Page 15 of Terror

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“What seems to be the problem here?” another officer I’ve seen here asks as he comes up to us.

“This asshole just pushed my pregnant daughter down on the floor. If anythin’ happens to my grandbaby, I’ll sue your fuckin’ department and this motherfucker. We were followin’ his directions and there was no fuckin’ need to push her,” my dad answers the officer, not backing off the man who pushed me or taking his eyes off him.

“I see. Is this true, Lopez?” the second officer questions him, his voice letting me know he already knows the answer to the question though.

“I didn’t do a fuckin’ thing. These men and women are fucking criminals and she was resisting,” Lopez lies, his voice raising so everyone can hear him.

“That’s not true!” my mom calls out from over by the bar. “You literally just got her in here and then pushed her to the floor. Didn’t give her a chance to get down on her own or anything. There’s cameras in here and I’m sure Goose will have no problem showing you the footage to see that he’s a fucking liar.”

“She’s lying,” Lopez stammers out, his voice raising again in fear.

“She’s really not. There are cameras all over the place here. Everythin’ gets recorded and we’ll turn it over without hesitation,” my dad tells him. “Now, what the fuck is goin’ on here? Do you even have a fuckin’ warrant to be burstin’ in here like this?”

“I’ve got the warrant. Here you go,” the second man tells us as he hands over the paperwork. “I’ve also talked to Venom and he’s on his way here now. Lopez, get the fuck outside and stay there. You’re not allowed back in this building and we’ll be having a conversation with the chief when we get back to the office. Move, Lopez!”

“You know where you can search. Here’s my gun. It’s registered to me and everyone else here holding a gun also has the paperwork to prove it’s registered to them. None of this shit is illegal. Not to mention we don’t know anythin’ about drugs or guns. That’s not what we’re about. So, get your fuckin’ search done and make sure you talk to Goose about gettin’ the footage from the cameras in here. Once you fuckers are gone, I’ll be takin’ my daughter to the doctor to ensure nothin’ has been done to her. Your officer will be payin’ for that fuckin’ appointment,” my dad states as he sits on the floor next to me and pulls me into his arms while glaring around the room at every police officer currently searching through everything.

“I don’t know what Lopez told the rest of you, but these men and women have helped us in the past. They cooperate and don’t ever hold anything back. If you trash their home, you’ll be staying to repair any damage done and cleaning up the mess yourselves. You stay in the areas the warrant covers and nowhere else. And for fuck’s sake, put the guns away. Do you not see the children all over this room. Use your fucking head,” the officer yells out around the room as the main door opens.

Turning in that direction, Venom and Wicked make their way inside. My husband heads straight for me and no one stops him. Venom also comes our way and talks to the officer in whispered voices. I’m not sure what they’re discussing and it’s not my business. My entire focus gets turned to Wicked as he takes me from my dad’s arms and holds me tight. I bury my face in his body and let the tears silently fall.

“Are you okay?” Wicked questions me, pulling back just enough to look from the top of my head down to my toes and back up again.

“I’m shaken up, but nothing more,” I tell him. “Dad was with me the entire time.”

“I’m sorry about this baby. We’ll get this shit taken care of and forget all about it. Let’s get you sittin’ back down so we can get rid of these fuckers,” Wicked says, helping me into a chair instead of back on the floor.

“You’re supposed to be on the floor. Not sitting in a chair,” an officer says as he makes his way over to us.

“Leave them alone. Can’t you see she’s visibly pregnant? She’s not gonna sit on the damn floor. In fact, everyone, take a seat at the tables in here. None of you should be on the floor,” the man who dealt with Lopez says, not moving or talking to Venom again until everyone is off the floor.

For the next hour we all remain at the tables in the common room. The officers make their way through the clubhouse and report back to the man dealing with Lopez. He doesn’t leave us in the common room alone, but his eyes stay constantly moving as the other officers constantly come and go from the clubhouse. After they’re done searching, the officers all leave. None of the clubhouse is destroyed thankfully as we all make our way through the building and check everything out.

