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Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chris giving me a commiserating look. She already knows somehow. Chris and her psychic ways, or maybe she just knows me better than I know myself. Maybe I’d be better off cat-sitting or washing cars like she does. Anything had to be better than constantly having my self-esteem crushed on a weekly basis.

“I might have something else for you,” my agent informs me, taking me aback.

“Another audition?” I ask excitedly, my previous disappointment fading away.

“Yeah…” Veronica falters. “But this is a bit different from what you’re used to.”

My head tilts back in frustration. “Is it another commercial?”

It’s still a paycheck…

“No, it’s a television show?—”

“Perfect! I’m in,” I cut her off, hardly believing my good fortune. When one door closes, another one really does open.

“It’s not something you’ve done before, Stella,” Veronica cautions slowly.

“I don’t care,” I rush to tell her, thinking of the remaining eight dollars and twenty-nine cents that are about to be consumed by bank fees in my checking account. “I’ll take anything right now. When is it? Where?”

“Hang on. I think we should discuss it first.” Veronica pauses, choosing her words with deliberate precision. But I’m already planning my wardrobe for the new screening.

“Sure,” I agree, not listening at all. “Tell me the details.”

I’m going to nail this upcoming audition no matter what, finally making this my big break. The world is going to know my name one way or another. Failure is not an option. I can’t afford it. Mom can’t afford it. I’ve had too many losses already.



I’ve never seen a set like this in my life.

People flock everywhere, pouring out of every hallway in the studio, headsets attached to their ears, chattering all at once, but I remind myself that it’s not a real set, not yet anyway. This has already been explained to me—in a flyby conversation that I’m not entirely sure I understand. This is just where the screening is being done to ensure that I’m a proper fit for the show.

I’ve already met the host, in passing, a smug, gangly type with a full beard and absolutely no attention span. I don’t like him already, but I won’t be seeing much of him—just a few scenes here and there, according to Veronica. Or at least that’s what I think? It’s hard to keep up with any of this.


A hyperactive redhead grabs my arm almost before I see her. She guides me swiftly through the bustling chaos, leading me to a centrally placed clothing rack. There, she positions me in front of a wardrobe consultant awaiting my arrival.

“Uh, hi?” I look around nervously for Veronica. I expect my agent to be there, but ever since arriving on the set ofHeart’s Desire,I haven’t seen a single familiar face. I’m truly on myown here, and I feel completely out of sorts, waiting for some semblance of order, but there doesn’t seem to be one.

“Jessie—Jessica Shaw,” the flame-haired woman with the pixie cut announces before spinning away. “If you need anything, holler at me.”

She hurries away, and I yell out after her. “Who are you?”

Jessie stops and looks at me like I’m an idiot. “I just told you,” she says, a scowl forming on her porcelain face. “Jessie.”

“I know. But, like… what’s your role?”

“Oh. I’m the producer’s assistant. I’m your go-to. You call on me for whatever you need.”

She turns away again, but my questions aren’t finished.

“What am I doing here?” My stomach flutters, and my palms begin to sweat.

A moment of doubt creeps into my mind. Is it too late to back out of this? This is such a stupid, stupid idea.

Jessie swivels back around to look at me blankly. “Wardrobe.” Her brow creases. “I thought you’ve been on a set before.”
