Page 19 of Terror

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Laying my head back against the flat as fuck pillow, I don’t let my eyes close so I know when someone enters the room with me. I’ll take in every fucking detail of them so the guys know if he’s not caught when they come save me. These fuckers will not get away with doing this shit. My family will make sure of it. Wicked, my dad, and brother will be leading the charge because I’m theirs and they won’t let anyone else get to me first.

Chapter Thirteen


I’M SITTING IN the common room when there’s a commotion outside in the parking lot. Tires of some vehicle are squealing to a stop as the men all stand up and the ol’ ladies usher the kids from the room. All of us pull our guns and point them at the door as we wait to find out what the fuck is going on. Dread fills me until the door is flung open and I see Steel standing there. There’s a wild look in his eyes that I’ve only seen a few other times. Steel looks around the common room until his eyes land on me. The dread I was feeling seconds ago is now turning to stone cold fear. My heart starts racing and my breathing comes out in shallow pants because I know deep in my soul that this isn’t gonna be good. Something happened to my wife. The love of my life.

“Where is she?” I manage to ask around the lump in my throat. “Where’s Quinn, Steel?”

“Lopez fuckin’ took her. Said she was under arrest for possession of a controlled substance and resistin’ arrest when the clubhouse was raided. The charges are a fuckin’ joke, but I had to let her go. He’s got a fuckin’ gun and I wasn’t gonna risk my little princess bein’ shot because I tried to get her from him. I don’t know where the fuck they took her. Do you have a fuckin’ tracker on her?” Steel says as my heart stops beating in my chest and I almost collapse to the floor.

Otter grabs my arm and he’s the only reason I remain standing as my entire world crashes around me. I can’t make out anything that’s being said around me as Steel makes his way to stand in front of me. He’s talking, but no words are penetrating the fog now surrounding me. All I see is red and the need to do damage fills me. Shaking off Otter’s arm, I turn and grab the chair closest to me. Picking it up, I slam it down on the table it was pushed under. The table jerks to the side as the chair splinters in my hands. Lifting it over my head again, I slam it against the floor until nothing more than small splinters remain. Grabbing another chair, I repeat the process all over again. No one moves close to me as I destroy four chairs and then move on to the table they were surrounding.

Destroying the tables and chairs does absolutely nothing to take any of the rage from me. If anything, it builds up even more.

“Get him fuckin’ locked down!” Venom yells out as Otter and Steel each grab an arm and force me to the floor.

“Son, I know you’re pissed as fuck. I am too. Quinn needs you to calm the fuck down and push your rage aside so you can think and be there when we save her. You goin’ off half-cocked or out of your mind isn’t gonna help the fuckin’ situation. You’re just hearin’ about this shit. I had to watch that motherfucker take my daughter. If you think you’re fuckin’ angry, you got nothin’ on me. I fuckin’ failed my girl. Quinn was right there with me and I fuckin’ let him take her instead of riskin’ her life. Or the life of my grandbaby. So, pull your shit in and keep a fuckin’ lid on it until we get there and take out the fuckers who are responsible for this,” Steel tells me as I turn my head to look at him.

Steel’s one of the strongest men I know and rarely lets anyone see any kind of emotion from him. That shit is saved for Harley and his kids. Right now, this man is crying at my side and it breaks something in me. He’s right. This man had to watch his daughter be taken from him and there wasn’t much he could do about the situation without risking her.

“Steel,” Harley says, walking back in the common room.

She gets to our side and takes one look at the three of us. My mother-in-law knows.

“No!” she screams out, collapsing next to her husband on the floor at my side. “Not my baby!”

“We’ll get her back, Harley. I promise you we’ll get her back,” Steel says, letting go of me and pulling his woman into his arms.

The two of them seek comfort from the other as they cling together. Otter lets go of me but doesn’t leave my side as I take in the scene of my in-laws. Brick isn’t even here. He’s working late. One of us needs to call him. I need to be the one to call him.

“I’m good. I’ve got to let Brick know. He hasn’t been informed about what’s goin’ on yet. If he doesn’t know, he’s gonna lose his shit on all of us,” I state as Harley and Steel pull apart and look at me.

“I can call him, Wicked. Let me be the one to talk to my son. He needs to hear it from me since it happened on my watch,” Steel says, his voice leaving no room for me to argue with him.