“I’ve rescheduled your appointment, Quinn,” Wicked says, walking up to me after checking in with Goose. “Now, care to tell me why you didn’t mention bein’ pushed to the floor?”

“I didn’t want you gettin’ pissed when all the cops were here. We don’t need you goin’ to jail, Wicked. So, I was gonna tell you about it after they left and we made sure nothing was done to the clubhouse. Did you hand over the recording from Goose?” I return, surprised he’s not forcing me to get checked out after being pushed to the floor.

"We did. Our friend took it in and will make sure to review it personally before goin’ to the chief with the man who pushed you. He’s the one who came in and took over the raid to begin with. Doc is comin’ here soon to check you out. I want to make sure nothin’ happened. For now, why don’t we get somethin’ to eat and then I’ll get you back in bed. I don’t want you up and movin’ about until we know everythin’ is okay,” he says, dashing my hopes about not being checked out because of the shit today.

“Okay, babe.”

Wicked goes to get me a plate of food while my dad does the same for my mom. Neither one of us moves from our seats as we look around the common room. The kids have finally settled down and are already eating whatever was made earlier by the ol’ ladies. The only women not in here with us are the victims and the club girls. I don’t call them what everyone else does because I find it demeaning. However, I will call them club girls because they’re a part of the club in their own way.

I listen to the men talking around me as they wait for the ol’ ladies to get their food or be served something to eat. Most of them are saying this has to do with Horton. That he’s behind this surprise raid on the clubhouse today. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that’s the truth. Horton is a vile asshole and needs to be put down. Hopefully it doesn’t take the club too long to do that. I’m over his shit already and ready for this all to be over with.

Shortly after we get something to eat, Doc comes in and looks me over. She assures us everything is fine and nothing happened when I was pushed to the floor. After letting us know she’ll let my obstetrician know what she found today, Doc leaves and I remain in bed. I want to stay hidden in our room and not worry about anything other than eating and hanging out with Wicked. He doesn’t leave my side for the most part. It’s not until he has to go to church that he leaves me. Then, my mom comes in and hangs out with me while the guys are talking and going over what happened today. I don’t even know how long I last before sleep pulls me under and I pass out in bed curled up to my mom’s body.

Chapter Eleven


AFTER THE CLUBHOUSE was raided with a bullshit warrant, the Pit Stop, garage, and bar were also raided. All this shit is coming from Horton as he tries to fuck with us. No one got arrested or had anything happen to them because we were all cooperative with the police and let them do their thing. It helps that we had a heads up from Tony. He’s our friend on the force and always lets us know what he can ahead of time. It’s not like we had to hide anything because we don’t deal in guns and drugs. Every place the club owns is clean and nothing was found. We were simply given a heads up because Tony didn’t want us to be kept in the dark. We’re doing nothing wrong and this is all because Horton doesn’t want his dirty secrets to become public knowledge.

“Hawkeye, Otter, Ricochet, and Wicked,” Venom calls out, his voice echoing in the silent common room. “My office. Now.”

The four of us get up and head to Venom’s office. We enter the room and close the door behind us. I remain standing against the wall in front of Venom’s desk and wait to find out what’s going on. Venom takes his seat while Otter joins me against the wall with Hawkeye and Ricochet taking the seats in front of us.

“I’m tired of this bullshit. We’re gonna go pay Horton a visit and let him know we’re done with the games. He wants to keep havin’ our businesses and the clubhouse raided for no fuckin’ reason, we’ll let him know we can bring him down with the snap of our fingers with the evidence we have against him. Not to mention the witnesses we have just in the clubhouse alone. If he doesn’t want to listen to reason, then I’m sure we can figure out a way to make him listen. Horton is nothin’ more than a pussy who will cower when confronted with men who won’t take his shit,” Venom says as I smile.
