you know if she actually ate her lunch?”

“Tyler didn’t say. Best case, she brought it back with her. Please make sure she eats. She’s been losin’ weight from the mornin’ sickness and I don’t want to see her lose any more.”