“Everyone else, I want your asses in church. Now. Steel, come in the second you get off the phone with Brick. Tell him we’re havin’ church now and to get the fuck here immediately,” Venom says as he leaves the common room and heads to our meeting room.

Otter helps me off the floor and we all walk toward church. I take my seat next to Venom and wait for him to call the meeting to order. I didn’t turn over my gun or phone. In fact, I set my phone on the table in front of me. Venom looks at it, but doesn’t say a word. No one does. If anyone tries to call about some kind of ransom or some shit, my phone won’t be out in the fucking basket with the rest of them. I’ll take that call the second it comes through and answer it so everyone can hear what’s going on.

We’re missing half the table, including Goose as I look around the room. I have no doubt he’s gathering up his laptop and everything else he needs in order to track my wife and find out where the fuck she is. It’s not long before Steel enters the room and takes a seat at the end of the table.

“Brick’s on his way here now. I didn’t want him drivin’, but I can’t tell that boy nothin’,” Steel informs us all.

“Okay. Goose will be here in a second and then we’ll call the meetin’ to order,” Venom returns, leaning back in his chair.

We all sit there for several minutes while waiting on Goose and Brick to show up. No one here will do anything without Quinn’s brother being here. I can’t imagine him doing anything less than losing his shit right now. He’s close to Quinn and I know it’s killing him to think of her being in some asshole’s hands and we don’t know anything about what’s being done to her or who has her. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that Lopez is working with someone else. He’s not smart enough to fucking pull this shit off on his own. Plus, it wouldn’t take much to get him to go against the club even harder since he got in trouble after the last incident we had with him. Well, the one involving Quinn and Steel.

The doors of church fly open to reveal Brick. He looks around the table and walks to his seat as Goose follows in behind him. I can see the pain and rage on Brick’s face as he slumps in his chair. He won’t even look in Steel’s direction and I know this is going to cause some tension between the two of them until we get Quinn back home. That’s not what we need right now as we go out in search of my wife and unborn child.

My thoughts turn to Quinn. She’s still got about two months left of her pregnancy and the stress she’s been under on a constant basis over the last few weeks isn’t doing her any good. I have no clue if Quinn and the baby are even okay right now. The only thing I know for sure is Steel didn’t tell me everything. He’s holding something back from us and I want to know what that information is.

“Meetin’ called to order,” Venom says, slamming the gavel on the table in front of him. “Not everyone in here knows what’s goin’ on right now. Steel, I want you to fill everyone in on what’s goin’ on because even I didn’t hear what you told Wicked.”

“We had no issues goin’ to the store. Went in, shopped, cashed out, and loaded everythin’ up in the SUVs. I was drivin’ the women with Brantley in the passenger seat. Ricochet and the rest of the guys were in the other one. We were on our way back here when we got pulled over. Both Ricochet and I pulled over since we didn’t know which one they were after. That fuckin’ prick, Lopez, went right to Quinn’s door which tells me he must have been watchin’ us in the parkin’ lot from somewhere we couldn’t see.

“Anyway, he got her out of the SUV and I heard her slammed against the side of it. I’m not sure what part of her hit. That’s when I got the fuck out to see what was goin’ on. Lopez had her almost at his patrol car by that point. She wouldn’t even turn to face me so I know my little princess is hurt. Lopez was holdin’ a gun on her so I couldn’t push him. I told her we’d get the lawyer and meet her at the jail. However, the jail is in the opposite direction from what Lopez went when he took off. I came directly back here so we can find out where the fuck my daughter is. Goose, tell me her tracker is workin’,” Steel says, turning and looking at Goose as he continues to type away on his laptop.

“I’ve got her. She’s between here and the next town. There’s a ton of abandoned farm houses and shit out that way. I’ve pulled up the address for where her tracker is flashin’. It hasn’t moved in a little while so there’s nothin’ leadin’ me to believe she’s gonna be moved again. Lopez has her in the house he’ll hold her in until whoever is in charge makes the next move. I have a feelin’ we all know it’s Horton, but there is absolutely nothin’ linkin’ the two of them together. No money or paper trail, no interactions between the two of them, or anythin’ else. I’ve been diggin’ into both of them and if there’s anythin’ between them it’s bein’ well hidden from everyone. I’ve even called in our dads for help and they haven’t found anythin’ yet either. So, we need to come up with a plan and fast. Since we don’t know if she’ll be moved again, I don’t want to risk them takin’ the tracker from her for any reason,” Goose informs us as we all sit and listen to him.
