Page 17 of Terror

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“Not good. We can’t find the fuckers workin’ with Horton and Horton’s tried to make our lives hell by raidin’ the clubhouse and several of our businesses. We just paid him a visit and told him if he doesn’t stop we’ll turn over the evidence we have on him to ensure everyone knows his dirty little secret,” I tell him the bare minimum of what we’re dealing with here.

“How’s Quinn doin’?” he questions, his voice alert letting me know he’s paying attention to me and nothing else right now.

“She’s okay. We just had Doc in here to check her out. When the clubhouse was raided, not only were the kids scared to death by all the guns and yellin’, but she was pushed to the ground when she got to the common room with Steel. She hasn’t been workin’ since then. We’ve got the ol’ ladies and kids on lockdown for now. I can’t keep her locked up in the clubhouse though. She’s got appointments and doesn’t need the added stress of this situation thrown in her face on a daily basis,” I say, blowing out a frustrated breath as I take a seat on top of a picnic table.

“She was fuckin’ pushed to the floor while pregnant? I bet Steel was pissed as fuck. How are they doin’?” my dad returns, anger lacing his voice.

“Steel and Harley are okay. They love bein’ here with us and dotin’ on the kids. Steel was pissed as fuck. You know Quinn’s his little princess and he’s overprotective of her. From what I saw, he was in the cop’s face and went off on him. Tony came in and took care of the situation though. Got all the women and kids up to the tables so they weren’t on the floor and made the officers put their guns away so the kids weren’t scared. From what I’ve heard, the asshole who pushed my wife is ridin’ a desk now and that’s where he’ll be for the foreseeable future,” I inform my dad as he remains on the phone with me.

“You’ll find the assholes. Goose can call up here if he needs to. Heard you had some help from Vault and the guys.”

“We did. They raided a warehouse full of victims and brought them to us. We’re makin’ sure they get the help they need or were sent home to their families. We’re still gonna pay for any help they need in the future because of Horton and his crimes against him. We’ve still got quite a few of them here with us though.”

“Good. Make them see not all guys are complete assholes and out to hurt them. Eventually they’ll move on with their lives and heal. It’s just gonna take time for that to happen. For now, keep doin’ what you’re doin’. If you need me to come down, I will. We all will. This isn’t your mess alone to handle, son.”

“I know. I’m not sure if Wicked has talked to anyone about comin’ down. If you haven’t gotten a call from Grim, then I’m sure he hasn’t. I’m just frustrated and needed to vent so I’m not takin’ this shit to Quinn. She doesn’t need my rage comin’ out in our room or when she’s around. And I don’t want to let the kids see me full of frustration and anger,” I tell him, staring out at nothing in particular.

“I know, son. You can call me at any time you need me. Give Quinn our love and we’ll be down soon to see you. Your mom is gonna wanna be there when our grandbaby is born.”

“I figured as much. We want you here. I’m not sure if Harley will leave before then at this point,” I admit with laughter filling my voice.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if she didn’t. I’m sure Steel doesn’t want to leave either. We don’t need them here so it’s not really a big deal. Nothin’ is goin’ on in our neck of the woods. I want to come down to you just to get my fuckin’ hands dirty,” my dad admits, his voice going soft.

My dad isn’t one to sit on his ass and do nothing. If there’s something going on, he’s right there with the rest of the men in the Wild Kings taking care of business. With everything calming down with them, I’m sure he’s going crazy because he has nothing to do with all the time he has on his hands now. They’ve been doing more charity runs than anything lately. He loves those, but they become boring when you do one after another.

We spend a little more time talking about nothing in particular. When I finally get off the phone with my dad, I head back inside and directly to my room where Quinn’s taking a nap. The morning sickness really zaps all of her energy and she’s started taking a nap at least once a day. Steel and Harley each take turns watching over her and making sure she gets something to eat when she’s awake and can actually stomach food. When I’m there with her, I do the same thing. We all cater to her and make sure she has what she needs when she needs it. Quinn is my entire focus when I’m not out searching for the motherfuckers trying to hurt us or working. While my wife sleeps, that’s usually when I work on the paperwork for the gym. Ricochet brings it to me on a weekly basis so I can handle everything before taking it back and filing it.

