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“Never mind. The reason isn’t important. Whatisimportant is that it stops now. You are not to abandon the crew again for any reason. Is that clear?” Jessie states. Again, she’s staring directly at me. “Stella?”

“I heard you.”

“That’s not what I asked,” Jessie presses.

“Just get rid of her!” the director barks. “It’s clear she’s going to do it again.”

“Kindly shut the fuck up, Roy,” Gabe says pleasantly. “The grownups are talking.”

“I won’t do it again, but…” I stop and look at my castmates. “They’re everywhere, all the time!”

Jessie nods. “Yeah, Stella. That’s the deal. For the next three weeks, they are going to be on your every move. We need every bit of footage we can get for the shows, for promos, for your success. Isn’t that why you wanted to do this? For your success?”

I swallow and bob my head.

“You’re making a mistake keeping her. I’m going to talk to the producers!” Roy fumes, storming toward the door. “She’s already more trouble than she’s worth.” He slams the door in his wake, and I bite on my lower lip.

Gabe rolls his eyes. “That guy is such an asshole. Stella wasn’t even the one who escaped the first time. It was me.”

“You’ll all stop with this shit,” Jessie repeats firmly. “I’m not sure I can play at damage control a second time.”

“We’ll behave,” Forrest intones, casting us a warning look.

I bow my head in agreement as Bennet rolls his eyes, flopping down on the loveseat.

“Please see that you do. We’re going to have to figure out a do-over for tonight, and maybe even for yours and Gabe’s challenge date. The producers aren’t going to appreciate eating the cost of that.”

She looks meaningfully at me, and I wonder if that means my pay is being deducted, but I don’t ask.

“Get some rest. The crew isn’t going to bother you tonight.”

She turns to follow the disgruntled director out of the house, and I lean tiredly against the counter, rubbing the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger.

Strong hands fall on my shoulders and begin to massage gently. I look back to see Gabe, his confident smile offering both comfort and reassurance in the midst of my anxiety.

“Don’t worry about all that,” Forrest tells me from his spot on the couch. “I’ve dealt with a million hotheads like Roy. They’re all bite, no balls.”

I can’t help but snort at his statement.

“But we really should try to stick to the script going forward,” Bennet adds. There’s no anger or judgment in his voice, but Inotice the way he’s watching Gabe rub at my shoulders as if he’s trying to understand what it means.

I’m not even sure I know what it means, but I do know I feel much better knowing I have these three on my side tonight.

My phone chimes, and I look down at the reply.

Chris:No one’s firing you. Your mom is great. Take a deep breath and knock ‘em dead, babe.

Tears of relief fill my eyes, and I exhale the breath I didn’t realize I was holding since I’d been back.

“It’s going to be fine,” Gabe reassures me again. “We’ve got your back, Stella.”

I believe him. We’ll get through this. But it’s going to be a long three weeks.



Iretreat to my room shortly after the lecture from Jessie and Roy, feeling shamed and confused. I’m playing in the big leagues now, not stupid commercials and petty bit parts. I have to take it all more seriously.
