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“Of course there’s Wi-Fi,” Jessie responds. “It’s just like here… except more remote.”

In a silent exchange, glances dart between the men and me, each expression a reflection of shared apprehension. I’m not liking this one bit. Suddenly, I feel a strong urge to call Veronica and look over my contract again.

As if she’s reading my mind verbatim, Jessie speaks again.

“Look, I hate to bring this up, but you already agreed to this in your contracts.” She runs a hand through her pixie-like hairdo. “We can film anywhere in North America, really. It’s there in black and white.”

“Yeah, but we didn’t account for being eaten by bears,” Bennet grumbles.

“No one is getting eaten by bears,” Jessie reassures him. “It’s perfectly safe.”

“Right. Just because you say so,” Forrest growls, folding his arms over his barrel chest.

I am not remotely reassured by any of this, but I don’t want to fuss. Out of the four of us, I am the one who is the easiest to replace, and I really need the money.

“You never did say where it is,” I remind her meekly, sure that there’s a good reason for this.

“Didn’t I?” Jessie replies innocently.

“No,” we chorus.

“It’s in Rosewater, Montana.”

“Montana!” Gabe is livid, his phone in his hand as he pulls up Google, but I’m too busy gawking to even think about looking at a map.

“That’s almost in Canada!” Gabe declares.

“Who doesn’t love Canadians?” Roy coos.

“I need to think about this,” Forrest says, standing. “Montana?”

“Me too,” Bennet agrees, and it gives me the courage to rise also and follow them into the hallway, Gabe behind us.

“Don’t think too long,” Jessie yells out after us. “We need to continue with filming.”

Gabe shuts the door behind us, and the four of us congregate in the hallway, staring at one another. I look at the men for guidance, hoping one of them will flatly refuse to go so I can follow their lead.

“I can have my lawyers look over the contract for a loophole,” Bennet suggests.

Forrest waves his hand impatiently. “It’s not worth it,” he grouches. “By the time they do, you’ll be out ten grand, and the month will be up. We might as well bite the bullet and get it over with. Who cares? It’s just Montana. It’s not like we’re leaving the country. We all have private planes. Worst case, we fly home when we’re not filming and deal with things back in LA as needed.”

All eyes turn to me.

“That is, if you’re up for it. This is going to be the most awkward for you,” Forrest adds uncomfortably, as if he recognizes I do not, in fact, have any such transportation.

“She can use my jet,” Gabe offers magnanimously.

“She can use mine, too, but that’s not the point,” Forrest growls.

No, the point is, I’m going to be separated from my mom, from Chris, from my place for an entire month… not that the last part was so bad.

I’m touched by Forrest’s concern for me, and I study their collective faces. I barely know them, but somehow, I already trust them.

This can still be my big break. I can’t walk out now. Chris can help me. She can watch over Mom…

“I’m game if you guys are,” I agree, knowing that I really don’t have a choice.

The universe is calling out to me, despite all the doubts that I’m not good enough, that I’m not ready.