For now, I want nothing more than to take a hot shower and let my body loosen up from the tension that’s been filling me for the last few weeks. Going in my room, I find Quinn sleeping in our bed with the blankets covering every inch of her. As quietly as I can, I head to our bathroom where I take the hottest shower I can stand. For a while, I just let the hot water wash down over my body and ease my muscles. Once I’m feeling somewhat normal again, I finally wash my body before getting out. Putting on a pair of sweats after drying off, I climb into bed with my wife and hold her close while watching whatever show she put on before falling asleep. I don’t want to be anywhere else right now.

Chapter Twelve


THE GUYS DECIDED to let us out of the clubhouse long enough to go shopping for food and other necessities. Usually the Prospects would handle this shopping after we make a list for them, but we’re all going stir crazy and need to get out. The only reason we’re being allowed to go out is because we’re gonna have so many men with us, no one will be able to get close enough to hurt any of us. The guys will remain at the clubhouse with the kids and whatever ol’ ladies aren’t going out on this trip today. It was a fight with both Wicked and my dad in order to get them to agree to let me go. When I told them I couldn’t stand being in here for another second and started crying, they finally realized how serious I was. I don’t like going out often, but being in the clubhouse every damn day and not being allowed out is starting to get to me. To all of us. Even the guys and they’re able to leave on a daily basis.

“Are you ready to go?” Vanessa asks as I walk in the common room.

“I’m more than ready to get out of here. Nothing against the club, but I need to see more than these walls or the walls of my bedroom. I’m also running low on ginger ale and crackers. It’s the only thing that helps with the morning sickness. That shit sucks! I thought it would be getting better by now, but that’s not the case with me. This little one doesn’t want me to eat or anything it seems,” I answer, laughter filling my voice because when I’m not sick, I eat like crazy.

“There’s four of us going out today. Your mom is staying back with the kids and others. Some of the club girls wanted to come, but I told them no. This is our trip out and we’re not gonna let them ruin it. That’s what they’d do. I can’t stand them!” Vanessa says, looking around the room as Haley and Willow make their way over to us.

Brantley and two other Prospects join us along with my dad, Ricochet, Bull, and Otter. We’ll have six men on us and I know the only reason my dad’s going is because I am. If I were staying here, my dad would more than likely stay behind as well. However, he’s not going to leave my safety in the hands of anyone but him, my brother, or Wicked at this point in time. There’s too much going on and he wants to make sure no one gets close to me. I’m not sure how he can ensure this, but that’s just how my dad thinks. I’m sure I’ll understand it more once our little one is gone. It’s honestly surprising my mom isn’t going with us. She wants to get out of the clubhouse as much as the rest of us.

“Let’s head out,” my dad says, walking out of the clubhouse first followed by Brantley and one of the other Prospects.

We go out behind the three of them before the rest of the guys follow us out. We’re all surrounded as we make our way to the SUV and get in with my dad behind the wheel. Brantley sits in the passenger seat while we climb in the back. I’m given a seat in the middle so I don’t have to maneuver into the very back of the SUV. The rest of the guys get in another SUV to follow us. I’m surprised we don’t have a third one with us so we’re in the middle of the pack. It’s the guy’s call though and we’re just along for the ride.

“So, how much shit are we gettin’ today?” my dad asks from the driver’s seat as we make our way through town.

“We’ll all have carts and they’ll more than likely be overflowing,” Vanessa answers him as he groans out in response. “We’ve gone through almost everything while being on lockdown. The kids need snacks and three meals a day. We’re feeding the rest of you when you’re there. Usually the only meals we’re preparing are breakfast and dinner. Now, we’ve got snacks to make and lunch for everyone. There’s a lot of us there and we have to have enough of everything to take care of us all.”

“I get it. We’ll grab some carts too,” my dad returns. “Did you guys ask our guests if they need or want anything?”

“We did. I’ve got their lists of things to buy as well. None of them really want much though. I just can’t wait until they start coming out of their rooms more and interacting with the rest of us. A few of the women have come in the kitchen with us to cook a few times. They don’t say much, but we really don’t expect them to,” Haley says, sadness filling her voice when she thinks of everyone staying with us and what they’ve been through.

“What do you need, little princess?” my dad asks, a smirk on his face as he looks at me through the rearview mirror.

“Dad, you really don’t want to ask me that right now. I’m starving and I just ate before we left. You’ll have a full cart just of things I want and crave right now. Wicked had to go out in the middle of the night last night to get me a burger and milkshake because I was in tears for one,” I tell him with laughter filling my voice at the thought of my husband going out in the middle of the night for me.
